system developer
Office of Duty and Remedies
2020-04 - Pågående
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods ANT, Gradle, GIT, Atlassian Jira, Java/Java EE, DbVisualizer, Netbeans, IntelliJ, Informix Database, Java Swing, Docker, Kubernetes Mission Statement: Security classified SUMMARY COMPETENCE
system developer
Volvo Trucks
2020-03 - 2020-04
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods Atlassian Jira, Bitbucket, CANoe, Confluence, Python Mission Statement: Development of tests and test rigs for Volvo Trucks. This included both development and execution of tests for internal communication modules on Volvo truck platforms for sensors, infotainment systems etc.
system developer
Tickster AB
2019-05 - 2020-02
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods Atlassian Jira, C# .NET, Confluence, Visual Studio Mission Statement: Implementation of a range of new functionalities but also maintenance and improvements to existing functionality.
system developer
Office of Duty and Remedies
2018-07 - 2019-05
Scope: 50-100% Techniques & Methods IBM AIX, Informix Database, Java/Java EE, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Sourcesafe, Microsoft Windows 2000, Payara J2EE Server, Sun Solaris Mission Statement: Security classified © Consid AB? 4
system developer
2018-06 - 2018-09
Scope: 50% Techniques & Methods Linux, Redhat, SNMP, Java, IPMI, Python Mission Statement: Development of certification process for 3:e-part server hardware vendors supported by Ericsson HDS. Initiated work with server related protocols such as IPMI and SNMP.
System Developer
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods Git, iOS, Objective-C Mission Statement: Bug fixing and relaunch of an iOS app aimed at next generation self-service for commerce.
system developer
2017-09 - 2018-05
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods GitLab, Java/J2EE, JSF, Oracle Database, SAML 2.0, Web Services, Wildfly Mission Statement: Implement support for eIDAS following the requirement for all public authorities to support European digital IDs.
Restructure to support a more flexible model for 3:e digital ID providers.
System Developer
Oracle Svenska AB
2016-12 - 2017-09
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods Scrum, Xcode, AppCode, Swift, REST, Objective-C, TeamCity Mission Statement: Design, development and testing of SDK for iOS including graphical components to simplify application development against Oracle's cloud-based portfolio of WebRTC-based products. This SDK allows an app developer to quickly develop new or modify existing apps with functionality for communicating with customers. App developers can use a flexible and configurable graphical component or write their own, and use the underlying SDK.
This allows for audio/video/screen sharing/spotlighting as well as chat. Development was conducted in parallel with Android, where both SDKs offered the same capabilities for the app developer both API-wise and functionally.
The project also included the development of a demo application that was used at Oracle Open World 2017 to demonstrate Oracle's new LX/CX (Live Experience/Customer Experience) product line.
System Developer
Oracle Svenska AB
2015-12 - 2016-12
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Scrum, Java/J2EE, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB, MySQL, J2EE, Weblogic, JPA, Oracle Coherence, REST Mission Statement: Design, development and testing of a microservice for searching and retrieving media data produced by Oracle's WebRTC solution.
System Developer
ChillCore AB
2016-01 - 2016-09
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods Scrum, Xcode, Swift, REST, Node.js, Git, J2EE Mission Statement: Design, development and testing of a mobile app for smart home control and media management. The app allows customers to control all aspects of their home such as lighting, sensors and locks. The app also allows the customer to stream the TV content they receive through their provider to their phone, or separate media players. This also allows the customer to take their own cable-based TV content abroad on holiday, or overseas service etc. The app was also developed for Android.
This app was also further developed with a focus on conference/hotels where functionality to control projectors and AV-centers was added. A custom UI was developed, with the final product being an iPad-adapted version for wall mounting.
© Consid AB? 3
System Developer, Scrum Master
Oracle USA
2014-12 - 2015-11
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Scrum, Java, IntelliJ, TeamCity, HSS, Diameter Protocol, REST Mission Statement: Protocol conversion project between Diameter and Oracle products in billing/user data for the telecom sector.
System Developer
Oracle USA
2014-01 - 2014-09
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Scrum, Java/J2EE, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB, MySQL, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle Coherence, REST Mission Statement: Development of a distributed/memory database for user profiles for the Oracle WebRTC Session Controller.
System Developer
Oracle USA
2011-01 - 2014-01
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Java, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB,MySQL, J2EE, Weblogic, JSF, JDO/JPA, Rule Engines Mission Statement: Development of a PCRF node targeted for converged telecom networks (SIP/SS7/LTE).
© Consid AB? 2
System Developer
Oracle USA
2010-01 - 2011-01
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Java/J2EE, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB, J2EE, Weblogic, JSF, JDO/JPA, Oracle ADF Mission Statement: Development of a web-based ad serving platform targeting converged telecom networks.
System Developer
Oracle USA
2008-09 - 2010-01
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Java/J2EE, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB, J2EE, Weblogic, Web Services/REST, CORBA, SMPP, MLP Mission Statement: Development of Oracle's Services Gatekeeper. Oracle's API management product line.
system developer
BEA Systems
2005-03 - 2008-08
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Java/J2EE, IntelliJ, TeamCity, Oracle DB, MySQL, Weblogic, Parlay, CORBA, SMPP, MLP Mission Statement: Development of BEA Services Gatekeeper. BEA implementation of Parlay/ParlayX server.
system signer
Incomit AB
2000-09 - 2005-03
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: Java, IntelliJ, TeamCity, MySQL, CORBA, Parlay, MLP Mission Statement: Development of Incomit's Parlay and JAIN-based product line. Mostly in the core framework, payment and geobased parts of the Parlay specification.
Systems Engineer
Ericsson Infotech AB
1998-09 - 2000-09
Scope: 100% Techniques & Methods: C++, Epoc32/Symbian, ClearCase Mission Statement: Development of the Epoc32/Symbian client side of the Ericsson EVO product.