
Saattaa olla saatavilla
(Päivitetty 2021-04-26)Senior Developer
Copenhagen, Danmark
Äidinkieli Danish, English, Sujuva Norwegian, Aloittelija German, Aloittelija Italian
- Nogle års erfaring med C# og .NET
- Nogle års erfaring med Python
- 25+ års erfaring med Java, Kotlin og Event Sourcing (Big Data)
Taidot (84)
Java Server Pages
Business Analysis
Visual Basic
(Danish) Torben har over 20 års erfaring fra full-stack systemudvikling
og arkitektur indenfor Java - han har også god erfaring med
C++ og C# fra forskellige projekter og stillinger. Han er
uddannet Bachelor i Computer Engineering ved
Ingeniørhøjskolen i København og er tungt certificeret på Java
Gennem opgaver hos kunder inden for blandt andet telecom,
offentlig sektor, e-handel og interaktion har han benyttet et
bredt spekter af udviklingsværktøjer, metoder, rammeværk,
middleware og databaser. Han har også indgående erfaring
inden for Big Data og Event Sourcing.
Torben har indgående kendskab og erfaring indenfor de mest
brugte teknologier på java platformen. Han har fulgt
udviklingen tæt siden han var færdig med sine studier og er
opdateret og meget godt orienteret på området.
Torbens referencer beskriver ham som en meget dygtig og
hårdt arbejdende udvikler. Han arbejder målrettet og han
sætter sig hurtigt ind i de løsninger, han arbejder med,
Torben Vesterager
samtidig med at han får sit domænekendskab på plads. Han
beskrives som social og hyggelig person som let bliver
inkluderet i både det formelle og uformelle samvær på
2019-01 - 2019-01
• OpenJDK 8
• AWS Lamba, Step Functions, SQS, SNS, etc.
• AWS S3 bucket as Maven repo instead of Nexus or
• Jenkins (CI/CD)
• Daily SCRUM standups, sprint planning meetings incl.
planning poker, retrospective meetings resulting in 2-3
action points for next sprint.
2018-01 - 2018-01
(through Accuro & Fujitsu)
Worked on stabilizing the feature tests (and the DT platform)
and getting the CI/CD (Jenkins) going with nightly builds & deployments and running the test suites against the various
Stuff used:
• IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1
• Selenium 3.11 incl. Selenium Grid
• Java 6 → 8 upgrade
• Ant → Maven upgrade incl. maven-release
Torben Vesterager
• Docker 18.05.0-ce incl. docker-compose
• Ansible 2.6.0 incl. ansible-playbook
• Daily SCRUM standups, sprint planning meetings incl.
planning poker, retrospective meetings resulting in 2-3
action points for next sprint.
2021-04 - 2017-01
• Design system (node, npm, gulp)
o Design library (SCSS, sass-lint, sourcemaps CSS → SCSS, cleancss, imagemin, svgmin, etc.)
o Component library (React & JSX w. Babel - converted from JSX to TypeScript)
• Atlassian JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket
• Hudson 3.3.2 (oldschool CI/CD ☺)
• SonarQube(TM) 4.3.2 (incl. sonar-maven-plugin)
• Splunk 6.5.2
2016-01 - 2017-01
Integrated the KLP web site CMS (Polopoly) with the design
system - a frontend framework for creating responsive web
pages - first business area to use the new design system is
fund, which was released the 3rd of April 2017.
The design system consists of the design library and the component library - ideally we would build the site only using
components (with server-side rendering to lower the initial performance demands on the client browser)
Stuff used:
2016-01 - 2016-01
(through Gazelle & Tata Consultancy Services)
Worked with the Vipps development team from TCS. Almost
all efforts were on raising the discipline within the team - using
separate VCS accounts, not to commit code that breaks
compilation in the main branch, etc. Also cleared out Sonar
critical and major issues and implemented release versioning.
Stuff used:
• Java 7 (because of WAS 8.5.5)
• Spring 4.2.1 REST services with Jackson 2.6.5
• Hibernate 4.2.7
• Oracle Database 11g EE Release (64-bit)
• IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.1
• Bamboo 5.9.2 (CI/CD)
• SonarQube 5.1.1
• Postman 4.1.3 (for automated tests of REST services)
2015-01 - 2015-01
Originally a 1 year contract, but it was cut short due to the oil
Torben Vesterager
crisis. Worked on reviving a dormant since 2013 piece of software called MEPO - and it was mostly upgrading the file
I/O code to be able to handle updated file types from the
simulators Eclipse & Intersect - focus was on expanding the unit tests.
Stuff used:
• IntelliJ 14.1.5 - 14.1.6, Apache Maven 3.3.3, git 2.6.3
• Mockito 1.9.5, Jukito 1.1, Guice 3.0,
• Hudson 3.0.0 (CI/CD)
2013-01 - 2015-01
Tele2's IRIS is a highly configurable system, where a large
part of new development consists of configuring products and rules for the rule engine.
Involved in many Tele2 customer oriented projects including
'Familierabatt', 'Kontroll', data usage notification by SMS,
PakkeSMS, subscription upgrade via. SMS (later also via. App & Web), data package top-up via. SMS (again later also via. App & Web). And finally at the core of configuration & analysis when we simplified the existing data buckets for integrating
DigitalRoute PCRF in order to decide speed etc. on a per
bucket level, rather than per subscription as in HLR/HSS.
Other projects included feature tests (which were actually just
testing our own product & rule configuration and didn't include
external systems), batch processing of subscriptions including
reestablishment of lost equipment fees (due to system bugs) and a simple, intuitive interface for integration with Elkjøp's
webshop (StandardAPI)
The most important improvement however was CTRL - a
product- & rule viewer (before there was only TOAD/SQL Developer to get an overview of the products & rules). This
was a modern webapp in Java 8, Spring 4.1 + Jackson 2.4,
AngularJS 1.3 bundled with jetty-runner.
Team tools:
• Subversion 1.7 with only 1 main branch (moved to Git + began to use git-flow branching strategy in February, 2014 -
6 months after I suggested it)
• JIRA 5.2 - 6.3.6, Confluence 5.1 - 5.6.3
• Bamboo 4.4.5 - 5.6.1 (CI/CD - argued that Jenkins would
provide better insight into code quality by being able to display static code analysis and test coverage on the front
page - but it was later decided to use SonarQube on
APIs / Languages:
• Apache POI (for MS Excel logging in feature tests - put JFreeChart's into cells)
• Groovy 2.2 - 2.3.7 (incl. spock 0.7 for feature tests)
• HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery
• Jackson 1.9.13 - 2.4.2
• JDO 3.1 & DataNucleus 3.2.x
Torben Vesterager
• Joda-Time 2.3
• JUnit4 integration tests (incl. H2 in-memory DB with Oracle dialect)
• slf4j-1.7.5 (incl. log4j-over-slf4j & splunk)
• Spring 3.2.4 - 4.1.1
• Spring Web Services 2.2.0 (Contract (XML schema) first
for the StandardAPI project)
Dev. Tools / Languages:
• IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 12 - 14.1.4
• Gradle 1.7 - 2.2 incl. configuring checkstyle, findbugs,
PMD, Emma & JSHint (using gradle-js-plugin 1.8.0)
• SoapUI 4.6.0 - 5.0.0
• Apache Geronimo 2.1.7
• Jetty (jetty-runner 9.2+)
• Oracle 11g
• Spring Boot 1.1.3+
2012-01 - 2013-01
Many minor projects including configuration of automated
.NET builds & integration tests, an MS Word macro button,
multiple Java refactorings etc., etc.
Major project was the 2nd generation form (skjema) solution. A
solution which spans 2 platforms, .NET and Java. The solution
was very well designed & architected and the resulting code
was technically excellent. Especially 2 issues were pushed by
• Fine grained transports/generators - originally bulk
transports were specified, but now the user can effectively
create their own simple server-side workflow in the form
designer via. drag-n-drop - and then follow every step for
each posted form instance in the administration GUI.
• Strong integration between .NET & Java - a common
XML Schema was used to ensure the communication
interface. Every .NET integration test validates the generated XML against the XSD, and JAXB was used on the Java side to automatically parse the form instances as
they were sent in.
• Event Sourcing & CQRS
Team tools:
• Git-1.7.9 & git flow
• JIRA Enterprise Edition 3.xx
• Jenkins CI/CD incl. Emma plugin, etc.
• Apache CXF
• Escenic 4.3-7
• iText 5.1
• Jackson 1.9.x
Torben Vesterager
• JAXB 2.2.5
• JDO 3.0 & DataNucleus 3
• jQuery 1.7.2 - 1.8.x
• jQuery elastic 1.6.11
• jQuery mentionsInput
• jQuery UI 1.8.xx
• slf4j-1.6.4 (incl. log4j & java commons logging adapters)
• Servlet 3.0
• Spring 3.1.1 xml-less
• underscore 1.3.3
Dev. Tools:
• IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 11.0.2 - 12.0.4
• Google Chrome Developer Tools
• Firebug 1.1x.x
• Apache Maven 3 incl. jslint4java
• Oracle SQL Developer 3.1
• soapUI 4.0.1 IntelliJ Plug-in
• VirtualBox 4.1.xx, Vagrant 0.9.0 - 1.0.3 & puppet scripts
• Wireshark 1.6.6
• JBoss Application Server 7.x.x
• Oracle WebLogic Server
• OracleAS Portal 10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
• Visual Studio 2008, C# & .NET Framework 2.0 (phased out)
• Visual Studio 2010, C# & .NET Framework 4.0
• log4net 1.2.1x
• ReSharper 6.1 - 7.1
• PowerShell & psake 4.1.0
• Jenkins CI/CD Windows slave
• Visual Basic for Applications (MS Word macro button)
2010-01 - 2011-01
The konzoomer project was revisited. Since the Danish
supermarket companies (Coop, Dansk Supermarked, etc.)
wouldn't provide live pricing data based on barcodes, a less
ambitious variant of konzoomer was developed.
Instead of enabling full-shopping-list comparison, it was only
able to compare single offers (da: tilbud) across different
supermarkets. Every offer had to be entered into the backend
manually from the digital supermarket catalogues (da: tilbudsaviser).
The project was abandoned in August because of lack of
investors, business skills, or maybe it's just not possible to make money from providing transparency on daily groceries.
(See http://www.facebook.com/konzoomer for screenshots)
Other tools/utilities used:
• IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.4
• Android 2.1 with Google APIs
Torben Vesterager
• Google App Engine 1.4.0
• JAXB 2.1.13
2010-01 - 2010-01
developed since 1998 and in its current state almost
impossible to maintain & extend.
The new backend project was started in 2009 and had clear
objectives: Long lifetime, Dynamic, Generic, easily
maintainable & extendable. It's a distributed system written in
Java SE using JGroups to communicate between JVMs on the different servers.
SCRUM was used including 14-day sprints, daily stand-ups,
user demos at the end of the sprint & retrospection. Planning
poker was used to estimate the different tasks, and these
tasks, bugs & refactorings were written on physical pieces of carton in different colors and moved around on a board (in- progress, peer review, done).
JAXB was introduced to avoid maintaining SAX parsing code.
Other tools/utilities used:
• Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition 2010 rel. 2 (x64)
• Ant
• EasyMock 2.5.2
• IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2
• JAXB 2.2.1
• JGroups 2.8.0.CR3
• jQuery 1.4.2
• JSTL 1.1 (Jakarta's Standard 1.1.2 implementation)
• JUnit (unit-, integration- & accept tests - a few
performance- & stress tests and a single compliance test for
the XML portal)
• pgAdmin III 1.10.1
• PostgreSQL 8.4
• Subversion (migrated from CVS early)
• Apache Tomcat 6.0.2x
• VNC Viewer Free Ed. 4.1.3 (for accessing Linux desktops)
• Wireshark Network Protocol Analyser 1.2.9
2008-01 - 2009-01
A project initially sparked by Google's Android Developer
Challenge, a Java ME version of the handset client was
developed. Each handset is different and implements different
sets of JSRs - the client automatically detects these at start
up and works accordingly. It was also optimized for different
screen resolutions, memory availability, etc.
A website prototype in strict XHTML 1.0 was developed using
jQuery, AJAX, JSON and Firebug. The prototype included
features such as drag-n-drop, auto completion and integration
Torben Vesterager of Google Maps with custom controls and overlays.
Other tools/utilities used:
• IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.5
• Firebug 1.3.3
• jQuery 1.3.2
• Google Maps V2 API
• Apache Tomcat 6.0
• mySQL 5.0
2007-01 - 2008-01
(through Mind4iT)
Development of the front end of a new market risk module for
BEC's customers. The project was divided into 2 sub modules
- the administration module and the moving function. The
administration module was for setting up risk portfolios, dealer
profiles, and segmentation rules for the different basic
systems, while the moving function was for specifically moving
transactions, accounts, etc. to different risk portfolios than the ones automatically assigned via. the segmentation rules.
Other tools/utilities used:
• BEC custom extensions for WSAD
• IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1
• IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1.1
2007-01 - 2007-01
This was mostly an upgrading project. The java swing client
application, Panter, was upgraded from Java 1.3.x to Java 5.0, which presented a lot of runtime bugs in the Swing
components. PanterWeb, an older web application, and some
session EJBs were upgraded from running on WebLogic 6.1 to run on 9.2. Also the Oracle upgrading from 8.1.x to 10.2.x
presented several problems with more or less complex
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Ant
• IntelliJ IDEA 6.0.5
• BEA WebLogic Server 9.2
• Oracle 10g
2006-01 - 2006-01
SSE had suddenly gotten a lot of funding from their customer,
Århus Amt, to implement a stack of feature cards on the Patient Administration module of the EPJ system. So they
called in backup personnel.
One feature card was a server-side only component which
should upload some data in a fixed-format text-file to an FTP. I
was also used as a Swing GUI developer on another feature
card, which was also an experiment with something called
'NeoArch', where we went around the SSE standard
application frameworks & service frameworks to keep it
simple, very junit-testable, and optimizable.
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j & Ant
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's Junit
• Eclipse 3.1.2, but soon changed back to IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.1
2006-01 - 2006-01
• Rational ClearQuest 2003
• Rational ClearCase 2003
• WinCVS 2.0 (only for documents)
• IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1
• IBM WebSphere Studio Application Server Toolkit 5.1
• Oracle 9i
• DbVisualizer 4.2.2
• NoMagic MagicDraw 11
2006-01 - 2006-01
SDC needed to expand the functionality of their
'Medarbejderportal', which is a web application for bank
employees. The application was implemented using a custom
portlet framework developed by SDC, which meant some
Torben Vesterager
training time was needed - also using & configuring CMD & DocFlow, which aren't widely used applications.
Other tools/utilities used:
• IntelliJ IDEA 5.1.2
• BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP5
• Apache Maven 1.0.2
• CA AllFusion Harvest Change Manager 7.0
• MED - Programmer's Text Editor v3.02
• Conscius' CMD 3.1.6
• DataKomm's DocFlow
2005-01 - 2005-01
The new e-Eksport system for Told&Skat was in the final
stages of development. I was brought in to inspect the code in
order to performance optimize the system, which consists of a Swing client and an EJB application on a WebLogic 8.1
server. Also stress testing was performed to optimize server
settings, checking stability and looking for memory leakages.
During the final error correction stages I also helped with
cleaning out bugs because my colleagues were under a lot of
Torben Vesterager
The final task was to integrate the risk analysis of the old
import system into the e-Eksport system.
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j & Ant
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's Junit
• ej-technologies JProfiler 3.3
• BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP3
• P6Spy 1.3
• Jahia.org's SQL Profiler 0.3
• Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5
• CompuWare QALoad Script Development Workbench
5.02 • CompuWare QALoad Conductor 5.02
2003-01 - 2004-01
The main problem TDC faced when delivering a self-service
site to its business customers was that each backend
functionality was delivered by a different platform each with its
own type of communication protocol - not to mention that
these backend services could be very slow.
Besides creating graphical front-ends for these services I also
made a performance monitoring system, which would
measure each backend call and generate statistics, whether it
was CORBA, MQ, or any other protocol. Mostly it was written
to cover our own behinds in Solutions - to be able to pass the monkey when the customers complained about slow response
Torben Vesterager
We used UML class and sequence diagrams for the technical
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j, Ant & Struts 1.1
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's Junit
• BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 SP4 / 8.1
• BEA WebLogic Integration
• Oracle 9i
• Borland VisiBroker (CORBA 2.6 compliant)
• Entrust GetAccess 4.6
• IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Java 5.3
2004-01 - 2004-01
Grauballe and myself. The main motivational factor in the
beginning was that we could choose the technologies for the site ourselves - so that meant XML. I explored Xforms too but
it was soon apparent that this technology wasn't well
supported at the time, so the front-end was built using the well-known Struts framework.
The multilanguage front-end also uses javascript for the browser-dynamic content. In the middle we just use normal
java classes instead of heavy EJBs, because we felt confident in synchronizing access and using transactions correctly.
Between the middleware and the Xindice database we have
JAXB as the converter.
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j, Ant, Axis 1.1, Xerces 2.6 & Struts 1.1
• Sun's JAXB 1.0.3 & JAX-RPC 1.1.2
• Quartz 1.2.1 (open source timer/scheduling framework)
2002-01 - 2003-01
Developed several key components for the eGovernment
Framework - a very ambitious project for document handling and publishing. The project is based on cutting-edge
technology and is reputedly the first danish all-XML system, from XForms on the client to the EntireX(TM) XML
Mediator/Orchestrator with user-defined application flows
(invoking internal webservices, mail gateway, etc.) to the Tamino XML Server (database).
The Framework was first tailored to the danish department of
energy supervision (da:Energitilsynet), but has since been the foundation of at least 3 projects sold to other public
Torben Vesterager
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j, Xerces, Axis & Ant
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's JUnit
• Mozquito WebAccess 2.0 (XForms pre-spec. impl.)
• Software AG's EntireX XML Mediator
• Software AG's Tamino XML Server 4.1
• Altova's XMLSpy 5 Enterprise Edition rel. 3
2003-01 - 2003-01
An existing base of applications on an AS/400 was to be made
accessible from web-applications. It was decided that
exposing this functionality via. web services was the way to go. Since these webservices were to be invoked by the front-
end web-applications, and the static nature of the data, JAXB
was an ideal technology to use in order to keep the marshalling code to a minimum.
The front-end framework is WebSphere Commerce Business
Edition 5.4 running on WebSphere Application Server 4.0
backed by an IBM DB2 v7.2. Commerce's MVC architecture
involved writing several command-classes, which invoked the before mentioned webservices, and forwarded the resulting
JAXB bean to the view (JSP).
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j, Xerces, Ant & Struts 1.1
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's JUnit
• Sun's JAXB 1.0
• IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0.1
2002-01 - 2002-01
Subcontracted to develop several GUI components for an
electronic patient journal system for Aarhus' regional
Hospitals. The system consists of a Java Swing front-
application to an EJB-based backend accessed via. Corba.
Swing components were comprised of mainly: JTable, JTree,
JTextPane, HTMLDocument, HTMLEditorKit, StyleSheet.
Especially the HTML functionality required developing
workarounds to HTML-handling bugs in JDK 1.3.1 and occasionally notifying Sun of these bugs.
All Swing components were developed with Swing
architecture in mind, that is, threading time-consuming back-
end calls through Corba, so GUI remained responsive to user
A spelling checker adapter to the text component was
developed integrating the Sentry Spelling Checker Engine
for Java• SDK by Wintertree Software.
Other tools/utilities used:
• Jakarta's Log4j & Ant
• Erich Gamma & Kent Beck's JUnit
Torben Vesterager
• Sun's JAXB v0.21 & Java Web Start
• Sitraka JProbe
2002-01 - 2002-01
requirements to the TIMEngine(TM) platform before the release
deadline. The system is developed on the ATG Dynamo
Application Server using Dynamo Server Pages (.jhtml)
including Nucleus components. The database underneath is
Oracle 8i.
The low-level mapping between the Javabeans and the tables in Oracle was handled by ATG's RelationalViews defined by
.rvw files.
Other tool/utilities used:
• Quest Software's TOAD 7.3
• ej-technologies' JProfiler 2.1
• Oracle's sqlplus
• SSH Secure Shell 2.3
2000-01 - 2001-01
module including a Java servlet for calculation and comparison of loan rates from 6 different banks for specific
loans. Car loans, Yacht/Boat loans, and Personal loans were
implemented. Another feature is that the client can apply for the loan at the best bank instantly via Kapow, where
information is logged and sent on to the bank using regular
expressions for data extraction. The technologies are Sybase as RDBMS and JRun as JSP container.
He was involved in designing second generation web-
technology (2GWT) - a separation of the front-end into a 3-
tiered model. The problem was that lots of business logic was
implemented directly in the jsp-pages. Technologies used for
refactoring included Java Server Pages, Enterprise
JavaBeans, XML, Design Patterns and UML. Sybase was
Torben Vesterager
used as RDBMS and Resin as JSP container.
Torben was developing a Betting Transactional System with extensive use of Allaire's JRun EJB-container. First iteration
was completed ultimo January 2001. This was an eXtreme
Programming (XP) project.
Kapow Payment module - spin-off project from BTS and site-
advertisement policies. Implementation of a payment gateway
delivered from IT+ included development of MVC-framework also for use in the 2GWT-project, value beans & validators,
etc. (XP project)
All XP projects used JUnit, a utility for automated testing of
interfaces in a system. Through extensive use of JUnit the team built entire Test Suites designed to catch any future
programming errors.
The most notable frameworks, which was architected, were the Model-View-Controller framework, which included a
ValueBean&Validator framework for user-to-business-tier
transactions. These frameworks were based on design
patterns and good ideas from other frameworks, such as the Struts framework from the Jakarta Project.
All JDBC specific code was contained in Data Access Object
(DAO) classes, which had also the connection pooling feature.
2001-01 - 2001-01
Pages (ASP), VBScript, etc.):
• Automation of MS Word from the web application,
extracting customer data from an MS SQL Server, and inserting them into word documents; either campaigns or single letters.
• Drag & Drop ActiveX control for files. Technologies
used: C++, MFC, OLE Drag & Drop and VBScript.
• Researched & enabled client certificate stored on USB
smartcard called eToken in order to 'webify' the intranet application (SSL, CSP, Root CA etc.)
2001-01 - 2001-01
Involved in the design and development of a new global
shipping system to track Maersk cargo and carriers worldwide.
Specifically responsible for the development of custom JSP
tags during the development of a prototype for a B2B
notification system. Used Jakarta's Tomcat as JSP-container.
1999-01 - 2000-01
as a Development Consultant. He was responsible for the development and enhancements of a complex software suite for road management services.
1998-01 - 1999-01
explored the possibilities of starting an advertisement financed
website showing free movies. However, the business model
proved unsuccessful.
Together with his partners, Torben developed smaller
products in Java and C++ for Win32. Other technologies used in the implementation included HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,
MacroMedia Flash, RealMedia and Apple's QuickTime.
Notable projects included:
• The website and online shop for the movie Bleeder, by
Nicolas Winding Refn
• A Java banner advert with a 3D-model of a textured CD
cover (same 3D technology as in Wolfenstein 3D), which
would open and play a track (mp3 not mono au) - pitched to Amazon.
1997-01 - 1998-01
Torben was responsible for quality assurance of embedded
software including the Win32 management system NM500 - the Network Management System. He was also responsible
for the general system test.
He introduced new tool for quality assurance, specifically the test automation tools Rational Visual Test and Segue QA-
Partner including an analysis of the features and costs of these tools.
He performed the analysis of requirement specifications and Use Cases and he also undertook the subsequent
development of the test-automation scripts.
In the end test-automation covered around 85% of the functionality and requirements, which allowed the test
engineers to focus on the more advanced features, leading to substantially improved quality of the final product.
1997-01 - 1998-01
Torben has supported Alt Om Data, a leading Danish
computer magazine as a freelance writer. Through several
articles he has explained and discussed a range of emerging
IT and Internet technologies for the computer community.
1998-01 - 1998-01
Torben was responsible for the development and maintenance
of a system for administration and planning of roads and the treatment of these. Engineering measurements of road
roughness, deflection, etc. were taken into account using
standard mathematical models.
The system was developed in C++ targeted at the Win32-
platform and uses several Microsoft technologies including
MDI (Multiple-Document Interface) and DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries).
1995-01 - 1998-01
2021-04 - 1995-01
2021-04 - 1994-01