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(Päivitetty 2020-05-02)Software Developer
Aloittelija Danish
- Data Analasis
- Machine Learning
- Python
Taidot (6)
Service Desk Operator
2018-02 - Nykyhetki
Netcompany. Active employment.
Teaching Assistant
Big Data Processes, IT University of Copenhagen
2019-01 - 2019-01
May 2019 Planning and execution of exercise classes in close collaboration with the course manager.
ITIL, Windows AD, Incident Managent
2018-01 - 2018-01
Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange Servers.
Service Desk Operator
2017-04 - 2017-04
CIMT Service Desk.
Ultimo July As the single point of contact for thousands of users CIMT servicedesk handles and
Ultimo July As the single point of contact for thousands of users CIMT servicedesk handles and
On-site IT Support, Studenterholdet
Diagnostisk Center
2016-10 - 2016-10
- Rigshospitalet.
- January Intense 24/7 On-site support at Rigshospitalet during the second phase of the implementa-
2017 tion of "Sundhedsplatformen". I worked in a newly created team responsible for solving or
escalating end-user incidents in close collaboration with CIMT, DIA and the on-site external
teams from Microsoft and EPIC.
- January Intense 24/7 On-site support at Rigshospitalet during the second phase of the implementa-
2017 tion of "Sundhedsplatformen". I worked in a newly created team responsible for solving or
escalating end-user incidents in close collaboration with CIMT, DIA and the on-site external
teams from Microsoft and EPIC.
2024-11 - 2024-11
MSc in Software Development
IT University of Copenhagen ITU
2020-05 - 2018-01
BSc in Physics
Niels Bohr Institute
2020-05 - 2017-01