Enterprise / Solution architect Stockholms län, Sverige

Kan være tilgængelig

(Opdateret 2021-04-30)

Enterprise / Solution architect

Stockholms län, Sverige

Modersmål Svenska, Flydende English, Øvet German, Begynder French

  • 5+ years experience as Enterprise architect
  • 20+ years as Fullstack developer
  • 15+ years experience as Solution architect

Kvalifikationer (48)



Solution Architect




Enterprise Architecture



Cloud Strategy

Target architecture

IT Strategy







Change Management



Business Intelligence




Master Data Management




Go / Golang




Serverless Architecture

Project Management







Microsoft Azure


JavaScript / Typescript



Domain Architect


Professionel erfaring

Domain enterprise architect
SGDS Gruppen

2021-10 - Nuværende

Business areas Domain enterprise architect for the digital channels domain and part ● E-commerce of Enterprise architecture function to support multiple other IT ● Telecom Transformation projects. This involved cloud strategy and ways of working, as well as establishing general enterprise architecture ● Banking principles and more detailed development principles. ● Energy
Domain enterprise architect
Sharp Quill

2021-10 - Nuværende

Dahl (SGDS Gruppen) Domain enterprise architect for the digital channels domain and part of Enterprise architecture function to support multiple other IT Transformation projects. This involved cloud strategy and ways of working, as well as establishing general enterprise architecture principles and more detailed development principles.
Technical evaluation and pre-studies to drive step-wise IT transformation towards common target architecture, while supporting stakeholders initiatives during organizational implementation of SAFe.
Solution architect
SGDS Gruppen

2020-01 - 2021-09

IT Strategy Solution architect for rollout of digital channels platform ● TOGAF to support multiple channels, as well as establishing architecture governance for ve inhouse development teams as well as externally ● SAFe developed solutions.
● Agile Jan 2020 - Sep 2021 Solution architect Dahl (SGDS Gruppen) Solution architect for rollout of digital channels platform to support multiple channels, as well as establishing architecture governance for five inhouse development teams as well as externally developed solutions.
The work included planning and facilitating rollout and user migration of the largest brand for the digital channels platform. This involved edge case investigation and fallback plans, as well as securing data quality improvements with minimal user friction.
Technical refinement was done for development and rollout of the three remaining brands within the corporate group, as well as detailed planning and required development in legacy ERP for the next planned brand in the roadmap. This involved establishing REST based APIs from scratch, to ensure a decoupled architecture and well defined services.
Solution architect
Dahl (SGDS Gruppen)

2018-08 - 2019-12

Solution Architect for pre-study and implementation of new tech stack and target architecture for digital channels domain for six companies within the Dahl corporate group.
This involved establishing new target architecture and working with solution architecture in steps, as well as technical evaluations and roll-out planning. The target architecture consisted of SaaS cloud services as well as Sharp Quill inhouse developed services with a combination of containerisation and serverless functions.
A smaller pre-study was also performed to support an MVP rollout as a pilot for one of the smaller brands within the corporate group.
The project was scaled up over time to include lease-and-hire consultants as a first step to to establish internal development competence for the new platform, to secure competence and avoid reliance on external consultants for further development.
The project role also involved recruitment evaluation of candidates for the development team, as well as technical on-boarding regarding the new platform.
Solution architect
Svenska Kraftnät

2017-10 - 2018-11

Solution architect for projects part of the Swedish implementation of the Nordic Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) initiative, to establish a Nordic information exchange and process for Long term and Day-ahead capacity planning, as well as part of Intra-day capacity calculation.
The project included a solution for integration with local network owners in Sweden, as well as end-to-end processes and integration with joint Nordic initiative.
High focus on information security as well as coordination between ongoing initiatives.
Enterprise architect

2016-01 - 2017-05

Enterprise architect in transformation programs covering Fraud Prevention, Know Your Customer (KYC), Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF), and Anti-Money Laundering (AML).
Also Domain architect for Financial Anti-Crime IT domain, as well as part of steering groups, architecture governance, and involved in various IT strategy initiatives. Key drivers such as Customer experience, Regulations, Cost management, and to establish Financial Anti-Crime Intelligence, while securing patterns for an enterprise-wide data lake and big data analytics.
Enterprise architect
Sharp Quill

2014-10 - 2015-12

Customer Representative for Architecture and Governance at review forum for new assignments within IT. This work involved a close dialog with stakeholders, both within IT and business, and also included communication and coordination with other already ongoing initiatives.
Lead solution architect

2013-09 - 2015-12

Lead solution architect for transformation of Online channels for business customers, including pilot and launch of new self-service portal. High degree of work in target architecture and planning of roadmap and transition steps. Architectural reviews and coordination of projects within channels, CRM, service management and sales. This required a lot of focus on visualizing key issues and their impact on both business and IT, as well as detailed analysis in technical questions where needed.
This work also included a high level of technical leadership and coordination over multiple geographic locations and development teams.
Lead solution architect, Product owner

2014-10 - 2015-12

Lead solution architect as well as Product owner for a new channel-to-backend integration component as part of IT transformation.
Focus on dialog on many levels of detail. This project was a key enabler for many other transformation projects, and required a high degree of requirements handling and prioritization with stakeholders, as well as coordination of new target architecture within multiple domains.
Lead solution architect

2013-02 - 2014-09

Lead solution architect for pre-study, evaluation, procurement, and implementation of new solution for Customer service and Network operations within the area of Customer experience for six countries. This involved a high focus on technical leadership in all phases of the project, but also included problem and change management with vendors as well as steering group and IT management.
Domain architect
Sharp Quill

2013-01 - 2013-09

TeliaSonera Domain architect in a key IT transformation program covering multiple domains - CRM, Digital channels, Provisioning, etc. This involved a high degree of coordination of IT transformation and architecture review as well as working with architecture reference groups. It also involved clarifying IT strategy as well as escalation and resolution of incompatible target architectures across many domains.
This also included a high degree of stakeholder management with Heads of IT across the corporate group, as this transformation program would establish a new target IT landscape and change master data management.
Lead solution architect

2012-08 - 2012-12

Lead solution architect for pre-study, evaluation, procurement, and planning of new customer service portal as part of a larger transformation program. The work included establishing target architecture within many areas, such as case management, document handling and incident management.
Project manager, Solution architect

2010-01 - 2012-07

Development projects and technical administration for systems within Rating, Financial Clearing, Business Intelligence, Revenue Assurance, and Data warehouse in Telecom for Mobile tra c.
This included simplification and decommission of systems to streamline and adapt to changing IT needs. Business intelligence and Data warehouse capabilities were expanded in existing solutions, in combination with ever increasing performance and scaling requirements.
Technical project manager, Solution architect
Sharp Quill

2008-01 - 2009-12

TeliaSonera Development projects and technical administration for systems within Rating, Financial Clearing, Business Intelligence, Revenue Assurance, and Data warehouse in Telecom for Mobile tra c.
This included continuous improvement to the Rating process, but also new integrations and hosting migrations to virtual hosting, as well as refactoring of end-to-end solution with decommission and simplification.
This included implementation of new PTS requirements, new o erings, as well as new standards within roaming and implementation of load balancing within Rating.
System architect, System administrator

2008-09 - 2009-12

Technical and functional system administration for systems within Rating, Financial Clearing, Revenue Assurance, and Data warehouse for mobile tra c.
This included multiple migrations to new rating structures and launches of new o erings, as well as a feasibility study for implementation of load balancing.
System Manager

2007-03 - 2007-12

System administration for Order handling (CRM) for multiple countries, with a number of projects and migrations for each system. This included new regulatory requirements regarding Number portation in France, and Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) in Norway.
Configuration Manager

2007-01 - 2007-03

Analysis of present situation as part of feasibility study for roll-out of new Integration platform.
Technical project manager, Solution architect

2006-10 - 2006-12

Requirement analysis and planning of system for Rating of fixed telephony.
Technical project manager, Solution architect, Developer

2006-10 - 2006-12

Development and upgrade of platform for Revenue Assurance for review of network provider invoices.
Test Manager
Sharp Quill

2006-04 - 2006-09

Tele2 Test planning and testing as part of roll-out of a new platform for Billing and Customer Care in multiple countries.
Technical project manager, Solution architect, Developer

2005-06 - 2006-04

Development and integration of platform for Revenue Assurance for review of network provider invoices in Telecom. This also included handover and training for system administration.
Technical project manager, Solution architect, Developer

2005-06 - 2005-12

Planning and implementation of a new rating platform for network pricing of mobile telephony.
Solution architect, Developer

2001-05 - 2005-08

Development projects for systems within Rating, Financial Clearing, Revenue Assurance, and Data warehouse in Telecom for Mobile tra c. This included a mix of development in existing systems, as well as building new systems and components within the same IT Landscape.
Research Engineer
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

2001-01 - 2001-04

Developed an Entity recognizer as part of the Search and Summarize (SEASUM) department at KTH NADA. The work included training and evaluation of automatically tagging text entities - Name, Place, Country, and Time - in large volumes of text.
Sharp Quill

Akademisk baggrund


2022-12 - 2010-01


2022-12 - 2006-01

Stockholms universitet
Stockholms universitet

2022-12 - 2003-01

Stockholms universitet
Stockholms universitet

2022-12 - 2003-01

Master of Science
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

1996-01 - 2000-01


Foundation Enterprise Architect Certification Training
Certified Basadur Workshop Facilitator

Kontakt konsulent
