IT Projektledare Stockholm, Sverige

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(Päivitetty 2020-03-09)

IT Projektledare

Stockholm, Sverige

Äidinkieli Svenska, English

  • Oracle
  • SAP system
  • Adobe

Taidot (33)

Business Analysis



Business Intelligence































• Project Management and Project Control
• Business Intelligence
• Customer Relationship Management
• Marketing Automation
• Business Analysis
• Solution Architecture
• Retail
• Logistics


H & M IT Logistics

2018-05 - Nykyhetki

Avega Group AB)

IT project manager of cross functional project with the aim to gain more efficiency in the procurement to pay processes for a specific type of product. The project develops a new business model for the H&M Group and the New Business brands. Anders held the IT Project Manager role in two projects. The initiative has strategic importance to H&M and is a piece of H&M's positioning to benefit from changes within the global retail business.

The project involves staff from all divisions at IT and many business areas which makes the task of driving the project challenging, given the size of the H&M organization. Anders was contracted by IT Logistics as some core components of the IT solution and working routines is owned by H&M Logistics. The IT solution primarily relies on SAP but involves some other ten systems.

Understanding of the process to be introduced in relation to existing processes at H&M, system solution flows as well as grasp of delivery methods in a number of delivering teams have all been key components in Anders' project management skills to secure a successful IT delivery. The IT delivering teams has been reporting to Anders who has had the responsibility to identify requirements, handshake with delivering teams, monitor progress, mitigate risks, plan go live activities and hand over to maintenance teams. An understanding of what business components are more important in generating value and avoiding operative costly steps has been important in setting the priorities in building up the system support across delivering teams and releases.

Anders was also extensively involved in the procurement of an external system needed for the solution, evaluating candidate systems, verifying system requirements and contract negotiation.

2018-01 - 2018-05

Avega Group AB)

Anders is acting Delivery Manager in a team with approximately 25 resources with front end development in Tableau and Oracle, ETL development, DBA and testing. The role requires e.g. close progress monitoring against plan, coordination of serial and parallel activities and creating efficient work processes. The role is exposed to the organization at large and its continuously shifting initiatives and priorities. As a result, the capacity to maintain external contacts, control the resources with flexibility and short response time is of high importance. Anders relies on his project control experience to assess, prioritize and escalate. Another of the responsibilities of the role is to handle the ITIL based Change and Configuration management process when coordinating the BI departments releases and changes.

A large portion of the resources are line resources and the organization's commitments to the employees must also be considered in the processes. Anders has received very positive feedback and is handing the role over to a new employee at the organization.
ICA Sverige AB

2017-10 - 2017-12

Avega Group AB)

Anders held a Business Analyst role in a project at one of Sweden's largest retail companies in the food sector. The project is aimed at achieving personalized and digitalized end customer interaction and is an agile methodology large scale project. The project is one of the largest initiatives of the company in the CRM area and encompasses internal business and supplier relations development and technical development on a large spectra. Anders role is to clarify enablers and business requirements to the Big Data and BI development team. In the role, Anders was a contact surface between the business requirements' stakeholders in other project teams, project external stakeholders and the Big Data/BI team. The entire project works with agile methods and tools including DevOps. Anders left the role as the team went in to less development intense maintenance phase.
ICA Sverige AB

2015-07 - 2017-10

Avega Group AB)

Anders was Business Intelligence Subproject Manager in a program at one of Sweden's largest retail companies in the food sector. The program was aimed at replacing and adding functions to the customer company's merchandising and procurement processes, e.g. including introducing a new Product Master system. As a part of the project a so called Retail Data Warehouse was introduced, which implies changes to the existing business intelligence solution as well as new add-ons.

As a BI Project Manager, Anders worked in close collaboration with the customer's existing BI division as well as other sub projects. The task includes controlling project and line resources, synchronizing resource need between the project the line organization, estimating the resource need and to drive and monitor the day to day activities in the team as well as synchronizing with the overall solution responsible individuals, architects and collaboration with other project teams. The BI team had deliveries in most releases of the project and Anders was of responsible handling the various needs of each release (e.g. securing resources for support and testing in one release while driving development for another release).

The business analyst part of Anders role encompasses responsibility for clearly defining scope for BI per project release and monitoring that solution decisions are taken in a transparent and correct way, identifying outstanding solution issues and handling them accordingly (e.g raising questions, taking decisions and moving issue to future releases). To execute this part of the role Anders needs to understand the complex retail processes including the product life cycle process, the system support and the priority of the business needs connected to process and systems. Anders handled BI support for processes ranging from Category Management and Item introduction to handling of wholesale claims. The BI solution at the customer is not based on a standard Oracle BI application which makes the solutions different from Anders previous experiences. The degree of freedom in the solution decisions was larger which had both up and downsides.
SJ AB Sales Division

2014-01 - 2015-08

Avega Group AB)

Anders was Project Manager and solution architect in the project "Automated Customer Communication" which introduced automated marketing communication with SJ's loyalty club members (SJ Prio), with the following main deliverables:
• Assessment of various Marketing Solution Providers
• Procurement, and later in the project, introduction of the usage of the communication tool Adobe Campaign (previously Neolane) integrated to SJ's CRM system Siebel
• Procurement and introduction the use of the CRM agency Kaplan's Marketing Service Provider solution to SJ
• The procurement process was executed by an extensive agreement discussion where the project manager collaborated with SJ's legal department and strategic purchases divisions
• Identification and support in the set up of workflows in Adobe Campaign to support action triggered and automated communication for SJ Prio, based on business rules
• Executed in collaboration with the Sales and Marketing departments who provided content for external communications
• In the solution architect role requirement specifications and design discussion around the system bi-directional interface between Siebel and Adobe Campaign (member information, sales transactions, opt in/out etc) were handled
• Security and customer integrity aspects were handled by the solution architect role in collaboration with SJ IT and legal departement
Set up SJs internal governance of the communication channel and the technical interface to the service provider

The project has enabled SJs loyalty club staff to reach out to more of the total ca one million members more often and with more relevant messages and offers.

Anders was also engaged in a phase two and three of the project. Phase two and has a project scope of has been to extend the customer data in Siebel and Adobe Campaign to include more private and corporate customer persons outside the loyalty club and to provide Adobe Campaign with corporate customer information and sales data as a basis for further marketing automation via e.g. the home page.
Apotek Hjärtat

2015-02 - 2015-04

Avega Group AB)

As a result of a merge of two Swedish retail companies a pre study was conducted, led by Anders, to scope and outline the consequent merge of the two companies' loyalty programs. Anders was a Solution lead for the Customer Club Integration. He was responsible for coordinating resources from four major contributing companies and producing feedback to the integration program lead.

After the initial assessment, the execution of the project was scheduled to a later time due to lack of resources and complexity of the execution. Challenges included e.g. handling of master data, vouchers and customer identification.

Anders' contribution was well received by project management and business stakeholders. The merge was completed in 2016, the loyalty programs are now co-existing.
Apotek Hjärtat AB

2015-01 - 2015-02

Avega Group AB)

Project Manager of project to evaluate the potential in procuring a tool to support omni channel customer communication, with some immediate needs for the company's 1,5+ million member loyalty club. His responsibilities included producing the analysis phase and early design phase, including business case and a high level description of the project. The business case contained figures based on business stakeholders' view on the potential revenue and the estimated costs associated to the introduction of the solution and owning the solution based on suppliers input.

Based on the result produced by Anders i.e. project plan and budget, identified Marketing Automation suppliers and integrators to be contacted in order to clarify the costs. In order to improve the potential system suppliers input Anders developed a hypothetical high level target architecture for initial handling of the loyalty program system. The project was delivered in 2016.
Apoteket AB

2014-01 - 2014-12

Avega Group AB)

Project manager at Apoteket's Economy department and IT department. The project manager role needed to be combined with the capacity in solution architecture to increase effectivity in the BI delivery team. Project management was more relevant in the beginning of the role and some months into the role the solution architect part of the role became more relevant. The purpose of the functional solution architect role was to transfer business needs to requirements and IT solution as fast as possible and with consideration to the priority of the end result goals. The project duration was one year with a number of deliverables planned throughout the year, for primarily Supply Chain and Retail. The end user result were in most cases additional dashboards, supported by underlying changes such as new star schemas and repository changes.

Given the nature of the project, with a small amount of time assigned to project management tasks and an ambition to shorter delivery time, efficient project management controls were put in place: status meetings, status reporting and the delegation of responsibility to sub project managers in the business reporting to the project manager. An additional challenge was the lack of resources on the systems integrator side due to participation in other projects.

Apoteket was also looking for support in building a competence centre delivery model, including how to interface to IT and other business stakeholders and distribution of responsibilities. A new work process for BI to identify business needs and bringing them to a system solution was developed by the project manager and business process owner. A transition towards working according to the new Competence Centre work process is now completed.

The solution architect role has added a more structured way of working and a clear transition from identified needs, to requirements and solution. The business has been made more central in developing solutions, i.e. by design handshakes and acceptance testing. The solution architect role supported the business by explaining solution options, challenging the proposed technical solutions and driving activities towards qualitative deliveries with a clear timeline in collaboration with Apoteket IT department employees.
Project manager of CRM related projects with significant end customer implications
SJ AB Sales Division

2010-01 - 2014-01

2010 - 2014 (Employment)
Anders worked as a Business Analyst and was responsible for annual Activity Plan breakdown of Business Plan within system support for SJ Corporate Sales and Contact Center CRM system solutions, planning and execution of various adjustments. Project manager of CRM related projects with significant end customer implications, e.g. automation of service request handling that led to major effectivity gain and savings by reducing manual tasks. Responsible for various pre studies, proofs of concepts and requirements related to 1:1 customer interaction, marketing and up sell based on customer insight. Anders scoped and was a significant business stake holder in the procurement process and execution of a Siebel upgrade project from version 7 to version 8.
Consultant, Accenture Technology Solution
Apoteket AB

2010-01 - 2010-01

Functional Team Lead in early phases of introducing Oracle Retail at Apoteket. Responsible for converting business requirements and structure into the system solution as well as identifying integration points.
Consultant, Accenture Technology Solution

2008-01 - 2009-01

Introduction of updated service offers to customers, new customer support and handling of customer relations (customer agreements, lead management, customer database, corporate customer communication) primarily for Corporate Sales. Anders had the role of Siebel Functional Team Lead. Responsible for refining requirements in workshops and feeding back a functional system solution to the business stake holders. Responsible for activity creation and planning for a mix of local and off-shore resources.
Consultant, Accenture Technology Solution

2005-01 - 2008-01

Introduction of Siebel loyalty solution. Anders was responsible for transforming functional business requirements to a system solution including integration points, verifying the solution with the business and converting the system solution description to activities to the on shore and off shore development team. Anders also performed quality assurance and handled change requests as the solution progressed and remained responsible for the core functions for the duration of the project.
Consultant, Accenture Technology Solution
Svenska Spel

2005-01 - 2006-01

Anders was responsible for test and training for the Siebel Analytics solution and performed training for the future users in connection to go-live as well as during a period after introduction of the system, for both sales representatives with the system as a sales tool and managers with reporting needs.
Consultant, Accenture Technology Solution

2006-01 - 2006-01

Investigation into potential use of existing Siebel platform for various advertisement sales representatives by e.g. requirement workshops and documentation assessment.
Johnson & Johnson

2004-01 - 2005-01

Perido AB)
In this role Anders was Siebel CRM technical team expert and was responsible for technical assessments of weakness and opportunities in the system, i.e. identifying quick wins in the solution. The Siebel team consisted of resources with functional knowledge and used Anders for short loop technical questions, assessments and development before referring work to the external off shore development team. Anders was also a technical analyst in communication with various geographical divisions looking into usage of the platform.
Delaval AB

2002-01 - 2004-01

Responsible for certain functional areas, including requirements gathering, development and testing. Anders development responsibilities encompassed Siebel Development as well as report development in Actuate for sales representatives, managers and inventory control. Anders participated in an upgrade from Siebel version 6 to version 7.
Management Consultant
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

2001-01 - 2002-01

Member of team with the aim to grow Cap Gemini's business in the Customer Relationship Management area.


Master of Science
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

1996-01 - 2001-01

Ota yhteyttä konsulttiin
