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(Uppdaterat 1+ år sedan)Experienced web developer
Stockholm, Sverige
Modersmål Svenska, Flytande English, Nybörjare German
- PHP (Laravel)
- VueJS
- React
Professionell bakgrund
Front end developer
Revenue Service (IRS)
2019-01 - Pågående
to make sure it looks great on many different
screen sizes. responsive.
Skatteverket is the administrative authority Joy worked well with Varg Arkitekter and for managing Sweden's tax money, the worked iteratively as they wanted a pixel-
Swedish equivalent of the American Internal perfect design. They were very pleased with Revenue Service (IRS). Their website, the result and that the work went very fast have a lot of information, and smooth.
tools and services that companies, and people use every day. Used technologies: Wordpress, PHP,
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Joy is one of the two front end developers
who are building new React components to replace old and outdated front end code and Web developer
screen sizes. responsive.
Skatteverket is the administrative authority Joy worked well with Varg Arkitekter and for managing Sweden's tax money, the worked iteratively as they wanted a pixel-
Swedish equivalent of the American Internal perfect design. They were very pleased with Revenue Service (IRS). Their website, the result and that the work went very fast have a lot of information, and smooth.
tools and services that companies, and people use every day. Used technologies: Wordpress, PHP,
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Joy is one of the two front end developers
who are building new React components to replace old and outdated front end code and Web developer
Web developer
2018-01 - 2019-01
Q1 Joy started there as the only Laravel
developer but also got to jump in and code in Eskilstuna Hundcenter is running a large
Vue.js, as they were not satisfied with the
daycare center for dogs in the city of former frontend developer. Joy built
Eskilstuna. There are a lot of dogs coming everything from registration of clubs and and going every day and today they have an lessons for the search of the activities.
old and outdated system to manage these
dogs. Orangogo was very pleased with Joy's results and they use everything he created. The site
Joy is the only developer and he is building
is fast and responsive. the booking system from scratch in Vue.js.
The application has a modern view and much Used technologies: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript,
Vue.js, MySQL, PHPUnit, Bitbucket, Jira
easier to manage since Joy has developed it for Eskilstuna Hundcenter's different needs.
developer but also got to jump in and code in Eskilstuna Hundcenter is running a large
Vue.js, as they were not satisfied with the
daycare center for dogs in the city of former frontend developer. Joy built
Eskilstuna. There are a lot of dogs coming everything from registration of clubs and and going every day and today they have an lessons for the search of the activities.
old and outdated system to manage these
dogs. Orangogo was very pleased with Joy's results and they use everything he created. The site
Joy is the only developer and he is building
is fast and responsive. the booking system from scratch in Vue.js.
The application has a modern view and much Used technologies: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript,
Vue.js, MySQL, PHPUnit, Bitbucket, Jira
easier to manage since Joy has developed it for Eskilstuna Hundcenter's different needs.
Web developer
2015-01 - 2018-01
Q2 with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Utgivarna was very pleased with Joy's efforts
Natur & Kultur wants to replace all math when the page got one more modern view
books with a digital educational platform and that it now also follows the graphical
called NOKflex. The goal with NOKflex is to profile. Joy adapted quickly after changing
motivate students more easily, but also give the requirements of the project during the
the teacher the right tools to get a better project and could still deliver within the overview of the students' performance. short timeframe. The page should also be
Joy joined the team as the main developer of more easy-navigated since Joy removed
the project and already starting deliver on unnecessarily functionality and text. Using
his first day. Before Joy began, there was a the new categorization of published texts
huge technical debt with a large amount of resulted in a clear breakdown between, i.e.,
old and unstructured code, the product also blog posts and press releases.
lacked a front end framework. NOKflex was Used technologies: PHP, Joomla, JavaScript,
not ready to start selling the product to Bootstrap, jQuery
schools and some of the core features of the product did not work.
Utgivarna was very pleased with Joy's efforts
Natur & Kultur wants to replace all math when the page got one more modern view
books with a digital educational platform and that it now also follows the graphical
called NOKflex. The goal with NOKflex is to profile. Joy adapted quickly after changing
motivate students more easily, but also give the requirements of the project during the
the teacher the right tools to get a better project and could still deliver within the overview of the students' performance. short timeframe. The page should also be
Joy joined the team as the main developer of more easy-navigated since Joy removed
the project and already starting deliver on unnecessarily functionality and text. Using
his first day. Before Joy began, there was a the new categorization of published texts
huge technical debt with a large amount of resulted in a clear breakdown between, i.e.,
old and unstructured code, the product also blog posts and press releases.
lacked a front end framework. NOKflex was Used technologies: PHP, Joomla, JavaScript,
not ready to start selling the product to Bootstrap, jQuery
schools and some of the core features of the product did not work.
Web developer
Nature & Kultur was very pleased with Joy's
2015-01 - 2018-01
efforts and the product has undergone a very
big change since Joy came in as the main Netlight has an evaluation tool that evaluates
developer. NOKflex has become more of a all employees. In the system, the single page application and both the administrators can create new evaluation
performance and user experience has periods as well as maintain and affect
become significantly better. The product ongoing evaluations.
works today and many schools in Sweden has Joy's tasks were primarily to provide support
already replaced its books in mathematics to administrators for the evaluation tool,
with NOKflex. such as writing SQL script to quickly get the desired information that the system could not
deliver. Other tasks were to correct errors in Web developer, Business Analyst
efforts and the product has undergone a very
big change since Joy came in as the main Netlight has an evaluation tool that evaluates
developer. NOKflex has become more of a all employees. In the system, the single page application and both the administrators can create new evaluation
performance and user experience has periods as well as maintain and affect
become significantly better. The product ongoing evaluations.
works today and many schools in Sweden has Joy's tasks were primarily to provide support
already replaced its books in mathematics to administrators for the evaluation tool,
with NOKflex. such as writing SQL script to quickly get the desired information that the system could not
deliver. Other tasks were to correct errors in Web developer, Business Analyst
Scrum Master
2016-01 - 2018-01
When Joy joined the assignment, there were
When Joy joined the assignment, there were
2018-01 - 2018-01
Q2 - 2018 Q3
end developer who is making the journey
Orangogo wanted to build a site where clubs from back end to front end.
and associations in Italy could put up
Used technologies: React, Angular, SCSS, information and courses as after their
Sitevision, Java Spring customers could search for. The search could
be done per activity or sport though also
end developer who is making the journey
Orangogo wanted to build a site where clubs from back end to front end.
and associations in Italy could put up
Used technologies: React, Angular, SCSS, information and courses as after their
Sitevision, Java Spring customers could search for. The search could
be done per activity or sport though also
Web developer
2018-01 - 2018-01
Q3 - 2018 Q4 They were used to working in a certain way when it came to publishing books but had less
Varg Arkitekter had a new design they wanted
knowledge of producing digital products.
to implement on their WordPress site. The There was no agile thinking nor feedback and the team was very depended on their project Used technologies: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript,
manager. Vue.js, MySQL, PHPUnit, Pusher, Azure,
Ubuntu, Git
Joy began to make the client think more
agile and make them understand the purpose
of it. He introduced to work more with Scrum Web developer
Varg Arkitekter had a new design they wanted
knowledge of producing digital products.
to implement on their WordPress site. The There was no agile thinking nor feedback and the team was very depended on their project Used technologies: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript,
manager. Vue.js, MySQL, PHPUnit, Pusher, Azure,
Ubuntu, Git
Joy began to make the client think more
agile and make them understand the purpose
of it. He introduced to work more with Scrum Web developer
2014-01 - 2015-01
The product owners were very pleased with Joy's efforts when he arrived. He quickly Saab owns and manages some outdated
entered the system and could review the systems that require many manual steps to
data from system backlog. He also had to make sure the correct information is in the
come up with quick solutions because the right place. In order to streamline the system was in the middle of an evaluation process, it required a new system to be built
period and there were critical errors that had for communication and providing information
to be solved immediately. to both current and future systems.
Used technologies: Java, JavaScript, Angular, Joy was involved in the project to build an
SQL, Jenkins, TortoiseSVN intermediary to distribute information to other systems. Joy developed an API, that
communicates with different databases,
The product owners were very pleased with Joy's efforts when he arrived. He quickly Saab owns and manages some outdated
entered the system and could review the systems that require many manual steps to
data from system backlog. He also had to make sure the correct information is in the
come up with quick solutions because the right place. In order to streamline the system was in the middle of an evaluation process, it required a new system to be built
period and there were critical errors that had for communication and providing information
to be solved immediately. to both current and future systems.
Used technologies: Java, JavaScript, Angular, Joy was involved in the project to build an
SQL, Jenkins, TortoiseSVN intermediary to distribute information to other systems. Joy developed an API, that
communicates with different databases,
Web developer
2014-01 - 2015-01
Q4 tables, and features in Oracle and MS SQL. He
was also working with the creation of a site
Saab provides a web application to its in SharePoint where users could search
employees in order to handle purchases. All
published documents.
employees can make an order, specify what
to buy, the purchaser, and the person to The new system has minimized many manual
approve the order. The approver and the steps and streamlined how the systems
buyer receive E-mail that the order is communicate together. It has also been
created and can then be linked to the useful to other systems that were not
application's approval process. planning to use this system.
Joy was responsible for the project, had Used technologies: C#, PL/SQL, MS SQL,
regular contact with the client and he was SVN, Data Warehouse, REST API, Entity
Framework, SharePoint 2013, TortoiseSVN, Sql
responsible for all development. The system Developer
has been around from late 2009 and is built with web forms. Joy was also responsible for
new requirements for further development of Web developer
was also working with the creation of a site
Saab provides a web application to its in SharePoint where users could search
employees in order to handle purchases. All
published documents.
employees can make an order, specify what
to buy, the purchaser, and the person to The new system has minimized many manual
approve the order. The approver and the steps and streamlined how the systems
buyer receive E-mail that the order is communicate together. It has also been
created and can then be linked to the useful to other systems that were not
application's approval process. planning to use this system.
Joy was responsible for the project, had Used technologies: C#, PL/SQL, MS SQL,
regular contact with the client and he was SVN, Data Warehouse, REST API, Entity
Framework, SharePoint 2013, TortoiseSVN, Sql
responsible for all development. The system Developer
has been around from late 2009 and is built with web forms. Joy was also responsible for
new requirements for further development of Web developer
SQL Developer
2014-01 - 2015-01
2014 Q1 - 2015 Q2
The client was very pleased with Joy's efforts Saab had a tool that their air engineers used
because he delivered according to set budget to check off plan before departure. This
and timeframe. He helped to streamline system was hard-coded and adapted to two
processes to add and remove purchasers from civil aircraft and built on obsolete the respective department.
Used technologies: C#, ASP.NET (Web forms),
WCF, PL/SQL, TFS, Entity Framework, Joy worked with several other developers to SQL Developer replace BOF with Entity Framework. BOF is an Object Relation Folders just as the Entity
Framework but is more complicated and
worse in performance. Joy replaced all BOF
code to follow best practices for the Entity
Saab was pleased with Joy's efforts in the
project and how he ensured that the performance improved, the code became
easier to read and The application became bookings resulting in fewer errors and thus
more future-proof. increased customer satisfaction.
Used technologies: C# (Winforms), ASP.NET Used technologies: PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
(Webforms), PL/SQL, Entity Framework, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JSON, Codeigniter,
SVN, WCF, TortoiseSVN, Sql Developer MySQL
Web developer, Business Analyst
The client was very pleased with Joy's efforts Saab had a tool that their air engineers used
because he delivered according to set budget to check off plan before departure. This
and timeframe. He helped to streamline system was hard-coded and adapted to two
processes to add and remove purchasers from civil aircraft and built on obsolete the respective department.
Used technologies: C#, ASP.NET (Web forms),
WCF, PL/SQL, TFS, Entity Framework, Joy worked with several other developers to SQL Developer replace BOF with Entity Framework. BOF is an Object Relation Folders just as the Entity
Framework but is more complicated and
worse in performance. Joy replaced all BOF
code to follow best practices for the Entity
Saab was pleased with Joy's efforts in the
project and how he ensured that the performance improved, the code became
easier to read and The application became bookings resulting in fewer errors and thus
more future-proof. increased customer satisfaction.
Used technologies: C# (Winforms), ASP.NET Used technologies: PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
(Webforms), PL/SQL, Entity Framework, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JSON, Codeigniter,
SVN, WCF, TortoiseSVN, Sql Developer MySQL
Web developer, Business Analyst
2015-01 - 2015-01
Q3 - 2015 Q3 across the organization. The team's project
Utgivarna had a website that was old-
manager got more time and the team became
fashioned and unstructured. They wanted to significant more self-organized.
modernize and structure the page, primarily
Today, all teams that work in digital because it was difficult to navigate for its
development at Natur & Kultur is working users. Utgivarna also wanted to categorize
with different variations of Scrum. The client the different types of texts they published to was very pleased with Joy's work to get both the site.
their team and other teams to work more
Joy was responsible for the project and had
structured and effective.
regular contact with the client. He was
Used technologies: Scrum, Jira responsible for the development and the releases. The website used a CMS called
Utgivarna had a website that was old-
manager got more time and the team became
fashioned and unstructured. They wanted to significant more self-organized.
modernize and structure the page, primarily
Today, all teams that work in digital because it was difficult to navigate for its
development at Natur & Kultur is working users. Utgivarna also wanted to categorize
with different variations of Scrum. The client the different types of texts they published to was very pleased with Joy's work to get both the site.
their team and other teams to work more
Joy was responsible for the project and had
structured and effective.
regular contact with the client. He was
Used technologies: Scrum, Jira responsible for the development and the releases. The website used a CMS called
App developer
2013-01 - 2013-01
Q1 - 2013 Q2
Codeigniter, he lifted the team and limited
2013-01 - 2013-01
in the Joy was responsible to evaluate different project together in a team with six people.
cross-platform tools to avoid developing for With his skills and experience with
all different platforms because time was Codeigniter, he lifted the team and limited. He examined the various tools as streamlined the delivery.
well as to investigate which tools that are
still being updated and used. Joy also took the role of a business analyst to ensure that the new site had the right
Joy tested 5 different tools and three quality, which meant that he had close
different frameworks and then chose to work contact with the client. with one of them.
Ericsson was pleased with the result and the
Joy's thorough preparation made the system is used today for support cases for all
developers who took over the project, could the different Ericsson offices in the world.
easily get started and develop the new
Used technologies: PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
CSS, Codeigniter, MVC, JQuery, Bootstrap,
Used technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, SVN
C#, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Visual
Studio, PhoneGap, Xamarin, Appcelerator
Titanium, Icenium
cross-platform tools to avoid developing for With his skills and experience with
all different platforms because time was Codeigniter, he lifted the team and limited. He examined the various tools as streamlined the delivery.
well as to investigate which tools that are
still being updated and used. Joy also took the role of a business analyst to ensure that the new site had the right
Joy tested 5 different tools and three quality, which meant that he had close
different frameworks and then chose to work contact with the client. with one of them.
Ericsson was pleased with the result and the
Joy's thorough preparation made the system is used today for support cases for all
developers who took over the project, could the different Ericsson offices in the world.
easily get started and develop the new
Used technologies: PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
CSS, Codeigniter, MVC, JQuery, Bootstrap,
Used technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, SVN
C#, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Visual
Studio, PhoneGap, Xamarin, Appcelerator
Titanium, Icenium
Web developer
Eskilstuna Hundcenter
2013-01 - 2013-01
Q2 - 2013 Q3
Since Eskilstuna Hundcenter can have up to
40 dogs in different rooms, they need a
booking system that can handle booking
these rooms digitally. All dogs must be in a
database with searchable information about the owner, dog and date and time of arrival.
This will be administered through a website
only available to the employees.
Joy developed everything from scratch to the client's requirements. He applied his
knowledge of how to build a responsive
website with Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, and Codeigniter (PHP).
The booking system has streamlined and saved both time and money for the company.
The company has also gained better oversight
Since Eskilstuna Hundcenter can have up to
40 dogs in different rooms, they need a
booking system that can handle booking
these rooms digitally. All dogs must be in a
database with searchable information about the owner, dog and date and time of arrival.
This will be administered through a website
only available to the employees.
Joy developed everything from scratch to the client's requirements. He applied his
knowledge of how to build a responsive
website with Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, and Codeigniter (PHP).
The booking system has streamlined and saved both time and money for the company.
The company has also gained better oversight
Akademisk bakgrund
Master of Computer
Linköping University
2008-01 - 2013-01