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(Opdateret 2024-01-12)Experienced IT Consultant
Copenhagen, Denmark
Modersmål Danish, Flydende English
- 20Y+ experience with software development PHP, Python, C#, MySQL/PostgreSQL
- 20Y+ experience with security and operations, Auditing, Design, Automation
- 20Y+ experience with Open Source Technologies, Linux, BSD, Hadoop, ZFS
Kvalifikationer (34)
Project Management
Visual Basic
Professionel erfaring
2022-01 - 2024-01
I was choosen for this job due to my heavy Linux experience and many years of experience in maintaining authoritative DNS Servers.
Technologies: Linux, FreeBSD, Ansible, Python, Gitlab, Bind, HAProxy, RabbitMQ, Keepalived, Oracle, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, C#/.NET, Nagios, Prometheus, Grafana, Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategy Planning.
2004-01 - 2024-01
2014-01 - 2024-01
I have also been developping different integrations and API solutions during the last year, among others I designed and implemented their entire client API.
Projects I did for RentalTrax: ● Load Balancer ● Client Rest API ● Letsencrypt Integration ● TrippleTex / Billy Integration ● WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin Mikkel Mikjær Christensen - Hannemanns Allé 12U, 10tv - 2300 København S mikkel@mikjaer.com / +45 41 28 28 08 Technologies: Linux, Ansible, HAProxy, Nginx, Backuppc, Rsync, SSH, Wordpress, REST.
2018 Software developper and performance optimization InterGastro A/S is a company selling industrial kitchenware to restaurants and cafes across the country, I did all the technical configuration of a business to business webshop, which made sure that the resturant-rep could only order spareparts that fits their current equipment.
Technologies: Linux, Wordpress, MySQL, MySQL Profiler
2016-01 - 2024-01
Besides from designing the system I also made a build-environment that creates the systems from a plain Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image into a final solution that can be transferede onto a solid state drive and install directly in the hardware before it gets shippet out to the customers, this includes The system contains features such as Network and Wifi management, Remote administration and support, display and audio hardware management, automaticly download, start and display of content from a central server, webinterface accesible from noth the physical display and remote through a webbrowser, and finally the entire system can be upgraded remotely without any kind of user-interaction..
Technologies: Linux, Python, PHP, Bash, MySQL, XOrg, Ansible, KVM/QEMU, Virtualbox, SystemD, Grub, Netplan, WPA Applicant, Wifi, Networking, Over the air updates.
2020-01 - 2022-01
Mikkel Mikjær Christensen - Hannemanns Allé 12U, 10tv - 2300 København S mikkel@mikjaer.com / +45 41 28 28 08 I was headhunted for this position, and i was met with a large number of systems that without any sense of global structure, built by a bunch of student-workers, with no sense of global direction, security or achitechture, i spent several month sorting that out and establishing a secure and robust baseline.
Herefter i headed the development of several large internal projects and i managed one large international research- and development project.
Technologies: Linux, Python, PHP, Bash, Json, OpenLDAP, Apache Hadoop, MQTT, OPC-UA
2019-01 - 2020-01
My first assignment was to implement the TOGAF standard in the organisation, followed by a large project where i reverse engineered and documented the securitymodel, application programming interfaces and finally i redesignes those to conform to modern standards and best practices.
Finally i was appointed a coordinating role of the architect team, which in effect was an unofficial team-lead position, i assigned the projects to the individual architects and coordinated followup and feedback while i was the main contact point of the team towards the rest of the company andff external partners.
Teknologies: Linux, Python, PHP, Bash, Json, Rest, GraphQL, Postgresql, Togaf, Git, Phabricator, Centos, Jira.
2017-01 - 2019-01
Technologies: Bind, PHP, FreeBSD, MySQL
2018-01 - 2018-01
I've helped design and maintain their hosting environment and to optimize and secure the platform itself.
Technologies: Linux, Rsync, Wordpress, MySQL, MySQL Profiler
2011-01 - 2016-01
2016-01 - 2016-01
Technologies: Linux, HAProxy, Pound Load Balancer, NFS Kernel server, Citrix Xenserver, SSH Tunneling, Apache2, Drupal, Mysql.
2013-01 - 2015-01
I worked with both routing, network infrastructure, add injections, logging, captive web portal and deployment routines. We used technologies such as squid, Varnish, ISC Dhcp, PHP5 and Python.
2014-01 - 2015-01
2015-01 - 2015-01
My primary task was developing a realtime positioning system driver for one of the companys Mikkel Mikjær Christensen - Hannemanns Allé 12U, 10tv - 2300 København S mikkel@mikjaer.com / +45 41 28 28 08 bigger clients, Movia A/S, which is the primary provider of public transportation in the Capital area.
Technologies: Embeded Linux, Grub, Xorg, Ubuntu, Git, GPS, GSM, Hardware, Assembly, C#, PHP, Digital Signage,
2014-01 - 2015-01
The solution was developed as a Linux, PHP and MySQL solution on top of Wordpress with a lot of custom code and third party plugins to fit our purpose. The solution received great feedback from upper-local management.
2012-01 - 2014-01
Mikkel Mikjær Christensen - Hannemanns Allé 12U, 10tv - 2300 København S mikkel@mikjaer.com / +45 41 28 28 08
2014-01 - 2014-01
2012-01 - 2013-01
We used the following for the cluster: ●Round Robin DNS ●Several physical servers.
●● independent data centers (DIX Lyngby, InterXion Ballerup) ●Redundant fiber-based network ●Several redundant 1000mbit/s connections.
●Galera MySQL Cluster ●GlusterFS redundant network flesystem ●Ganglia Cluster Monitor in combination with Munin og Nagios.
We outperformed the earlier platform with a factor 5, despite of fever servers and cheaper monthly fees, and the former supplyer was one of the largest danish Typo3 consulting companies.
2009-01 - 2010-01
2008-01 - 2009-01
Besides of that I had the responsibility of the Ukrainian department of developers which we hired to support our danish department.
Primary responsibility was sourounded by PHP Development and Linux Administration.
Mikkel Mikjær Christensen - Hannemanns Allé 12U, 10tv - 2300 København S mikkel@mikjaer.com / +45 41 28 28 08
2008-01 - 2008-01
Akademisk baggrund
2016-01 - 2019-01
2005-01 - 2008-01
2002-01 - 2004-01
Kontakt konsulent
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