Senior Project Manager Kouvola, Suomi

Saattaa olla saatavilla

(Päivitetty 2024-10-30)

Senior Project Manager

Kouvola, Suomi

Äidinkieli Finnish, English, Spanish, Aloittelija Svenska, German

  • Agile Project Management
  • Scrum
  • Kanban

Taidot (6)

Project Management


Agile Project Management



Microsoft Azure


Senior Project Manager
Punos Mobile Oy

2023-04 - Nykyhetki

My priorities at Punos are leading agile project teams and internal working methods and practices development.

Accentur Oy

2010-10 - 2013-01

Responsibilities and achievements:

SÄHKE2 and VAPA project management (Ministry of Internal Affairs/Finnish Immigration Services)

Healthcare system architecture design (XDS, HL7, DICOM, integrations, imaging)

Workshop facilitation and project management in developing the strategy for national health data register (Taltioni)

Sales support and after sales.

Cetecom SA

1999-03 - 1999-10

Responsibilities and achievements:

Software development for GSM antenna radiation testing

International CE approval testing of telecommunication equipment

Working language: Spanish

Program Manager

2007-08 - 2009-03

Responsibilities and achievements:

Management of eInvoicing and ePayroll projects

Service platform requirements development management

ITSM software deployment support

Subcontractor management

Project Manager, System Engineer
Datawell Oy

2009-04 - 2010-10

Responsibilities and achievements:

Radiology department reporting architecture planning and implementation

Cost management system design and implementation

Data warehouse and Business Intelligence requirement specification and implementation

Senior Consultant, Partner
Salivirta & Partners Oy

2013-01 - 2016-08

Responsibilities and achievements:

Technical project manager and strategy consultant, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs: “Functional analysis and roadmap (product development and rollout) design for dental healthcare systems for national patient record archive (Kanta) integration”

IHE Finland co-chair and project manager, HL7 Finland: “IHE Finland project coordination” between 2013 and 2015

Technical project manager, Kela: “Functional design of patient record archival in Kanta”

Visiting lecturer at Tampere University of Technology

Project sales and after sales activities

IPMA-C certified Project Manager and SAFe certified Scrum Master
Telia Cygate Oy

2016-08 - 2021-12

Responsibilities and achievements: 

Leading projects in the fields of cybersecurity, telco networks, data center and system migration, Azure cloud, Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IT Service Management development as Product Owner and Scrum Master

2 x SAFe certified (Scrum Master, Agilist)

IPMA-C certified Project Manager

Product Manager, Healthcare
Commit; Oy

2000-12 - 2007-08

Responsibilities and achievements:

Leading software development of mammography screening information system

Leading implementation projects in Finland, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany

Healthcare system migration project delivery and management

Radiology System architecture and user interface design and development, configuration management 

2002 – 2003 Software developer, healthcare system development and maintenance 

12/2000 – 2002 Consultant, banking systems and mobile applications

Project Manager, Consultant

2021-12 - 2022-06

Responsibilities and achievements:

Wellbeing services county implementation strategy planning

Wellbeing services county legislation / health and social care legislatory issues

Account manager for Finland’s national institutions for health and social care (Kela, THL, DVV, etc.)

Working methods development and agile coaching


MBA, International Business Administration

2021-02 - 2024-10

B.Sc. Engineering
Mikkeli Polytechnic

1997-07 - 2001-05




Professional Scrum Master 1


Google Cloud Digital Leader


Ota yhteyttä konsulttiin
