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(Updated 2020-03-05)Software engineer
Ferrara, Province of Ferrara, Italy
Native Italian, Fluent English
- 1+ VUE.JS
Skills (23)
My main area of expertise is in application system analysis, specialized in RPGLE/SQL programming, which I have enriched with a good knowledge of web programming languages and website development tools.
Currently, besides a regular job, I follow an e-commerce web project built using Vue.js over AWS.
Commitment and self-motivation are my personal traits, as well as being a life-long learner.
I believe that coding doesn't come out of the blue and writing sustainable code is a matter of passion, my passion, and balance between customers' needs and software quality.
Professional Experience
2019-05 - Present
came with little documentation, so a lot of reverse engineering has been done to understand the data base and the code.
Business or sector E-Commerce
2019-11 - Present
✔ Analyse and develop new functional processes, such as acquiring XML invoices from centralized national directory and managing a new carrier exchanging data via web services.
Business or sector: Logistics and third-party logistics provider
2013-12 - 2019-01
✔ Planning, designing and implementing customer's solutions
✔ Designing and implementing reports and dashboards for BI
Business or sector: Software house that provides customer-driven solutions within G.D.O.
Major achievements: Develop RPGLE/SQL web services. Teach internal IT course for RPGLE/SQL programmer.
2004-02 - 2013-11
✔ Responsible for RPG developers team
✔ Planning, designing and implementing customer's solutions
✔ Designing and implementing reports and dashboards for BI
Business or sector: Software house that provides customer-driven solutions within G.D.O.
Major achievements: Project leader on many different projects requiring new technologies or new approaches, among radio frequency solutions, bar code acquisition, electronic data interchange, data exchange, e-mail and PDF creation.
Teach internal IT course for RPGLE/SQL programmer.
1997-11 - 2004-01
✔ Responsible for help desk support service
✔ IT project manager for Y2K and Euro accomplishments of our software
✔ Designing and implementing reports and dashboards for BI
Business or sector: Software house that provides customer-driven solutions for manufacturing companies.
Major achievements: Project manager on projects such as web graphic conversion, Y2K and Euro software accomplishment.
1991-01 - 1997-10
✔ Responsible for IT infrastructure
✔ Planning IT classes
✔ Help desk support to about 250 users
✔ Designing, coding and testing customizations
Business or sector: Service company
Major achievements: Substitute for 3 months the person in charge of the development department.
1987-11 - 1990-01
✔ Planning, designing and teaching IT classes
✔ Testing commercial off-the-shelf software
Business or sector: Software house that provides both customer-driven solutions for manufacturing companies and multi-purpose software.
Major achievements: Teach IT courses on IT office program and BI.
1985-09 - 1987-10
✔ Project manager assistant for teaching users how to computerize their business using about 90 newly installed PCs
✔ Help desk support to PCs users
Business or sector: Manufacturing company
Major achievements: Actively participate to and effectively manage the project to introduce people to the use of personal computers.
Academic Background
2008-07 - 2011-01
1978-01 - 1983-01
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