Experienced Dynamics NAV - BC Consultant Cope

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(Päivitetty 2021-10-14)

Experienced Dynamics NAV - BC Consultant


Äidinkieli Swahili, English, Aloittelija Danish

  • Laravel
  • Dynamics NAV
  • BC Central

Taidot (18)






Currency Exchange



Dynamics NAV











easee bv

2016-01 - 2017-01

Holland (www.easee.online)
• Former co-founder and designer of the world first CE-certified and clinically proven
online eye test tool
Microsoft Development Center Denmark

2000-01 - 2016-01

Dynamics NAV, Version 3.0 to 9.0

• Led overall design with a team of 6 engineers to enable integration to electronic
services such as sending and receiving of PEPPOL compliant documents from providers; import of bank statements and automatic reconciliation; automatic import
of currency exchange rates, OCR integration services, including integration to Workflows for such services.
• Collaborated with cross functional teams to integrate Microsoft CRM Social
Engagement feature into 4 NAV for 3 functionality areas: customers, company, and items.
• Created a code duplication detection tool to increase code maintainability of 300K
lines of code. All new code had to pass a gated threshold metric to be accepted.
• Guided a team of 6 engineers developing Microsoft Dynamics C5 2015, an ERP offering targeting small businesses for the Danish market. Additionally, extended
design of items to support both product and services concepts.
• Conceptualized and prototyped using Word as a report designer to NAVs leadership
team. It was productized and has well-received by partners and customers.
• Created a code coverage tracking tool along with 2 other engineers. It has helped
improve feature work quality and allows management to use code coverage as exit
• Led the overall design and coded key components with a team of 8 engineers to develop assembly/kitting with integrations to warehousing, sales, manufacturing,
planning, costing, and pricing functionalities.


• Implemented integration of Jobs & Services Mgt. modules with the MRP engine in NAV 5.
• Recognized with Engineering Excellence Award together in team of 5 for the test
automation framework; designed and implemented the test runner and page
• Wrote the code transformation part of the Transformation Tool. It was used to automate conversion of 1500+ legacy forms to page concepts for the new 3-tier role
tailored client.
• Created a code static analysis detection tool for design, style, localization violations.
The tool has since been used to gate all application code for 8 years now.
• Extended design of inventory average cost calculation algorithm to support month,
week and month periods. Also enabled efficient real-time calculation of COGS.
• Devised a method of rolling down of inventory expected costs; increasing transparency of the inventory calculation and making code maintainable.
• Designed improved upgrade tool experience as part of a task force for NAV 4.0
• Redesigned fully sales and purchase prices & discounts algorithms in NAV 3.10. Its
code has remained intact since 2001.
• Streamlined design of manufacturing with inventory costing to increase performance.
• Designed and implemented some of core aspects of the returns orders in NAV 3.10.
• Rewrote inventory costing related reports and statistics for Navision 3.0 as part of the Costing Task Force.
Motochini aps

2016-01 - 2016-01

- Copenhagen Denmark (www.motochini.com)
• Founder and designer of subscription-based developer tools for Dynamics NAV and BC consultant and developers. Currently having 500+ users.
• Worked as a solution architect on projects for Oerlikon, Adidas, Daiwa, Microsoft in partnership with tso Nuremberg.

1998-01 - 1999-01

Lead consultant for installation, training, customization, and support of Navision 2.1
for Uganda Chicken project: including inventory, basic manufacturing, finance
• Implemented customizations and support in Uganda for MTN Publicom; Ministry of Water, Lands and Environ.; High Courts of Justice; RUWASA; Royal Danish Embassy
• Lead consultant for installation, training, customization, and support of Navision 2.1
for the Dyno Nobel Zambia pilot project.


Executive MBA

2014-01 - 2016-01

MSc. in Multimedia & Games
IT University

2005-01 - 2008-01

University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania

1995-01 - 1998-01

Ota yhteyttä konsulttiin
