Cloud specialist and Devops Oslo, Norway

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(Päivitetty 2022-12-07)

Cloud specialist and Devops

Oslo, Norway

Äidinkieli Svenska, Norwegian, English

  • AWS spesialist
  • DevOps
  • Cloud architecture

Taidot (16)


Google Cloud












Cloud Architecture




Andreas is an experienced developer, architect and cloud specialist with 20 years in the IT industry.

With a background as a developer, with substantial experience with technologies such as Python, Java, Go, Javascript and SQL, in addition to many years’ experience as a solution architect, Andreas has the technical weight and hands-on ability needed on the most complex projects. On top of this he has had roles as tech-lead and technical project manager, with one foot in the tech stack and one foot on the business side.


As a cloud specialist, and an experienced Devops, Andreas is a sought-after resource for those projects that require an architect or Devops with in-depth technical knowledge in addition to the ability to see "the big picture" in complex cloud solutions. He is a strong advocate for “the cloud computing mindset” and the art of truly adopting cloud computing.

Andreas has the professional weight and necessary experience required to be able to go into the most complex technology projects, as a specialist and driving force, in addition to being a supporter of developers and functional resources in the project.


Cloud specialist
Project length

2022-06 - Nykyhetki

Project description: Migration and upgrade of the client's technical platform in AWS, to new AWS accounts. This included operations such as migrating from Openshift to ECS for all the client's services, migrating databases and data transfers, implementing processes for improving security and moving many services from self-managed to AWS managed.
The project has required flawless communication and implementation of working processes between all the project members. Focus on cost efficiency and architecture to build the most efficient cloud platform for the client.
Technologies used: AWS, Terraform, Openshift, Bash, Python, RDS, ECS, Fargate, ElasticSearch, Gitlab PROJECT | RUTER
Project length

2020-09 - 2022-06

Project description: Cloud specialist and Devops with responsibility for i.a. operation, administration, and further development of Ruter's cloud platform in AWS, with strong focus on CI/CD processes, cloud cost management and automation. Typical tasks have been developing solutions for IAC and infrastructure self-services, ETL operations, administration of Kubernetes clusters, developing consumers and producers for Kafka etc.
As a member of team CMP, Andreas has been part of the Devops specialists in Ruter, assisting all the technical teams in the organization, with expertise ranging from cloud computing competence to design and implantation of technical solutions.
Technologies used: AWS, IAM, Terraform, Python, Bash, Kubernetes, Datadog, Kafka, GoLang, Kotlin, Gitlab, Cassandra, Keda
Cloud specialist

2020-01 - 2020-08

Project description: Project for migration of the customer's platform from "on-prem" to AWS, as part of the process towards offering the client's products as SaaS and PaaS. As a cloud specialist, Andreas had the role as an advisor and technical architect, during the processes for moving the organization to adopt cloud computing, working with topics such as cloud architecture, security solutions and container technologies in AWS.
The role as technical architect also involved planning and implementing processes for deploying the client's products to PIT (part of the Norwegian Police Force), to their Openshift platform. Evaluating how existing applications and architecture would play out on a cloud platform, and create cost management plans based on technical prognoses.
Tecnologies used: AWS, Terraform, Openshift, Podman, Python, Typescript, Bash
Cloud specialist

2020-02 - 2020-07

Project description: The main goal of this project has been to migrate the customer's platform from on-prem to cloud, and to create a technical platform for SaaS products in the cloud. Andreas has had the role as a cloud specialist, designing functional processes for successful cloud computing, as well as designing a technical cloud platform customized for the client.
Main key goals have been to implement processes for long-term cost savings and a cloud-based technical stack that the client can maintain easily, as well as working out documentation and reports based on tech stack evaluations.
Technologies used: Python, AWS, Terraform, DocumentDB PROJECT | TIETO
Solution architect and tech lead

2019-01 - 2020-01

Project description: Project for development of applications for 3D engineering, under the Ix3 department at Aker Solutions. The team at Ix3 is responsible for a suite of applications and systems, offering support to engineers working with 3D design for offshore platforms, wind turbines, etc. The objective of the project has been to build a more service-oriented architecture across the entire platform, with the use of container technology in Kubernetes (Windows server), establish more robust processes for CI/CD and modernization of the entire technical platform of Ix3.
As a solution architect and technical lead, Andreas split his time between Devops tasks in Google Cloud and supporting the developers with technical guidance in Python and other technologies.
Technologies used: Python, GCP, Jenkins, S3, Kubernetes
Project lead

2017-01 - 2019-01

Project description: The Norwegian Armed Forces has the overall responsibility for conducting medical examinations for civilian and military flying personnel. As a project lead, Andreas had the overall responsibility for design and implementation of a new version of a SaaS, that supports these surveys, throughout the entire process from ordering a survey, conducting surveys, and storing medical data, to administration tasks.
The goal of the project has been to create systems more adapted to the customer's technical and business requirements, create better and more robust technical processes and migrating the client's systems to a cloud-based platform, on a multi-cloud environment (AWS and Azure). Controlling costs during the migration process, handling security issues and data handling have been key variables of this project.
Technologies used: AWS, Azure, Java 8, Python, Terraform, Kubernetes, ECS, Fargate, Auth0, S3, IAM, Gitlab, DocumentDB, Pulumi, Cloudformation
Solution architect
Project length

2017-11 - 2018-11

Project description: Project for refactoring of the customer's existing systems for handling bank transactions. The client's products include systems for virtual banking transactions, aimed at multi-national companies in need of financial transactions internally and their banks. The system is based on a complex microservice architecture with some legacy, and a main part of Andreas' work has been to upgrade the existing system, solve legacy issues and implementation of new functionality (Java / Spring development).
Solution architect

2016-04 - 2017-01

Project description: Design and implementation of so-called "Sømløse kjøpsprosesser", an initiative aimed at automating processes for selling products such as mortgages, insurances, and other financial products under the client's portfolio. A central part of this project was designing and implementing processes using the process engine Camunda, a work that has included BPMN modeling, implementing micro services in Java and to build Camunda integrations.
Technologies used: Java 8, Typescript, Spring, process engine, Camunda, BPMN, Github
Solution architect

2015-08 - 2016-03

Project description: An early stage of the initiative "Straksbetalinger", as part of the client's mobile payment solutions. Andreas has been part of a small, Nordic team, based in Helsinki, who's main purpose has been to be the technical spearhead in the project's early phase.
As a solution architect, Andreas has had the role as a technical expert, in the processes around creating functional requirements, product development and supporting product owners and project management.
Technologies used: Java 8
Senior developer

2014-07 - 2015-06

Project description: Initiative to develop a system for collecting and handling data from multiple SRF stations, with the goal of improving the client's technical platform and processes to handle data from stations. This project involved tasks such as creating systems for ETL, developing micro services in Java, and working with different SQL and NoSQL technologies.
Technologies used: Java 8, PostgreSQL, Spring, Oracle, MS SQL
Tech lead

2013-07 - 2015-01


2005-01 - 2013-06

PROJECT | A-MEDIA Project length: 8 months Role: Senior developer Project description: Development of a new version of the client's portal "Min Side", a management tool for media companies under A-media, and their customers. The project involved tasks such as refactoring of existing code base in PHP, integration with external systems such as SSO solutions as well as integration and development of SOAP services.
As a senior developer, Andreas has been part of a small team, being responsible for the technical side of the project.
Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, SSO, SOAP, JavaScript, HTML PROJECT | FORSVARETS SANITET (NORWEGIAN ARMED FORCES) Project length: 3 years Role: Solution architect Project description: Flymedisinsk Institutt, which is under the department Forsvarets Sanitet, has the overall responsibility for conducting medical examinations for civilian and military flying personnel. The project has included designing and implementing the first version of a system for supporting medical examinations, throughout the entire process from ordering an appointment, medical routines, to administrative tasks such as accounting. The goal has been to build a system to support the client's administrative processes and to secure quality assurance throughout the work with medical appointment.
As a solution architect, Andreas has not only been responsible for designing the technical architecture, but also played a key role in creating functional requirements and the product development. On the technical side, he has been involved in the development of microservices, database design, architectural processes and Devops tasks.
Technologies used: Java, Python, AWS, S3, Ec2, Bash, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB,



1997-01 - 1998-01


AWS Certified Solutions Architect

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