Tech Lead Mobile Developer Stockholm, Sverige

Might be available

(Updated 2020-04-27)

Tech Lead Mobile Developer

Stockholm, Sverige

Native Svenska, English

  • Swift, Objective-C and Mobile applications
  • CTO and Tech Lead experience
  • 10 years of experience with iOS

Skills (22)



Objective C





Ruby on Rails















Professional Experience


2019-09 - Present

Instacart Inc

2017-05 - 2019-05

Senior iOS Engineer
Continious Integration

2018-07 - 2019-05

To expand the current product offering of grocery delivery the company wanted to provide customers with a "shop-and-collect" experience where customers could order
online and pick up their products after an hour or two at the store.

Andrew and team had to build an entirely new experience from the store perspective
adding in new workflows to the app for picking products and storing them in a staging
area, and collecting the bagged products from the staging area when customers
arrived at the store and run them out to their cars.

Andrew's main role was on the iOS app building out new workflows and give store
managers insight into the status of current orders and activity in their store, but he also
stepped in to support the product manager and helped define and scope the work
required by the team.

The result was unlocking a new, huge revenue stream for the company and its partners while keeping the user experience really simple and easy to follow.

iOS Swift Mobile Application Development Objective C Project planning

Engineering management
Senior iOS Engineer

2018-09 - 2019-05

The iOS app was previously distributed via a custom built enterprise certificate solution and to enable a better onboarding experience, growth and improved security the team
decided to migrate and distribute via the App Store.

This was not a simple task as the entire deployment infrastructure had to be modified to allow deploying not just to the App Store but also support legacy users via enterprise
distribution, and on top of that support automated and quality control testing.

Andrew took on this work and reworked the existing continuous integration and delivery systems to support all these new options. Rewriting all deploy scripts,
migrating to fastlane and a new CI/CD provider and enabling several pipelines.

Linux iOS Continuous Delivery Swift Continious deployment

Mobile Application Development Mobile apps Shellscript Circle Cl MacOS
Senior iOS Engineer

2017-10 - 2018-03

Andrew was tasked to take several distributed systems, accessed as webpages, and make them a core component in the iOS app.

The work meant re-architecting the core part of the app to enable a completely new
interface and language (Swift) side by side with an older architecture and language
(Obj-C), with as little impact on existing code to avoid any issues.

This project also meant a lot of server communication, smart caching, working with map
frameworks to decode GeoJSON and display hotspot shapes, routing and ETA
information on a map.

iOS Swift Objective C GeoJSON MapBox Mapkit
Throwdown Labs

2013-10 - 2017-05

Andrew co-founded Throwdown as the CTO and was the head engineer and vital part of the entire product development from idea phase to design and code
implementation. He built two iOS applications and supporting backends from the
ground up, of which one, a virtual workout coach, grew to over $360000 ARR.
"Andrew is a wonderful colleague who embodies the can-do spirit. I
think he truly believes that anything is possible, and he's willing to give it a try if the team agrees with the approach."
Ogden Kent Mobile Lead

Work Senior iOS Engineer (Consultant)
Experience Spotify Stockholm Sep 2020 - Ongoing

Andrew worked on the team responsible for how Spotify looks and works while used
within a car, an area which touches many millions of users and is very important to
Spotify. The role was broad from working hands-on with code and working with designers improving the in-car experience, to building out completely new features within the Spotify app, setting architecture and design patterns for the team. The work
had many other aspects to it as being the sole iOS engineer for an extended period of
time and mentoring junior engineers teaching them design patterns and engineering

iOS Xcode Design patterns Coaching & Mentoring Technical architecture

Throwdown Labs San Francisco Oct 2013 - May 2017

Andrew co-founded Throwdown as the CTO and was the sole engineer through most of the work.

He was a vital part of the entire product development from idea phase to design and
code implementation. He built two iOS applications and supporting backends from the ground up, of which one, a virtual workout coach, grew to over $360000 ARR.

Project Manager Ruby on Rails Product Manager Mobile Developer

Full Stack Developer Backend developer Growth strategy
Throwdown Labs Inc

2013-10 - 2017-05

Kickball Labs Inc

2011-11 - 2013-10

Mobile Engineer
Kickball Labs

2012-10 - 2013-10

Kickball decided to build Hello, a mobile messaging app, and Andrew worked on the Android app. Building a custom camera experience supporting a wider set of devices
than Instagram and digging into the SMS/MMS standards to support sending and receiving photos and videos.

Java SMS SQLite Android MMS Mobile Application Development
Mobile apps Communication Services
Full Stack Growth Engineer
Kickball Labs

2011-10 - 2012-10

Andrew worked on a social photo sharing site called Muzy, creating many growth
experiments to bring in and retain users. Everything from optimising an on-boarding
funnel to creating more engaging tools or experiences.

His work involved frontend, backend (Ruby on Rails) and some mobile work, and he
took away a much deeper understanding of how people interact with a site/app and how to optimise for user happiness and growth.

JavaScript Frontend Ruby on Rails Webb applications Growth hacking

Full Stack Developer Growth Analysis Growth strategy
Development Manager

2011-01 - 2011-10

Project Manager

2011-01 - 2011-10

Stockholm Jan 2011 - Oct 2011

Andrew managed a team of four running product development and technical

The company was working on their first mobile app with help from a third party
developer but the project had come to a halt lacking a clear direction, deliverables and team responsibilities. When Andrew came in he set a plan for completing the project
workout out all the details for design, functionality and APIs, and managing both the internal and third party developers to deliver a well working app in a short time.

He also worked directly with the CEO bringing the company to profitability for the first
time ever, and managed the day-to-day operations of one of Sweden's most visited

Project Manager Development Manager Product Manager IT Operations

Mangement Engineering Manager

Contact contractor
