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(Opdateret 2021-04-14)SAP ABAP Custom Developer
Odense, Danmark
Modersmål Danish, Flydende English, Øvet German
- ABAP klassisk
- 20+ års erfaring med SAP ABAP udvikling
Kvalifikationer (33)
The consultant possesses two decades of continuously world class implementation experience within mySAP ERP enterprise consultancy.
He has been triple SAP Certified Consultant primarily specialized within SAP ABAP Custom Development. Also some functional experience within and SAP Business Modules Integration and SAP
Procurement Business Processes
He has done extensive ABAP custom coding including OO and WebDynpro, all types of SAP forms for custom developments and data migration within all common mySAP ERP SD, MM, logistic and
financial modules and been a driving force during numerous implementations, upgrades and rollouts throughout Scandinavia and Central Europe.
The consultant has some experience in the instructor and trainer role. He also possesses generic and pratical team and project management experience.
The consultant has participated at SAP's SAPPhire and SAPTechEd
Professionel erfaring
2016-01 - 2021-01
2016-12 - 2020-12
LinkedIn: Professional Profile December 2016 - December 2020
Phone: +45 51 33 91 58 SAP Development using ABAP-OO 7.4 on HANA within SD, logistics, eWM and financials supported by SAP Solution Manager for Scrum-Agile ChaRM.
Worked with Adobe Forms, Enhancements, ABAP-OO & Proxies, ALV, CDS
Function Sandvik IT - Sandviken, Sweden
2015-08 - 2016-12
Professional - ABAP with SAP ABAP Unit, ABAP Webdympro, WebServices, NWBC for desktop, Screen
NetWeaver 7.0 Personas, SAP Side Panels and ALV within SD/MM/FI
mySAP ERP Procurement Solution NTT DATA EMEA, European project - Odense, Denmark
2016-04 - 2016-11
Working area
supported by SAP Solution Manager for Scrum-Agile ChaRM
SAP ABAP Custom Development
SAP SCM Procurement (MM-PUR)
2016-01 - 2016-03
Personas 3.0 within SD/MM
22 years with SAP
2008-01 - 2016-01
2012-09 - 2015-06
mySAP ERP Integrated Business Technical support and development using WebDynpro, WebService, ABAP-
Processes Solution Consultant OO, SPDD/SPAU, SAP Script, ALV, BADI, BAPI, Smartform, ALV, BDC, LSMW,
Within Resource-Related Billing including Billing Request Editor (WDA) etc.
Diploma in Economics (HD-A),
2011-11 - 2012-04
Royal Danish Military Academy Technical upgrade support.
Nationality Rockwool A/S - Hedehusene/Vamdrup, Denmark
2010-10 - 2011-03
Redesign of outgoing SD-documents using SAPscript
2010-11 - 2010-12
SAP Denmark - Copenhagen May 2010
Documentation in Danish of SAP All-In-One SCM business processes solutions
SAP Project Experience (more)
2008-09 - 2010-08
LinkedIn: Professional Profile Implementation of mySAP SCM 5.0 (APO).
Phone: +45 51 33 91 58 Enhancements and Customer development using ABAP, IDOC, ALV, Adobe
2008-04 - 2008-07
2007-10 - 2008-03
SAP ABAP Custom Development Training and support of numerous purchasers
SAP SCM Procurement (MM-PUR)
2007-01 - 2008-01
2007-02 - 2007-09
Incoming invoices Workflow
2006-08 - 2006-12
August - December 2006
Certificates Roll-Out of Nestle Globe SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7/SAP WAS 6.20
SAP Certified Development Outgoing payments for Nordea corporate eGateway using PMW
Professional - ABAP with SAP
2006-02 - 2006-08
2006-06 - 2006-07
2006-06 - 2006-07
Redesign of outgoing FI-documents
July 2003 Working area Implementation Copenhagen, Denmark
BaneDanmark - of SAP R/3 4.6C
SAP ABAP Custom Development Data conversion using ABAP-OO, BAPI, BDC, ALV
2005-08 - 2006-02
2005-01 - 2006-01
2005-04 - 2005-07
Re-Implementation of SAP R/3 4.64 - IS-U/CCS industry solution
Army Regular Officer, Customer ABAP-programs conversion
Royal Danish Military Academy
Stof&Stil - Herning, Denmark
Nationality January - February 2005
EU-DK Implementation of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 - Retail Industry Solution
Legacy data conversion using LSMW, BDC, IDOC, BAPI
2001-01 - 2005-01
2005-01 - 2005-01
Smartforms, ALV, BDC SAP R/3 4.64 - IS-U/CCS industry solution
Re-Implementation of Experience
Customer programs conversion
2004-02 - 2004-11
Legacy data conversion using LSMW, BDC, BAPI, IDOC
Diploma in Economics (HD-A), Implementation of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 - Media Industry Solution
University of Southern Denmark Redesign of outgoing documents
Gate Gourmet AG - Zurich, Switzerland
2004-02 - 2004-11
Implementation of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 - Media Industry Solution
Phone: +45 51 33 91 58 Redesign of outgoing documents using ABAP, Smartforms and SAPscript
DLG Project Experience (more)
2004-12 - 2004-01
Outgoing documents setup and design within MM using ABAP, SAP Script
Address: DK-5210 Odense SAP Project Experience (more)
Email: kimb@kimbrandt.com
2003-08 - 2003-12
Customer development using ABAP
Implementation/Upgrade to SAP R/3 4.6C
Nationality Enhancements and customer developments
Die Schweizerriche Post - Bern, Switzerland
2003-08 - 2003-12
Norske Skog - Oslo, Norway
Function Enhancements and customer developments using ABAP-00, ALV, BDC
2002-06 - 2002-11
Certificates Rollout of February 4.6C
January - SAP R/3 2005
SAP Certified Development Data conversion of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 - Retail Industry Solution
Implementation using ABAP, BDC, ALV
Professional - ABAP with SAP
Legacy data conversion
2002-01 - 2002-05
mySAP ERP Procurement Solution Implementation of SAP R/3 4.6C
December 2004 Consultant Cross system interfaces R/3 Enterprise 4.7BAPI and VB
Implementation of SAP using ABAP, ALV,
Outgoing documents setup and design
2001-10 - 2001-11
Implementation of SAP R/3 4.6C IS-Cable Industry Solution
2001-08 - 2001-09
Implementation of SAP R/3 4.6B
2001-04 - 2001-07
Implementation of SAP 4.6C - Retail Industry Solution
July 2003 Customer enhancements using ABAP-00, ALV
Implementation of SAP R/3 4.6C
Data conversion
2000-11 - 2001-03
Enhancement and Customer development using ABAP, SAP Script
Address: DK-5210 Odense SAP Project Experience (more)
Email: kimb@kimbrandt.com
Internet: www.abap.guru Robert Bosch GmbH - Hessen, Germany
2000-01 - 2001-01
2000-08 - 2000-11
Customer development within SCM MM, PP and QM
1999-05 - 2000-02
1998-01 - 2000-01
1999-01 - 1999-02
SAP SCM Procurement (MM-PUR) Customer development using ABAP
Languages Miscellaneous Projects
English, German, Danish
1996-01 - 1998-01
1996-01 - 1998-01
Experience 1996 - 1998
22 years with SAP Ministry of Industry program: Knowledge and Tools.
Certificates Two References
SAP Certified Development
Professional - ABAP with SAP Hello Kim
NetWeaver 7.0
Tested for home market and export in all possible combinations -
mySAP ERP Procurement Solution everything works. Thank you all for the effort - really appreciated
Best regards/Venlighilsen
mySAP ERP Integrated Business Thomas Tilsted / RockBis Project
Processes Solution Consultant ROCKWOOL A/S
Hovedgaden 501, DK-2640 Hedehusene, Denmark
1994-01 - 1996-01
1990-01 - 1994-01
1984-01 - 1988-01
University of Southern Denmark
SAP Industry Solution Experience
Army Regular Officer,
Royal Danish Military Academy SAP Retail
SAP AFS (Apparel & Footwear Solution)
Nationality SAP IS-U (Utilities)
SAP Cable
Address: DK-5210 Odense
Email: kimb@kimbrandt.com SAP Expertise
Internet: www.abap.guru
LinkedIn: Professional Profile SAP NetWeaver Development Workbench including ABAP-OO
Phone: +45 51 33 91 58
BAPI-ALE/IDOC Interfaces Programming
User Exits, BADIs, Business Transaction Events, Enhancement Spots
Screen Painter & ALV Interactive Lists Development
Senior SAP Developemnt Adobe/PDF forms, SmartForms and SAPscript for SAP output files
ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse (CDS for ABAP)
Working area
SAP ABAP Custom Development ABAP RESTful Programming Model for SAP S/4HANA
SAP SCM Procurement (MM-PUR)
ABAP Web Dynpro with Floorplan Manager and Business Client
English, German, Danish SAP NetWeaver WebServices as both consumer and provider
Experience Screen Personas and NWBC with Side Panel CHIPs
22 years with SAP
ABAP Objects, enjoySAP Controls and Shared Objects Programming
SAP Certified Development LSMW, DX, IBIP Data Migration Workbenches
Professional - ABAP with SAP
NetWeaver 7.0 Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) / SAP DME Engine
mySAP ERP Procurement Solution SAP WebFlow Engine, WF Development & Programming
SAP SPAU/SPDD upgrade utilities
mySAP ERP Integrated Business
Processes Solution Consultant SAP Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
Education: XML/XSLT, HTML/HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic
Diploma in Economics (HD-A),
University of Southern Denmark SAP Build tool for design-led Fiori prototyping and development
Army Regular Officer, Advanced Materials Management Configuration and Enhancement
Royal Danish Military Academy Effective Pricing with SAP ERP Procurement (Material Ledger)
Nationality Document Management System (DMS) Configuration & Programming
SAP ERP integration partner for Nordea Bank Corporate eGateway
Procurement Execution Accelerator for SAP ERP ECC
Curriculum V
Address: DK-5210 Odense SAP Project Experience
Email: kimb@kimbrandt.com
Akademisk baggrund
2025-03 - 2025-03
2025-03 - 2025-03
2025-03 - 2025-03
2025-03 - 2025-03
2021-04 - 1998-01
2021-04 - 1993-01
1984-01 - 1988-01
1980-01 - 1984-01
1976-01 - 1979-01
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