Embedded/Backend develop & Linux DevOps Esbjerg, Denmark

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(Opdateret 2023-08-15)

Embedded/Backend develop & Linux DevOps

Esbjerg, Denmark

Modersmål Danish, Flydende English, Begynder German

  • 10+ years with Linux/BSD
  • 5+ years with Postgres & PL/pgSQL
  • 5+ years with embedded C/C++ and Python

Kvalifikationer (11)


Postgres & PL/pgSQL










Professionel erfaring

Embed d ed Developer, full time consultant

2022-01 - Nuværende

- Implement synthetic sound in an event d riven embed d ed project using custom hard ware and C/C++/Unity/Catch2. Auxilly tools in Python. Docs in Confluence, UML, Sphinx and mkd own.
- Maintain Gitlab CI/CD utilizing ELK for metrics. Linux runners with custom d ocker images.
- Maintain Tooling: CMake, ARC Toolchain, VSCod e, AWS services, PKI, tunnels and more.
Freelancer and found er
Mejnertz ApS

2022-01 - Nuværende

- AWS RDS (PostgreSQL) consultant for Multi-IT; query tuning, upgrad e, monitoring and more.
- Power electronic EU regulation consultant for Solid Wind Power.
Software and Database Developer
Narratech ApS

2019-01 - 2022-01

Developer and maintainer of a virtual DB to centralize and postprocess TotalEnergy's loose coupled d ata sources ex. prod uction metrics, forecasts etc. used by analytics, d ashboard s and more using PostgreSQL/pgSQL, Wild fly and Python on self hosted red und ant Red Hat instances.
- Hard ware d eveloper of battery powered LoraWAN wind ow sensor.
- C# utilities TotalEnergy.
Software Developer and Power Electronic Engineer
Orbital A/S

2016-01 - 2019-01

Firmware d eveloper of embed d ed Power Electronic for small scaled wind turbines using d sPIC33, TMC320, LPC1768 and Beaglebone spand ing from CANbus d rivers, uplink, GUI - Power electric engineering, EU regulations, onsite technician and support.
- Backbone/cloud maintainer using Linod e, red und ant PostgreSQL, Django and ed ge, gateway and IoT d evices to cloud using a variety of technologies from cellular, MQTT, VPN and more.
Telecom Engineer

2014-01 - 2016-01

Project engineer and technician of oƀshore telecommunication using a variation of network technologies includ ing Line-of-sight, TCP/IP, Cisco, fiber optics, E-carrier, rad io-communication, TV signals and more.
2010 - 2013 M.Sc. Biosystem Engineering, Robotics.
B.A. Marine Engineer Aarhus
Automation line

2006-01 - 2010-01

Personal Birthd ay April, 25th, 1986 Phone +45 92440033

Kontakt konsulent
