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(Päivitetty 2022-12-08)Ruby on Rails Developer
Berlin, Germany
Äidinkieli German, Sujuva English
- 5 + years of Ruby on Rails experience
- Any JavaScript environment welcome
- Delivering with a smile in stressful situations
Taidot (14)
Ruby on Rails
MS SQL, MySQL, Postgres
Physics graduate, autodidactic soft-
ware developer with strong interest in
agile methodologies, servant leadership
and solving problems via application of
proven principles and best practices.
Ruby on Rails
Agile Leadership
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness)
to 6 (Expert).]
William Bode
Web Developer
Berlin, Germany
+49 179 807 6422
I like to solve hard problems more than everything else. I like to help my colleagues
reach their highest potential via sharing of knowledge and pairwise working. I am good
at organizing people around a common goal. I learned software engineering on my own;
I went through the fiery trials of being one of the first employees in the remote branch
o ce of a hyper fast growing software startup, where there was no structure and no
playbook, but challenges that needed to be tackled, irrespective if I was prepared or not.
I had to write my own engineering requirements, helped shaping company culture, inter-
viewed prospective developers, held retros, worked on software security, got productive
with software I never heard of until few days earlier and so on. Every single challenge
was solved by a period of extensive studying of books and articles, making sure I learn
my lesson every time. I like to do things the way they are supposed to be done, which in-
cludes adhering to the best practices, but also living in the reality of a business oriented
world that expects results. During my study years I acquired a analytical and calm way
of solving problems by collecting all constraints, finding out which principles help solve
the problem and working through the possible solutions until there is one that satisfies
the needs of all stakeholders.
2021-08 - 2022-09
2021-05 - 2021-07
But the central idea of BJJ is that at first you need to get into a strong position to win.
And I found out that in my position I didn't have the runway to a ord working on this until it would pay the bills. But I learned about graph theory, D3.js and finally worked with the fractal structures I was so fascinated about during my time in university. ("How Long Is The Coast Of Britain?")
2020-11 - 2021-04
exp erience
2020-09 - 2021-01
2020-04 - 2020-08
This was a deliberately slow-growing side project with full time working friends that never left stealth mode.
2016-08 - 2019-12
2017 - mid 2018: Fast growth in company size, customer base, and product feature complexity. The main challenges were to keep the organizational structure and commu- nication intact. I bought a copy of "Component-Based Rails Application" and went on a mission to refactor a lot of the code. The team size grew to 5 developers, in total 25 developers worked at this company.
Mid 2018 - 2019: Development for new customer-facing product started. Interest in or- ganizational theory increased, as the company now is 4X as big as in 2016. The main challenge was to build a Rails API with a modern JS Frontend and connect it to the B2B product via Apache Kafka. We had 100% test coverage and modern CI/CD with Jenkins.
Software Architecture, asynchronous distributed working (o ces in Berlin, Munich, and Saarbrücken) were important topics. Spent 20% of my working time as Proxy Product Owner to streamline requirements engineering and introduce modern LEAN techniques to the mainly classically trained Product Management Organization.
2016-01 - 2019-01