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(Updated 2020-09-08)Cloud DevOps
Göteborg, Sverige
Native Svenska, English
- Amazon
- DevOps
- Azure
Skills (25)
Experienced with AWS, Azure, AD, Windows Server, Linux
- Experienced with Agile processes
- Experienced with domain migration, using TeamViewer, Remote Desktop and cmd scripts
- Certified Associate Developer AWS
- Certified ITIL Foundation
- DevOps and CI/CD
- AWS Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk, ECS, EKS
- Azure infrastructure services
- Azure Cloud shell, Azure Active Directory Domain Services, PowerShell Scripting
- Kubernetes, Docker, Cluster, managing the infrastructures around these technologies Cloud and On-prem
- Bash, PowerShell, Git,
- Experienced with using these OS: Windows, Linux, Ubuntu
- Experienced working in teams and being Team Leader
- Experienced in Vitalizing (Hyper-V, VMware)
- Diploma in infrastructure specialist and cloud broker
- Easy going person that finds peace in being busy and helping others
Professional Experience
2019-01 - Present
2019-01 - Present
Description: DidUp cloud certification program.
Outcome: Part of the DidUp Cloud team, with the goal to extend and broaden the expertise and knowledge in the Cloud area with a focus on services and solutions on AWS, Google and Azure platforms.
Alexander is responsible for the DevOps tools and techniques. As part of this he obtained certification as
Certified Associate Developer AWS.
2020-01 - Present
Description: IT-technician at several of DidUp customers.
Outcome: DidUp IT-Services, offers IT department services to companies in Gothenburg. Client
Management, Active Directory, Cloud AWS & Azure, Office 365, User Support, Windows PowerShell,
Group Policy Management (GPO / GPM). Alexander works with three of these customers.
2019-01 - Present
Description: On-Site and remote IT Support for Signäs Redovisningsbyrå, the assignment includes
updating Windows 7 to Windows 10. Help employees with access issues, network and firewall
configuration. Assist customer when purchasing hardware. Participates in the planning of major IT issues.
Client Management, Active Directory, User Support, Group Policy Management (GPO / GPM), O365,
Windows 7, Windows 10 printers and Microsoft Hyper-V solutions.
2020-01 - Present
Description: Technician and Support, responsible for everything from troubleshooting applications, to creating accounts in AD, to access support, to managing computers, O365, printers, upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10 and IT related purchases.
Planning of cloud transformation AWS and Azure.
2020-01 - Present
Description: Windows environment manual migration, deadline support
Outcome: Helping their IT department to meet the deadline of the migration, working independently and asses and assists users in several ways, using TeamViewer, Remote Desktop, and predefined cmd scripts.
2020-01 - Present
Description: Server and PC Support and technologies, installation, configuration and delivery of PCs and Servers Windows 10. Installation of new domain controller, Windows 2019 Server. Migration of user
profiles to a new domain. Install and deliver new computers and install Windows 10 and "join" to new
domain, as well as installation of customer-specific applications. Network upgrade, firewall upgrade,
router, switches and access points, using Unifi Solution. Print-services and hardware.
Great customer relationship.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Location: Gothenburg
Description: Designed script that checks mailbox privileges where we checked users and that
automatically sorted out users. Built script that built a NAT gateway between Azure and our desktop
environment, which thanks to Azure sync automatically updated both environments. In AWS, we built a
serverless application, as well as a Docker environment, and used the AWS Codepipeline. Took an ITIL
foundation certificate.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Description: I built a serverless application using Lambda functions (5 in total). It uses Elastic Transcoder
to manage and deliver videos with lowest possible latency. S3 buckets, both private and public are used to store them securely and Lambda to move them. An auth.0 domain serves as "my site" where login creates
a security token which enables publishing of a video (using s3 bucket policy). I had an API Gateway to connect to my on-premise Firebase database.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Description: I designed a full Code Pipeline in AWS without using the built-in service. This involved
creating a dedicated programmatic user with GIT credentials in IAM. As part of this I deployed an Ubuntu
18 TLS enabled app for Windows on my laptop to use as "My Linux machine" for pushing of local repos to CodeCommit. Referencing of a local repo to push it to CodeCommit was set up to test deployment. Code
deploy was then used to deploy the code on an EC2 instance behind a load balancer. Autoscaling groups
was used to auto create and scale the instances. Finally, a code pipeline was created from the components to automatically commit new changes pushed to the CodeCommit repo.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Description: Deployment of Docker images. Building and pushing them to CodeCommit and Github,
performed bridge network (create DNS), updated images (without running docker build -t) using Docker
volumes. Also connected Docker containers in the same Docker network. Built and deployed Docker
containerized application examples to learn and understand best practices from different scenarios.
2019-01 - 2019-01
Description: Technician implementing Kubernetes techniques using PowerShell in cloud environment.
Node build, check, connect as well as using them as databases to store information. Autoscaling within
Azure and AWS, both vertical, horizontal. Role based access control using Rbac. Progress checking for
example using CloudWatch.
2018-01 - 2018-01
Description: The training focused on working with Windows Server and Active Directory to create a deep
understanding of how Windows Server and Active Directory work. We built scripts in PowerShell that set
up a fully functional AD environment with OU, GPO's, PKI, s, Used by MDT, SCCM and VMware. At the end of the course, we built a cluster environment with PowerShell.
Role: Student
Location: Gothenburg
Description: School assignment
Project: Create a PowerShell Script that creates a Complete OU Structure in your AD/Domain. The
structure will include laptops, workstations, server, secure groups, resource groups and company divisions
(sales, board, production), Create a PowerShell Script that creates 50 Users in different company divisions,
create a PowerShell Script that creates 10 security groups and 10 resource groups. the script will also add
random members to different security/resource groups.
Role: Student
Location: Gothenburg
Description: School assignment.
Project: Set up office 365 tenant + connect domain to tenant, use script to install modules and connect
Azure AD + MSOnline, Create users in O365, Create a script that automatically adds a license to the user,
Make a script that verifies that the user has a license.
2016-01 - 2018-01
2017-01 - 2018-01
2018-01 - 2018-01
2018-01 - 2018-01
Location: Gothenburg
Description: Auctioneer and valuable resource, planning workloads, independent, reliable
2016-01 - 2017-01
Description: Planning, distributing and organizing for two companies, independent and responsible
2015-01 - 2016-01
2015-01 - 2016-01
Description: Teenagers/ kids recreation instructor, sub teacher, conflict handling, special needs teacher