Frontend utvecklare Stockholm, Sverige

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(Päivitetty 2023-06-08)

Frontend utvecklare

Stockholm, Sverige

Äidinkieli Bosnian, Svenska, English, Serbian

  • Tillgänlighet, WCAG
  • 7 års erfarenhet av webbutveckling / front-end
  • ca 3 års erfarenhet av fullstack utvecklare

Taidot (21)























Frontend Lead Developer

2021-10 - 2022-12

1177 Dennis was responsible for several front-end applications. Dennis ensured that the customer's choice of technologies was good and developed forward with more modern tools. Dennis also worked with new development, code refactoring, management of existing applications and accessibility.
Vanilla JS, Angular 12, jQuery, JSF, CSS, HTML, XHTML, WCAG, Docker, Java, Jira
Frontend Developer

2021-03 - 2021-10

Kronofogden Dennis developed and managed parts of Kronofogdens digital services, such as Skuldsanering, Brottsoffer and Omprövning. He built reusable components that are used by the authority in various projects. He worked with test-driven development and wrote stories for components that he built and were used by other developers.
Angular 10, Cypress, Jest Spectator, SCSS, TDD, TypeScript, Nrwl, RxJS, Facade pattern, Storybook, Jira
Frontend Developer

2020-12 - 2021-03

Arbetsförmedlingen Dennis took the responsibility for the front-end application, created for the primary purpose of creating medical reports, among other things. Dennis's responsibility mostly covers solving critical bugs, implementing important features within narrow deadlines, along with some code refactoring.
Angular 9, HTML, Refactoring, SCSS, TypeScript, npm, Jira
Fullstack Developer

2020-03 - 2020-12

Arbetsförmedlingen Dennis took a similar case as the previous one but this time to build a new application to manage employees for Arbetsförmedlingens chiefs. Among other things, the application consisted of employee lists, hierarchy trees, important notifications, information about sick reports and personal information about each employee as well as other functions.
The application was built from scratch. Dennis also used Arbetsförmedlingens component library, which they themselves built up over the years.
Angular 9, HTML, Jenkins, Node.js, OpenShift, SCSS, TypeScript, WCAG, Jira
Frontend Developer

2019-01 - 2020-03

During Dennis's assignment at Arbetsförmedligen, he developed the process of a casehandlers workflow, for the purpose of managing job seekers. This made it more efficient for the casehandlers to work in one window instead of multiple.
The project was built in a monorepo, with Angular. The platform was served in a desktop application with Electron and all components were developed with accessibility in mind (WCAG) and followed a BEM-pattern.
Angular 6, BEM, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Electron, SASS/SCSS, TypeScript, WCAG CV 2/4
Frontend Developer

2018-11 - 2019-01

YABS Dennis worked on renewing an existing website, written in React. He re-wrote it from scratch and added new components to the website along with a new design but also re used some of the old code.
Bootstrap, HTML, JavaScript, React, JSX, Web Components, Flex
Fullstack Developer

2018-05 - 2018-11

YABS Dennis started working on this from scratch on his own. He developed a web app which integrated with the Google Calendar API. The front-end was written in React. The purpose of the web app was to fetch specific peoples calendar events and then save it to a database. Which was presented in the GUI with help of a library called recharts.js, displaying some graphs and statistics. The purpose was to quickly show a user (a manager at the company) an overview of how often they met their customers or employees within a given amount of time.
Web Developer
Google API, Express

2017-11 - 2018-04

Flowscape Dennis was mainly working between two different projects, a billboard application, and an application for offices to book seats, rooms etc. Dennis implemented some new features, cleaned up old code, refactored and styled the UI.
CSS, ECMA Script 6, JavaScript, React

2017-09 - 2017-10

Project Dennis, along with his group, built a so called 'React Whiteboard', contained CRUD functionality. The point of the app was that the user should be able to save down post-its connected to a server side. They had two parts communicating, a client and a server side. The primary task was that the user should be able to add, remove post-it's with different notes and colors etc.
CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React, Redux

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