Kan være tilgjengelig
(Oppdatert %updatedDate %)Full Stack Developer
Oslo, Norway
Innfødt Albanian, Flytende English, Nybegynner Italian
- Experienced in Javascript, php and software development
- Experienced in diversified projects
- Interested in game development and IOT
Ferdigheter (9)
php (Vanilla, Laravel, Lumen)
React Native
Full stack developer Deda has a track record of success in the computer software industry. He has professional experience with Wordpress as well as Javascript, PHP, and software development. He has used a variety of frameworks and libraries, including Laravel, Vuejs, React.js, jQuery, and React Native.
Deda describes himself as someone who is very positive, who seamlessly integrates into the team, and who is constantly looking for the next assignment even when no one gives him instructions. someone who completes assignments on schedule and assists coworkers. Deda considers himself on being a highly cooperative individual. He has prior pair-coding experience. He has a lot of interest in game development and IOT. In a non professional experience he used C# in game development for fun using Unity . Additionally, he used C++ to program an Arduino to control a farm irrigation system via the internet. He will be relocating to live in Oslo so he can work onsite or remote and start by 1st of September.
2022-08 - Nåværende
2017-05 - 2021-10
2019-07 - 2021-09
2018-07 - 2021-09
2017-02 - 2019-08