MS Office og web udvikler Strandgade 57,, 1401 København

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(Opdateret 2022-04-04)

MS Office og web udvikler

Strandgade 57,, 1401 København

Modersmål Danish, English, Flydende Svenska, Norwegian, Begynder German

  • VBA, Add-ins, OWA applications
  • HTML, CSS3, SQL Server, VB.Net
  • MS Azure, MS Dynamics

Kvalifikationer (56)

System Integration




Outlook 365

Microsoft 365





Microsoft Access


Visual Basic

MS Access


Office 365


Microsoft Office 365


MS SQL Server


SQL Server

Microsoft 365 Add-ons



Microsoft 365 Add-ins









Technical Project Management











MSFT Exchange


Project Management









Professionel erfaring

independent freelancer

2016-01 - 2016-01

Minor projects or projects requiring trivial skills are not included in this list.
2016 - ? Insight Office - Ant Text Design and development of the OWA version of Ant Text which is an add-in for Outlook Office 365 and can be found and downloaded/enabled from Microsofts' app store.
As Ant Text is one of less than 300 add-ins for Outlook in the office store globally, I consider it quite an achievement, to have passed Microsoft's quality assurance.
Ant Text is today used by several corporations worldwide.
Used technologies:, MS Azure platform, IIS, SQL Server 2017, Click-Once deployment, Integration to exchange server via both NATIVE, JSON, REST, and GRAPH. Automatic SSL certificates on Azure using LetsEncrypt. And much, much more.
Development of a public and administrative website
Unitix ApS

2003-01 - 2015-01

for "Foreningen Tilgængelighed for alle" - This website enables persons with different disabilities, to search for hotels, amusement parks, restaurants, beaches, churches, train stations and almost all other public places, which can accommodate their particular disability.
This system is still in use today, and you can see signs for in many public places, if you pay attention.
Used technologies: Classic ASP, SQL Server & IIS.
Insight Office

2015-01 - 2015-01

Ant Text Development of Ant Text - Ant Text is a new way of writing e- mails, and is developed as an add-in/app for MS Outlook, written in, with an optional integration to the ERP systems and product is in use by several companies worldwide.
Used technologies:, MS Azure platform, IIS, SQL Server 2017, Click-Once deployment, Integration to and iGlobecrm. The Addin is also signed with the most trusted code-signing certificate from globalsign, in order to allow it to pass the Windows Smartscreen.
2013-2018+ Unitix ApS - EDI Solution - OIOUBL 2.02 A backend document transport solution, for retrieving invoices, credit notes etc.
directly and automatically from various ERP systems, and converting them to OIOUBL/EDI documents, and automatically sending them to public institutions and companies in Denmark. This backend solution is currently in use by several businesses, such as ISS and handles 5000+ invoices per month.
Used technologies:, IIS, SQL Server 2014, EDI, Integration to ERP, Windows Services.
ServiceSuite to e-conomic integrator
Unitix ApS

2012-01 - 2014-01

Development of a component allowing invoices, orders and credit notes from Visma ServiceSuite to be transferred seamlessly to This product is still in use.
Used technologies: Classic vb6 and Integration to e-conomic..
Unitix ApS

2010-01 - 2012-01

Various webshops Development of various web shops based on, and controlled by, the ERP system WinFinans, such as,, etc.
Used technologies: Classic ASP, ASP.Net, VB.NET and Integration to WinFinans
TV Registration

2009-01 - 2011-01

Development of an application to facilitate Registration Denmark ApS, to register all the participants in the tv-series and shows being broadcast on Danish television channels. This application is the backbone for rightfully distributing "license funds" being charged by Danish television, to the participating actors, copyright holders, production companies etc. This application is still in use.
Used technologies: Classic VB6 and SQL Server
Salesman Data A
Unitix ApS

2003-01 - 2009-01

S - Later Mamut ASA and Visma A/S Development of the application called Service Suite, currently sold by Visma A/S.
Service Suite is an application for SME's to plan their work, and keep track of their tasks. I sold the rights to the application Service Suite to Mamut ASA (NO) in 2006, and later Mamut ASA, was purchased by Visma A/S. The application is still in use, and being sold, today.
Highlights: Integration to several major ERP systems, printing of barcodes, automation of business processes, e-Commerce handling, extensive communication via Internet, and much more.
Unitix ApS

2008-01 - 2009-01

IFPI IFPI - - is the Danish music companies' trade organization.
Development of an application and website, in order for IFPI to let their members, report sales figures for the various albums sold every month, thus ensuring that every artist gets the correct royalties, for her/his work. The website has since been replaced, but the backend is still in use.
Used technologies: Classic ASP, SQL Server & MS Access.
Assistant programmer of a group calendar module for the Swedish ScriptServer
Unitix ApS - Dimac AB

2003-01 - 2004-01

CMS product. The module was implemented using MS Exchange Server, and was used to optimize resource usage, simplify booking of meetings for larger groups and view free/busy information across organizations. This application is not in use anymore.
Highlights: Uses CDO (Collaborative Data Objects) to communicate and integrate with MS Exchange Server, and presents information in a Content Management System.
Unitix ApS

2002-01 - 2003-01

Entertainment Development of "Unitix Entertainment", an entertainment site, featuring various online games, puzzles and brainteasers. More than 3000 daily users visited this site, when it was live. This site is no longer active.
Highlights: Online games and interactive entertainment achieved through extensive dynamic java script and utilization of existing browser technology 2002-2003 Unitix ApS - Ruko A/S Development of a - then - new web based user interface for their existing ERP system called Man-X. The purpose of the project was to improve existing, and implement new, business functionality in a new user interface while maintaining the existing Man-X backend.
This application is no longer in use.
Highlights: Integration to a Unix based backend, optimization of very sophisticated business processes, load balancing, handling of multiple concurrent web server and database requests in a highly data- sensitive environment, very extensive error handling and data-integrity ensuring routines, due to a sometimes unreliable backend.
Site Documentor
Unitix ApS

2002-01 - 2003-01

Development of "Unitix Site Documentor", an application for automatically creating technical documentation for large Internet development projects. The target audience for this application was more limited than expected, and is thus discontinued. The US Army actually purchased more than 50% of the licenses sold.
Highlights: Sophisticated parsing of various types of source code in multiple programming languages, and automated generation of dynamic documentation in MS Word, or as an entire website.
Technical Project Manager
Organisator A/S

2001-01 - 2002-01

on an Internet solution for the Danish unemployment funds (a-kasser) AAK and FTF. The solution allowed members of AAK and FTF, to report highly sensitive data to AAK and FTF by using the Internet.
The main focus areas were: • Getting the project back on track • Redesigning the system and database architecture.
• Establishing a sensible development environment, and implementing source code and version control.
• Educating employees to meet project needs • Handling suppliers and the customer on all levels.
• Obtaining security clearances on the overall system architecture from KPMG, Ernst & Young and a final permission to launch the solution by the Danish Directorate of Unemployment Insurance.
• Lead programming and technical project management.
Unitix ApS

2002-01 - 2002-01

Shareware Development of "Unitix Shareware", a shareware listing site with more than 10.000 titles and served 4000+ active developers of shareware applications. This site is no longer active.
System Architect and programmer

2002-01 - 2002-01

of a "proof of concept" project, showing the possibilities to create fast and advanced searches in a very large collection of music data.
Highlights: Integration with mainframe-based data storage, creation of special indexes and processes to allow fast searches, enriching data by creation of relative links based on meta-data.
A/S Rosenhus

2002-01 - 2002-01

CEO of A/S Rosenhus, a small company owning a building in Copenhagen with 10 apartments.
General Project Manager and Lead Developer
FK-Data A/S

2000-01 - 2001-01

on a web shop solution for FK-Data.
The solution was highly integrated with FK-Data's accounting packages WinKompas, and handled the construction of an Internet shop, based on the clients existing data, through an intuitive and easy-to-use shop manager.
The main focus areas were: • Designing the solution.
• Programming and deploying the solution.
• Implementing a "zero administration" automated maintenance environment, for maintaining and handling the solution.
Technical Project Manager
Universal eCommerce Technologies

1998-01 - 1999-01

on a business-to-business Internet solution for a UK/US based company. The solution consisted of both a client program and an Internet site.
The main focus areas were: • Designing the solution architecture.
• Lead programming.
• Project planning and handling of developers located in England, USA, Sweden, Germany and Denmark • Preparing presentations for potential partners and investors
Lead Developer
Unitix ApS

1998-01 - 1999-01

on a stranded ERP solution (BYG-Finans) written in classic VB.
Responsible for: • Design recommendations/changes • Code review/clean up • Education of project member to meet technical requirements • Development of critical components
Programmer on Unibanks
Unibank A/S

1999-01 - 1999-01

internal Customer Relation Management (CRM) system.
The solution was an Intranet solution, and was at the time based on classic ASP, HTML and JavaScript.
Started as ordinary programmer, but soon ended up controlling new releases of the solution, and fixing the 'hard bugs'.
The main focus areas were: • Ordinary programming.
• Fixing the difficult bugs.
• Controlling new releases of the solution.
• Helping other consultants with programming issues • Keeping everybody happy.
Technical Advisor
Pegasus Software

1997-01 - 1998-01

on a new ERP system called M-Power.
Responsible for: • Design recommendations • Education of project member to meet technical requirements • Development of critical components • Overall system architecture
System Architect and Lead Developer on an ERP
Visual Business

1996-01 - 1997-01

system called Visual Business.
Responsible for: Design and development of products and components.

Akademisk baggrund

Denmark's Technical University

2022-04 - 1996-01

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Man-Fre: 9:00 - 18:00