iOS Developer Frederiksberg, Denmark

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(Opdateret 2023-04-12)

iOS Developer

Frederiksberg, Denmark

Modersmål Danish, English, Øvet German, Begynder Spanish

  • Thinking about code instead of just typing
  • 7 years of experience in iOS and Swift
  • Scrum Master

Kvalifikationer (7)









The most important thing to know about me is that I try to think long term: The code I write doesn’t just need to work right now, it needs to be readable and maintainable in the future, even for developers who had no part in writing it. More specifically, I try to keep the code as simple as possible. This is more a question of thinking than typing, so before I start typing, I’ll think about how to solve a given task/problem in the simplest way. And when I’m done writing the code, it should be easy for any developer to understand what it does. So if you have a small app that isn’t going to be developed beyond the first release, and you just care about getting it out as quickly as possible, you can probably find someone better suited for the job. But if you have a code base that you want to keep developing and maintaining over time, I will eventually overtake those faster typers because their development speed gets gradually slower, while mine (and my team’s) gets gradually faster.


Another important thing to know is that I have a holistic approach to my job; I’ll look at any systems the app integrates with and see if their API’s could be improved. I’ll look at your internal processes and suggest possible alternatives (I am a certified Scrum master). I will often challenge your current way of doing things, because we all have a tendency to just do what we’ve always done, even if there is a better way. It is very important to me that everyone is comfortable and that we all get along, so of course I’ll be respectful, but I’ll be honest about what I think is the best path forward. Again, putting the work in early to simplify and clarify all these things will pay off in the long run, even though it might be difficult right now.

Professionel erfaring

Software Developer
IT Minds

2018-08 - Nuværende

Project: Personal health app Description I was part of a team developing the app, MinSundhed, through which citizens are able to access their personal health data such as medical journals and registered allergies. Several branches of the Danish government request features for the app; for instance the application became the official way of viewing COVID-19 test results, and we also implemented 'Coronapas', which started out as the only official COVID-19 passport for both tests, vaccination and immunity.

My function I was primarily responsible for developing the frontend for the app, where I created new features such as the 'Coronapas' alongside another developer. I worked in close cooperation with both testers and product owners in order to break down and define many of the tasks at hand, seeing as the feature requests were often loosely defined initially. The app also contained a large amount of legacy code, and for this reason I not only urged the organisation to prioritise refactoring the code, but I also carried out much of the actual refactoring. For instance, I was responsible for implementing NgRx and unit tests. Finally, because of some problems with the cross-platform framework used for the app (Ionic/Cordova), management decided to start over and build native apps instead. Luckily, with my experience in Swift, I could easily transition to native iOS development, and because of my involvement with the old app, I brought a lot of domain knowledge to the new team.

Client: DXC Project: Government website Description At DXC I worked on converting a large government website from JSP to Angular in cooperation with nine other developers.

My function I was in charge of converting parts of the site to Angular, in relation to which I ensured that the new version was able to do the exact same things as the old website, while also taking into consideration requests for changes from the client. In addition to this, I was also responsible for writing automated tests for the new sites I developed. Furthermore, I assisted the team in optimising their development processes, including implementing code reviews and Cypress Best Practices.

Client: Consensus Project: Conference web app Description In cooperation with seven other developers from IT Minds, I developed a new version of the client's main product: A web application for engaging participants at conferences through e.g. polls, user materials and a chat forum.

My function I developed new functionality on both the frontend and backend. Consensus had a lot of long term plans and ideas for further developing the product, so I was very focused on writing code which was both flexible and easy to read.

Client: Lundbeck Project: Cognitive test application Description Lundbeck had bought the source code for an application which tested cognitive functions of patients suffering from Alzheimers. As part of a team of five other developers from IT Minds and Trifork, I further developed the application for both Android and iOS, which included fixing the user interface, as well as making a new backend integration and a new local database.

My function I was responsible for developing aspects of both the Android and iOS version. On both platforms my biggest responsibility was implementing Realm as a local database solution. In addition to this, I restructured a lot of the code, since the original code base was very disorganised.

iOS Developer

2014-05 - 2016-09

Project: Ticketing app

GoPass is an application for purchasing tickets for public transportation in Dallas/Fort Worth. Users can not only purchase tickets, but also plan journeys and validate tickets at ticket inspectors. I worked on the project in cooperation with two other iOS developers.

Seeing as most of the logic took place in relation to the backend, I was primarily responsible for the UI, including route planning which displayed routes on a map.

Project: Dankort payment app

Alongside two other iOS developers and in close cooperation with teams for both Android, backend, and design, I developed a payment application for NETS. The application made a digital copy of the user's dankort (debit card), which allowed them to pay with their phones in select stores through either bluetooth or QR codes. The purpose of the project was for the client (NETS) to be able to compete with the Mobile Pay application in stores.

I was responsible for both the development of the UI as well as for the communication with the backend and an SDK. It was a requirement that the user was able to use many of the features offline, such as view a history of payments as well as access an overview of payment cards. For this reason, I worked a lot with local storage and keeping it synced with the backend when possible.

iOS Developer

2025-03 - Nuværende

I spent two years working at SDC's mobile maintenance team, responsible for the mobile banking apps of the company's clients; around 120 nordic banks.

During my time on the project, my responsibilities consisted of doing bug fixes as well as implementing minor features for both iOS and the backend. During the final year of my employment, I also worked as the Scrum master for the team.

Akademisk baggrund


2010-08 - 2014-05


Scrum Master


Kontakt konsulent
