Full Stack Developer Oslo, Norway

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Full Stack Developer

Oslo, Norway

Innfødt Albanian, Flytende English, Nybegynner Italian

  • Experienced in Javascript, php and software development
  • Experienced in diversified projects
  • Interested in game development and IOT

Ferdigheter (9)

php (Vanilla, Laravel, Lumen)





React Native





Full stack developer Deda has a track record of success in the computer software industry. He has professional experience with Wordpress as well as Javascript, PHP, and software development. He has used a variety of frameworks and libraries, including Laravel, Vuejs, React.js, jQuery, and React Native.

Deda describes himself as someone who is very positive, who seamlessly integrates into the team, and who is constantly looking for the next assignment even when no one gives him instructions. someone who completes assignments on schedule and assists coworkers. Deda considers himself on being a highly cooperative individual.  He has prior pair-coding experience. He has a lot of interest in game development and IOT.   In a non professional experience he used C# in game development for fun using Unity . Additionally, he used C++ to program an Arduino to control a farm irrigation system via the internet. He will be relocating to live in Oslo so he can work onsite or remote and start by 1st of September.


Full Stack Software developer
Know How SHPK

2022-08 - Nåværende

Albania - Develop React.js applications - Write microservices in php using Laravel Framework. (Laravel / Lumen) - Maintain existing projects in php (Zend / Laravel / Lumen) by fixing bugs and creating new features - Write code and find innovative solutions for common problems - Integrate software components and third-party programs - Testing and deploying features and applications - Assign tasks to team members - Review code pushed by team members in Git - Communicate with the marketing team to specify the requirements for the next features and create new tasks on Trello/Jira - Setup Docker - Setup servers in AWS instances for our microservices
Application software developer

2017-05 - 2021-10

GotaNews Part Time - 05/10/2017 - 09/10/2021 -Tirane, Albania - Created Wordpress custom theme from scratch for https://gotanews.tv/ online media - Developed & published new features
Web Application Developer
PlanetApp LTD

2019-07 - 2021-09

Albania - Created Wordpress custom theme from scratch for https://gjejbiznese.com/ online business listing company - Developed and published new features Web developers - Procodev
Web Application Developer
Gjej Biznese

2018-07 - 2021-09

Albania - Coding in JavaScript, PHP, and other relevant web design coding languages - Maintained existing websites and services - Maintained servers and solve errors related to Linux servers - Troubleshoot website problems - Backed up files from Web sites to local directories for recovery - Selected user needs by analyzing technical requirements - Evaluated code to ensure it meets industry standards - Stay up-to-date on technology - Used chrome performance tools to improve loading speed of websites, Implement lazy-loading technique for images or components to improve performance Nornir AS | Foretaksregisteret NO 999 546 269 | www.nornir.io | (+47) 482 01 265 2 (6)
Web developers
PlanetApp LTD

2017-02 - 2019-08

- Tirane, Albania - Designed and implemented php (Laravel) based applications - Designed and implemented user interface components for JavaScript-based web and mobile applications using React ecosystem - Worked as a part of a small team that includes other react native developers, designers, QA experts, and managers Build app and UI components from prototypes and wireframes - Worked with Expo platform - Used Native APIs for tight integrations with both platforms - Android and iOS Create front-end modules with maximum code reusability and efficiency Work with third-party dependencies and APIs - Worked with Redux architecture to improve performance of the mobile apps - Coordinate with the cross-functional teams to build apps

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