Sales Manager Greve, Danmark

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(Updated 2023-02-28)

Sales Manager

Greve, Danmark

Native Danish, English, German, Fluent Svenska, Norwegian, Intermediate French, Beginner Spanish

  • IoT & Software sales SaaS
  • Project management
  • +15 years experience in techincal sales.

Skills (32)









Windows 10









3d printing
















“Educated as Diploma Engineer (Telecom) from SDU I went from Programming at Wiibroe Brewery in Helsingør to Science Center in France for a number of years.

I was hesitating for a while if Science or Commercial Sales was my passion! Finally, the communication and technical understanding won. I have since then been in technical sales with hardware and software for 15- 20 years. From those 14 years in Germany.

Focus is the satisfaction of my customers. Making sure, they get more than what they expect to the right price. I like to communicate at any level in a company closing the circle of sales to every body’s satisfaction.”


Professional Experience

Sales Manger

2022-04 - Present

Resource management for + 27 HW/ SW Engineers (Hearing Aid, Fintech, general software dev.) in the greater Copenhagen area. Support to Krakow / Poland for a local major player within Software development.
Achievement: Increased sales and revenue as well as a full sales pipeline for months to come. One of two best players for large Tender for one of the larges hearing aid companies in Denmark. Extensive expansion of mpeople brand, expansion of network and present in the region.
Denmark - CEO
C5 Innovation ApS

2019-06 - 2022-03

Sales & Business development with IoT / AI based system for concrete surveillance and additives. Sales of Concrete additives for the Construction business, Negotiation with Distributors for various regions, Sales strategy, team management. Budget responsible. Sale of IoT / AI solutions for production optimization. 3D Printing setup with US Robotic.
Achievement: Established sales channel in Italy, Ukraine, Austria, and Abu Dhabi. Negotiated successfully with Danban investor. Contract and financial responsible with a positive cash flow in the period of Covid without any support from government.
Sales Manager
Würth electronic A/S

2018-01 - 2019-06

Develop marked in the Region for Würth. Manage Key customers. Negotiate prices and strategy. Reporting. Corporation with EMS (Region: Fyn / Sjælland).
Achievement: Build up a solid sales pipeline in short time with increasing revenue.
Sales Engineer
Ole Wolff Elektronik GmbH Munich

2014-11 - 2017-12

Manage and develop the marked alone for passive part and Acoustic parts in the South of Germany, Swiss and Austria.
Develop sales strategies and set targets for sales and margin. Develop new clients, Key account for major clients, Develop custom design in Corporation with colleagues from Denmark and China. Report to management in Germany / Denmark.
Keep up to date with products and competitors. Moved to Denmark 2016/17.
Achievement: Sole responsible for pipeline in DACH handles with great success. Went from close to zero sales up to plus 340 KEur. in turnover.
Germany - Investment Manager
Innovation center

2009-08 - 2014-06

Reporting directly to the Regional Director of Europe, my role as Investment Manager was to identify, contact and build a network in large multinational companies as well as smaller high-tech companies, primarily in the areas of ICT, Medico devices, software or for the venture Capital marked. My mission was to convince them to choose Denmark as their location for future activities. I also cooperated with the organization of Invest in Denmark based around the globe, as well as in collaborating with colleagues working with export promotion and innovation to arrange joint branding and networking events. In 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 I got the idea and took the lead on three of the most successful ICT events ever in Invest in Denmark.
During the period, I gained high-level access to many companies within R&D, Public R&D Org. like DLR, "Frauenhofer", and many more and I have a broad knowledge of the clusters in Germany, Austria and Scandinavia within ICT, Fintech, pharmaceutical & Biotechnology. Support for the Robotics cluster in Odense / Denmark.
Achievement: 2-3 DACH company establishment and plus 100 employees/ year achieved. Lead taker of R&D Robot/wind congress at the Scandinavia Embassies in Berlin with +80 CEO's / Head of Sales / R&D department contributed to new B2B Corporation between Germany and Denmark.
Microprocessor programming, embedded software for cryostat controller
E.S.O. European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, Garching b

2002-07 - 2009-06

Munich - Germany 07/2002 - 06-2009 Microprocessor programming, embedded software for cryostat controller. Zuken CAD design. Cleanroom work for CCD chip design & characterization. Cryogenics work at detector systems.
Achievement: Cryogenic design and test as well as design of Cryogenic Cooling controller unit for VLD telescope in Chile.
CAD designer.
Product Manager
Telco & Internet

1996-06 - 2002-05

Product manager (Hosting) for Scandinavia. Training of Key account managers in Scandinavia. Development of the Product portfolio, Sales Strategy, and pricing. After 3 Years we were the most professional and biggest hosting facility in Scandinavia.
Achievement: Head of hosting facility. Introduction of my ideas and products in the complete Tele2 organization in Scandinavia achieving a xx Million sales / year. Leading the first online E-commerce payment in Denmark in corporation with IBM. First mover with a range of online services & products.
Sales Engineer
RE International A/S

1995-07 - 1996-07

Sales engineer for the following marked: Norway, Sweden, France and the Netherlands. Coach for the dealers from France.
35 Mill. DKK was our target in 1995 to the telco marked. Codex sold to Teracom in Sweden for 29 Mill DKK primo 1996. Our customers were Telco 's around the world. Exhibition experience from France and Spain.
Achievement: Leading of all French dealers and sales channels, Sales for 29 million to Teracom in 1996 together with sales Manager.
Beamline Engineer
E.S.R.F European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. (Research)

1992-08 - 1995-06

Technical responsible for the electronics at the Beam line. Planning and implementation of electronics, design of certain parts. Electromechanical test, of more than 80 stepper motors controller via software. Cleanroom work for detectors, Commissioning of the complete beam line. (Only electronics). Worked in Hamburg @ Hasylab and CERN (CH) in short periods.
Achievement: sole responsible for design and implementation of the ID10 Beamline. Equipment purchases for +5 Mill. DKK.
Test and commissioning of beamline before deadline. Worked autonom from day one in total unknown environment.
Process Engineer. (Project)
Carlsberg A/S

1991-11 - 1992-06

Identification of problems/errors & microprocessor /Microprocessor programming.
Achievement: Assembler software correction for prober control and registration of beer production finished successfully.

Academic Background

South Danish University

1987-01 - 1991-01

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