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(Uppdaterat 2023-01-30)senior java-utvecklare
Västra Götalands län, Sweden
Modersmål English, Flytande Svenska
- mysql
- spring
- java
Kompetenser (28)
Spring Boot
Kalman Filters
Business Intelligence
Name: Micheal Swiggs-Malmevik
Nationality: Australian
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married, wife is Swedish and is employed at Sahlgrenska hospital.
Professionell bakgrund
2013-05 - Pågående
Roles and Responsibilities: ○ Creation of project infrastructure, e.g github repository, PGP assistance server.
○ Project promotion.
○ Research and application of cryptographic techniques.
○ Development of demo android app.
○ Integration of google maps within the android app.
○ Ensuring the android app handles user secrets securely.
○ Uploading of android app to android market.
○ Ensuring native libraries function correctly.
○ Development of demo desktop app.
○ Application of the SCrypt algorithm.
2019-08 - 2021-09
○ Working with docker including maintaining scripts and making infrastructure more testable.
○ Educating junior developers on how to use Java and related tools.
○ Helping to move towards an Agile based workflow.
○ Helping to integrate spring boot into the existing microservice architecture.
○ Working with AWS to manage instances, databases & security.
2017-05 - 2019-08
○ Primarily working with Java, Gradle and MySQL.
○ Helping junior developers setup and use programming tools.
○ Speaking at internal conferences talking about tools that benefit developers.
○ Using GraphQL in a web service architecture.
○ Learning to use Kibana in order to track production log output.
○ Using Looker to build graphs & tables for business intelligence.
○ Refactoring legacy systems to improve readability and testability.
2015-06 - 2017-01
○ Developing REST compliant API using Spring Boot.
○ Managing configuration with gradle.
○ Integrating spring-cloud-netflix components for microservice management.
○ Designing and implementing product analytics.
○ Analysing product analytics using R.
○ Designing and implementing intelligent search based on product performance.
○ Designing and implementing custom image rendering system.
○ Responsible for junior developers. Includes task assignment, mentoring and coaching.
○ Experience with AWS including S3 storage, managing ec2 instances and managing opsworks tasks.
○ Devops tasks including deploying ec2 instances.
○ Dealing with issues on the live stack.
○ Integrating with Mongodb.
○ Setting up New Relic monitoring.
○ Developing 3rd party API clients for Mailchimp and Postmark.
○ Running google adword experiments.
Configuring personal owncloud server behind openvpn network.
Duration: Jan 2015 Employer: Self project Roles and Responsibilities: ○ Installing owncloud package onto personal server.
○ Ensuring ubuntu server was configured properly.
○ Creating new MySql database & user.
○ Configuring backups of all user data for owncloud.
○ Configuring web facing openvpn server.
○ Configuring owncloud server as vpn client.
○ Making changes to nginx files.
2014-08 - 2015-01
○ Proper integration of Bootstrap framework.
○ Writing web styling code in Sass.
○ Modification of php codebase, including changes to admin control panel.
○ Integration of google maps for displaying printer locations.
○ Identification of serious security bugs.
○ Rewriting PHP Api for new features and closing security holes.
○ Pushing code to github.
○ Daily scrum meetings involving discussion and planning of tasks on JIRA scrum board.
○ Integration of jQuery.mmenu to achieve sliding menu.
○ Making changes to MySql database and managing rollout from testing until production.
Javascript Developer of Bitcoin Gambling site
2013-08 - 2014-05
○ Modification of php codebase.
○ Decoupling existing html & css.
○ Proper integration of Foundation framework.
○ Integration of the SJCL javascript cryptographic library.
○ Addition of javascript copy & paste.
○ Asynchronous Ajax polling.
○ Reviewing Bitcoin Client startup and security protocols.
○ Installation and configuration of nginx.
2013-05 - 2014-03
○ Integration of sending bitcoins via email using python.
○ Integration of bitcoin transaction checking.
○ Referencing the C++ bitcoin implementation.
2012-12 - 2013-06
○ Creating a chat interface using html/css/javascript and Groovy.
○ Working in a team and interacting with a git code repository.
○ Extending the domain model.
2013-01 - 2013-06
Roles and Responsibilities: ○ Creation and application of Kalman & Extended Kalman Filters in Groovy and Java.
○ Applying filters to datasets.
○ Optimization of routines to increase computational performance.
○ Extensive usage of Groovy metaclasses.
○ Creating a UI in html/css/javascript.
○ Creation, management and modification of databases.
2011-10 - 2012-09
Roles and Responsibilities: ○ Creating the website from scratch.
○ Server management.
○ Creating code that scrapes web blogs.
○ Building suitable databases.
○ Creating the backend and frontend using Grails.
○ Unfortunately this site was closed.
2012-05 - 2012-05
○ Building an application that interacts with a JSON API.
○ Report my experiences to the project maintainer and API developers.
○ Displaying the test application and describing its interactions with the JSON API.
2011-06 - 2011-06
○ Implementing static peer to peer lookup.
○ Working in a team.
○ Working in an open source environment.
Akademisk bakgrund
2025-03 - 2025-03
Kontakta konsult
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