Sr. NodeJs Full-stack developer Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina

Might be available

(Updated 2024-02-16)

Sr. NodeJs Full-stack developer

Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina

Native Spanish, Intermediate English

  • 5 years of experience building REST API
  • 3 years of experience building GraphQL API
  • 7 years of experience with NodeJs

Skills (18)




















Full-stack developer 80/20 (80% back-end, 20% front-end).

I have more than ten years of developing using different technologies, some of which I currently do not use anymore.

I have worked with NodeJs for the last 7 years; previously I worked with PHP using Laravel framework and as a WordPress developer.

I prefer to use TypeScript in the back-end and front-end.

On the back-end I worked with different frameworks like:

- NestJs (preferred)
- Express
- Loopback 3 and 4
- Vanilla

In the fron-end I worked with the three main frameworks React (preferred), Vue, and Angular.

I worked with SQL and No-SQL databases like:

- MySql
- MariaDB
- Postgresql
- SQL-Server

- MongoDB
- Firebase
- DynamoDB (AWS)

I also worked with the three main clouds GCP (preferred), AWS, and Azure.

On CI/CD I worked with continuous delivery and continuous deployment paradigms, and I used GitHub Actions, Bitbucket pipelines, GitLab pipelines, CircleCI, and Oracle-Werkel (small apps).

On agile methodologies, I worked in most of the teams with SCRUM using the main ceremonies (daily/stand-up, planning, retrospectives, refinements (de old grooming)).

In some opportunities, I worked as a team leader in small teams of 5 or 6 persons. I would like to increase my experience in this area and also as a software architect.

Finally, my hobbies are chess, martial arts, playing the guitar, walking in nature, and enjoying my children.

Professional Experience


2022-12 - Present

We started a small business with a partner, a hybrid company between a start-up and a software house.
We started working with a Spain company and now focus on building and improving our software product.
Senior Software Engineer
Right Balance

2023-09 - 2024-01

I worked as a full-stack developer for a start-up called Poplin, located in Minneapolis. We built a new version of their mobile application using Ionic-Angular. We use Firebase functions with NodeJs as a serverless backend. We also use Firebase auth for authentication and Angular for the institutional website. We also use Firebase-Firestore as our documented database and we deployed the mobile application on the two main platforms Android/iOS.
NodeJs Developer

2022-06 - 2022-11

NodeJs back-end developer. We work with NestJs and GraphQl on the back-end, DynamoDB as our database and deployed on AWS using a CI/CD schema defined on CircleCI.
Full Stack NodeJs Engineer

2021-01 - 2022-06

NodeJs back-end developer building REST APIs with typescript with a serverless schema and deploying it in the Azure cloud.
Full Stack Engineer
UNX Digital by Prominente

2020-09 - 2021-10

NodeJs full-stack developer working with NodeJs and Typescript on the back-end and Angular or VueJs in the front-end.
NodeJs full stack developer

2020-02 - 2020-08

NodeJs full-stack developer building frontends with VueJs and backends with NestJs following the microservice architecture pattern.
Desarrollador NodeJs full stack

2018-04 - 2020-02

I'm develope applications on top of NodeJs with Loopback 3 or 4 in the backend and VueJs or Angular in the frontend.
Desarrollo de aplicaciones en NodeJs con Loopback 3 o 4 en el backend y con VueJs o Angular en el frontend.
Supervisor de operaciones

2016-01 - 2018-03

Supervisor de operaciones en Conduent para la cuenta de Claro Argentina. Teniendo a cargo 18 personas.
Freelance PHP developer Freelance 2015 - 2018 (3 years) I worked with the Laravel framework building MVC applications and with VueJs to add small widgets to the frontend.

2013-01 - 2016-01

Atención al cliente.
Freelance WordPress developer Freelance 2012 - 2015 (3 years) I developed custom templates and plugins for my clients and small changes in their WordPress instalations.
Técnico de Area

2011-08 - 2012-03

Reparación de sistemas opoerativos, eliminacion de virus, formateo e instalación de sistemas base y aplicaciones, armado de hardware de pc, entre otras.
Abastecimiento Mariano

2010-01 - 2011-07

Arqueo de caja chica mantenimiento del stock de mercaderias, armado de pedidos y atención al cliente.

Academic Background

Técnico Universitario en Programación
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

2015-01 - 2018-01

Contact contractor
