Updated: 2023-09-12

Test Automation Engineer


  • Veröffentlicht 4 Jahre zurück
  • Englisch, Finnisch
  • Erwartetes Startdatum: SOFORT

Assignment Details

Looking for Automation Test Engineers with programming background (e.g. Java, Python) combined with willingness to support delivery team working with solution design, tools, processes and way-of-working to improve development unit delivery.

Whether you are an experienced senior QA with 10 years of experience or an ambitious younger QA with passion for the newest technologies, we would like to get in contact with you.


  • Several years of professional experience in testing web applications
  • Experience with industry standard Quality Assurance best practices for Agile and Iterative SDLCs, testing methodologies, bug tracking tools, version control systems, implementation, and deployment activities
  • Knowledge of Java or Python, nice to have knowledge of HTLM, CSS, JavaScript, Java and technologies as SOAP, REST
  • Experience with automated testing and tools such as Selenium Web Driver, Robot Framework, JMeter, SoapUI, and Jenkins
  • Fluent in Finnish


Standort Helsinki
Arbeitsumfang 40 Stunden/Woche , Teilweise Remote
Vorraussichtliches Startdatum SOFORT
Vorraussichtliches Enddatum Öffnen Sie
Erforderliche Sprachen Englisch, Finnisch
Erforderliche Fähigkeiten Java, Python, REST, Robot Framework, Test Automation

Projekt abgeschlossen

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