Applikations konsult Östergötlands län, Sverige

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Applikations konsult

Östergötlands län, Sverige

Nativo Svenska, Fluido English

  • Produktion och Suplychain
  • 10+ års erfarenhet av Dynamics AX
  • 20+ års erfarenhet av produktionsflöfen

Habilidades (17)


Dynamics AX











Change Management





Experiencia profesional

AX Consultant

2017-01 - Presente

Omfattning Implementation Preparation AX 2012 on Site
Kompetensområden Warehouse Management

GAP-FIT Study on Implementation of AX 2012 at Surahammar. Responsible for Warehouse Management at Surahammar as a part of Bodycote's Global Implementation Plan.
Application Consultant
EVRY Sweden AB

2017-01 - Presente

Application and Business Consultant within Production, Warehouse Management, Planning and Quality Assurance.
Post GoLive Support

2017-04 - Presente

Omfattning Post GoLive
Kompetensområden Production

Valneva recently went live with AX 2012. Still have solutions missing for some issues
Assistant Production Manager
Nordic Brass Gusum

2014-02 - 2017-01

Preparation and Analysis of KPI's, Superuser and Developer of AX 2012
Production, Item Management, Warehouse Management
Nordic Brass Gusum

2011-04 - 2014-03

Projekt NyttA
Roll Responsible Production
Period April 2011 - March 2014
Omfattning Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 at Nordic Brass Gusum
Kompetensområden Production, Item Management, Warehouse Management, Planning, Quality Assurance

Nordic Brass Gusum (NBG) is an industry with about 150 employees making approximately 20.000 tonnes of Brass Rods and Ingots every year. The Plant Production consists mainly of Fondery, Extrusion and Drawing processes.

It was becoming increasingly urgent to change MRP system, since the former one (Movex Paper&Steel, early version) was 13 years old, supported solely by one sole employee wishing to retire upgrades impossible.
Many parts of the Company had turned to Excel Sheets in order to keep track of things that are usually in an MRP system, such as Stock Availability and Production Planning.
Michael took the responsability for Business Area Production, working in a Project Team with the overhead Project Manager for NyttA, Responsible for Customer Demand Management and part time representatives from Economy and Purchasing (Non Production Materials).
There was also 4-5 team members from a Consulting firm, with matching areas of work.

The existing system did not work very well in many areas, mapping and reworking the data was a heavy task. As an example the team totally reworked the system for naming and describing items, an area with complete anarchy in former Movex. We also set up the system to be able to do the production planning within AX instead of manually on paper. There was also introduced an automatic intake of material to production due to a complex situation where many mistakes were made earlier.

The team also shared all training of people, mainly because of the number of employees in production greatly exceeded the amount possible for one person to train. It was also decided to increase the amount of training in order to raise the self-esteem of many workers in production with little computer experience.

The system went live October 1 2013, and is after initial problems now running smoothly in most areas. NBG is now planning for an upgrade.
Nordic Brass Gusum

2011-06 - 2014-01

Responsible Production Implementation Project AX 2012
Responsible for Business Area Production during Implementation of AX 2012 at Nordic Brass Gusum
warehouse management ina AX

2012-01 - 2012-01

Production Planner
Nordic Brass Gusum

2007-11 - 2011-05

Production Planning. Superuser and administrator of MRP system (Movex).
Production Developer
Outokumpu Nordic Brass

2006-04 - 2007-10

Lead Change Management Groups. Planned and executed process improvement Projects.
Boliden Gusum, Production

1995-03 - 2006-03

Extrusionpress operator

Arbetsmetoder och teknisk kompetens

Formación académica

Industrial High School, Valdemarsviks Gymnasie
Industrial High School, Valdemarsviks Gymnasie

1986-01 - 1988-01

Contacta con el consultor
