Scrum Master Roma, RM, Italia

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(Actualizado 2022-11-28.)

Scrum Master

Roma, RM, Italia

Nativo Italian, Fluido English, Intermedio German

  • 5+ Scrum Master
  • 3+ Product Owner
  • 10+ Sviluppatore Full Stack

Habilidades (12)






Product Owner






Apache Cordova


Being certified with PSM (Scrum Master) and PSPO (Product Owner) from and
having a vast experience as a Scrum Master and Kanban Expert, I am able to develop and
cultivate the Agile philosophy in companies looking for a methodology, aimed at
optimising the use of resources and product quality. Having gained almost twenty years
of code development experience, I consider myself an Agile Leader suited to
guaranteeing harmony between the Development Team and the rest of the organisation.
I am particularly interested in the measurement of work in Agile with the EBM framework,
a topic to which I have dedicated two essays (see links below).

I have been working as a System Integrator and Senior Fullstack Developer for more than
16 years in various programming environments, currently with a preference for Fullstack
Javascript (Javascript / NodeJS / MongoDB) and Wordpress CMS (advanced).

I have an excellent knowledge of technical English, and a good one of German. I attended
the Scientific High School and graduated at La Sapienza University in Rome. During these
studies I learned various notions of law, economics and statistics as well. I have held, as a
lecturer, courses on IT subjects at important institutions, such as the La Sapienza
University of Rome. I am passionate about writing, especially essays on IT.

Experiencia profesional

Scrum Master, Product Owner, Senior Full Stack Developer
Into The Net

2017-01 - Presente

During my typical workday, as Scrum Master, I strive to follow the Scrum framework as prescribed by the Scrum Guide. Also, I apply the principles of EBM (Evidence-based management). 

Depending on which ceremony should take place and respecting the time boxing, I apply techniques that my Team and I have proved to be adequate. Usually, I kick off every ceremony, briefly explaining its value.

Regarding Sprint Planning, I check that off-topics conversations are minimized to keep the focus on the three questions: why is the Sprint valuable, what can be done in the Sprint, and how will the chosen work get done. Also, I verify that tasks are not assigned, that only some details are identified, and that the Sprint Goal is clear for everyone. 

I only seldom attend Daily Scrum sessions if not invited. However, I am ready to listen to those impediments that the Development Team cannot remove autonomously, and try to remove them as soon as possible. 

During the Sprint Retrospective, besides asking the three canonical questions that this event requires, I make sure that every attendant is saying at least something transparently. I use timeline, emotional seismograph, happiness metric, starfish, and team radar techniques. After the SP, I record the ceremony's outcome on a Wiki page of the Project in Azure DevOps.

Concerning the Sprint Review, I kick off the event and try to inform the attendants that the event is not a formal one. Also, before it starts, I ensure that the PO is never surprised by what Developers do. Also, I verify that the PO leads the technical part of the review but that every developer can have her say. In this event, I ensure that only the product is reviewed, leaving secondary artifacts out. I record the outcomes of the review on a Wiki page of the product and verify that the PB gets somehow refined. 

I could inspect the PB, especially if the PO is refining it properly and writing ready user stories. Besides that, I explicit policies and ensure that everyone follows them strictly and evolves them over time.

Every day I shield developers from continuous content switching, keeping stakeholders at bay if needed and making it possible for them to focus on development. I like to spend time with them and have no problem knocking on the organization's door to ask for actions to remove their impediments. If developers' presence is optional, I attend calls in their place to ensure that they maintain continuous focus. 

The Developer Team allows me to look at the code, having a solid technical background, to evaluate if the development process could accumulate technical debt. 

Also, sometimes I do nothing, being this the symptom of good compliance of the Team with the Scrum framework. 

As a Team, we chose to use Microsoft Azure DevOps and follow the newsletter to be updated with new ideas and best practices from the industry.

I hold a Scrum Master Journal, which I update daily.

Project Manager, Technical Director, HR Manager, Senior Developer
Lucas S.r.l

2014-01 - 2016-12

Depending on the current project, I performed different tasks during my typical workday.

As technical director and senior developer, my day started with a meeting. Although I was only applying some Scrum principles, this meeting can be considered a kind of Daily Scrum. After that, I helped my colleagues develop or had another meeting with stakeholders or PO to refine the PB.

During these sessions, I tried to introduce the Agile principles. That was only partially successful as we dealt with fixed-budget and time-framed projects.

Depending on the project, I managed a remotely dislocated, international team of developers. So, after the daily meeting in the morning, I organized further meetings with professionals worldwide to track their work. As our projects were complex, we needed professionals we could not find in our network. My task, in these cases, was to find independent contractors through portals such as and to negotiate a task having a budget.

The day usually ended with a system integration session, where my Team and I were asked to integrate code increments we could have received.

Also, monthly I redacted a document containing the details of the work done during the past 30 days: most of the projects came from public prizes that the organization won.

The descriptions of my tasks apply to the collaboration with both Ibimel and Lucas.

Project Manager, Technical Director, HR Manager, Senior Developer
Ibimel S.r.l

2014-01 - 2016-12

Depending on the current project, I performed different tasks during my typical workday.

As technical director and senior developer, my day started with a meeting. Although I was only applying some Scrum principles, this meeting can be considered a kind of Daily Scrum. After that, I helped my colleagues develop or had another meeting with stakeholders or PO to refine the PB.

During these sessions, I tried to introduce the Agile principles. That was only partially successful as we dealt with fixed-budget and time-framed projects.

Depending on the project, I managed a remotely dislocated, international team of developers. So, after the daily meeting in the morning, I organized further meetings with professionals worldwide to track their work. As our projects were complex, we needed professionals we could not find in our network. My task, in these cases, was to find independent contractors through portals such as and to negotiate a task having a budget.

The day usually ended with a system integration session, where my Team and I were asked to integrate code increments we could have received.

Also, monthly I redacted a document containing the details of the work done during the past 30 days: most of the projects came from public prizes that the organization won.

The descriptions of my tasks apply to the collaboration with both Ibimel and Lucas.

Consultant and teacher in universities and public and private institutions
Sole proprietorship

2008-01 - 2013-12

My primary responsibility during this experience was creating iOS and MacOS paid applications. My apps have been downloaded more than 75,000 times.

My typical workday started with the analysis of the daily Apple report about sales. I then had to figure out if customers reviewed my applications on the App Store and via direct email contacts. By measuring the satisfaction of the customers through sales and reviews, I could decide to release a new version of the app. 

After these activities, I fired up Xcode and developed apps for the rest of the day. Every decision to make a new app was preceded by an evaluation of the App Store trends, which I mainly ran once a month. 

I didn't use particular tools besides Xcode and GIT for repositories to organize my work. 


During this experience, I was an independent contractor developing iOS apps and running courses on developing iOS and hybrid applications. Being one of the first iOS developers in Rome, and since iOS development was going through its golden age then, I was hired as an independent contractor by many companies and institutions in my city. Besides that, I could organize courses in prestigious institutions such as the University La Sapienza. 

Mobile web developer

2006-01 - 2007-12

Country: Switzerland Main activities and responsibilities: Within a company specialized in game development and mobile application, I carried out the role of designer, technical director and community and portals developer for mobile web

Formación académica

International Political Sciences
University of Rome La Sapienza

1998-08 - 2004-11


Product Scrum Master (


Professional Scrum Product Owner


Contacta con el consultor
