Expert ABAP Developer Kolkata, India

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(Updated 2023-01-19)

Expert ABAP Developer

Kolkata, India

Native English, Intermediate Hindi

  • SAP Data Migration
  • 10+ years of experience in SAP ABAP

Skills (43)




Incident Management









































* Total 13 years of IT Experience. Relevant Technical Experience is around 11 Years. Worked with ABAP/4 programming environment with PM, SD, MM, FICO, FS-CD, FS-PM Module.
* Recognized for reliability and getting the job done through persistence and a strong work ethic.
* Reports: Classical, Interactive ALV with OOP.
* Data Conversion: LSMW with IDOC, BAPI, Direct Input. BDC
* Dialog Program: Module Pool using OOP Concept.
* Interface: ALE/IDOC both Inbound and Outbound. RFC.
* Forms: Smart Forms.
* Enhancement: BADI, User Exit, Customer Exit, Enhancement Framework.
* Others Techniques: Debugging Techniques, Code Optimization, Modularization.
* Inline Coding Techniques.
* ABAP on HANA: Knowledge of ABAP CDS View with Parameter, Association (Ad-Hoc/Exposed Association) and use in ABAP Program, CDS View Annotations, Arithmetic /String /Case Expressions. CDS View with Table function. ABAP Managed Database Procedure, ALV IDA.
* OData: Knowledge of OData mapping using RFC.

Professional Experience

Lead Consultant
Wipro Limited

2023-01 - Present

Technology Architect
Cognizant Technology Pvt. Ltd

2023-01 - 2023-01

Lead Consultant
HCL Technologies

2023-01 - 2023-01

Senior Application Consultant
IBM India limited

2023-01 - 2023-01

SAP Consultant
Web Development Company

2023-01 - 2023-01

Verizon Data Services India Pvt. Ltd

2023-01 - 2023-01

ABAP Consultant
Infocus Technologies Pvt. Ltd

2023-01 - 2023-01

ERP Consultant SAP ABAP
Artech Infosystems

2023-01 - 2023-01

Application Developer on Unidata and Unibasic
Eastek Solutions Pvt. Ltd

2023-01 - 2023-01

Employment History Client: Skyworks Inc Phase I Development & AMS Industry: Sales Project: SAP ABAP SAP: SAP ABAP Role: Senior Developer Location: Kolkata * Develop custom ALV interactive Report to convert Planned Order to Production Order based on weekly/By Weekly/certain date range. First ALV display all Production Orders with relevant materials and Date with Amount. Simulate all Production Orders for similar Material/Date/Amount. Select single/multiple Planned Orders and convert them to Production Order and simultaneously change the Production Order quantity. Release the Production Order using BAPI. Change delivery address in ALV grid and update in Delivery using BAPI. From Production Order create PO also. Use custom class to manage double click/Add additional buttons in ALV toolbar/handle user command.
* Working on AMS project in SAP Core ABAP to fix service Tickets.
Client: EASTMAN KODAK Industry: Sales Project: S4 HANA Code Remediation SAP: SAP ABAP Role: Senior Developer Location: Kolkata * Code Remediation of ECC objects in S4 HANA environment. Remediate ECC custom codes using ATC check with variant S4HANA_READINESS_2020. Remediate Material Number field extension/Amount field length extension/Replacement of obsolete Tables/Function Modules like KNKK/KONV/MARC. Use standard CDS views in place of standard tables that are not in use anymore in S4 HANA.
* Developed CDS Views to remediate ATC error for MARC/VBUK/VBUP/KNKK etc.
Client: Dufry Industry: Retail Project: Implementation SAP: SAP ABAP Role: Senior Developer Location: Kolkata * Developed one Table Function with Client as input Parameter to accommodate to fetch Service Order Transactional information along with Sold-to-Party information from BUT000 and CRMD_PARTNER tables. For this one AMDP has been implemented in Custom Class with Static Method to implement the select logic and return Client, Partner Number, Partner GUID, Title, and Full Name. Consume this Table function into CDS View. Display the Report as ALV.
* Developed CDS View for Vendor and Customer open items in FI based on Company code/Vendor and/or Customer for FBL1N/FBL5N to accommodate Amount in Document currency based on GL Account. Use this CDS in Report to Download/Upload text file in Presentation/Application server.
* Developed one FI Aging Report based on Trade Payables. This report contains several calculated fields based on Vendor/Account Number, such as No Dues/Overdue Days (or 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or more than 3 months), Previous Year and Month Balance/Current Invoice/ Current Balance/ Forex Difference.
* Developed on FI Report based on Vendor and /or Customer Open Items based on Company code/Vendor and/or Customer to generate Legacy output file. Based on Selection screen the aggregated values based on each Vendor/Customer open items will download or Upload to Presentation or Application server with no Header information.
* Adjust 3 smartforms by incorporating additional logic, Table adjustment in Main window.
* Adjust/Amendment in POS IDOC WPUBON custom segment E1WXX01. Check the duplicate Passenger Name based on segment Field Group and Field Name. Eliminate duplicate Passenger Name from one IDOC segment as for one IDOC number multiple custom segments can be appeared. Using User Exit Framework and maintaining entry in View Cluster, IDOC can only carry only one Passenger Name based on a specific Field Group and Field Name.
* Developed one OOPs Based report that will responsible to Clear Vendor Open Items fully(F-44) and update custom table with all Clearing Information like Vendor Number, Original Doc No, Clearing Doc No, Clearing Date, Posting Key, Company Code(Sending and Receiving) and Maintain another custom Log table. After that once the Clearing Process will be done, then posting with FB01 and update the Log table with correct information. One OOPS ALV will be display afterwards with all this information. If any row in ALV is in Error then use can select the row and try to reprocess using REPROCESS button in ALV.
Client: Medtronic LLC Industry: Life Science Project: Implementation SAP: SAP ABAP Role: Offshore Development Lead Location: Kolkata * Developing FM in GTS system to fetch GTS Document Details from Several GTS tables/Structures. This is a RFC Function Module which will be called from ECC side by passing the Invoice Number. This FM returns all GTS Document related Header/Items including Partners.
* Working on ECR for existing Adobe Form changes for Israel Invoice. This ECR consist of change Item level CFN Number with Description and Print CMIR instead of GTIN number.
* Develop one RFC Function module for APO which is called from ECC side. This FM returns Means of Transport (MOT) based on Storage Location and Supplying Plant in ECC side.
* Working in Routing Guided Report based on several Routing tables Mass Updation. User can select multiple Routing tables and based on that dynamic selection screen will appear to user, so that use can only input based on selected tables fields. First ALV will display selected Routing table Name/Descriptions/Number of Records. If any one Table is selected, the second ALV will open with selected Table details, through which user can select one/multiple rows for mass update that table. During Mass Update one pop-up screen will appear to take inputs for fields which needs to be updated. Each Routing table detail ALV will have different set of Buttons to process Mass Update. Once Mass Update processed, then another log table will display as ALV with traffic light and show update status with Messages.
* Develop Implicit Enhancement for Dangerous Goods Movement to check DG profile Materials against custom Enhancement table entry for specific Plant and Shipping Point.
* Modify existing Shipment cover form for custom output type smartform to incorporate Dangerous Goods Information.
* Prepare Technical Design Document with pseudocode based on Functional Specification.
* Actively involved in KA Session Knowledge Transition phases of their existing activities in Functional/Technical KA Sessions from Medtronic SME's and monitor the activities. Modules are like GTS/Vistex/Service & Repair etc.
* Prepared Application Hand book out of the KA Sessions recording in share point and prepare PPT presentation for Reverse KA Sessions to SME's.
* Received excellent individual score card from SME's. Average is 4.86 out of 5 as standards.
* Currently working with INCIDENT management in Service Now tool as well as ECR's. This is initial Incident handling phase and called as Shadow Phase.
* Next step is Reverse Shadow phase and Mock test.
* Working in new Cognizant Tool Development that will Track Planned vs actual work for the Modules under respective Tracks.
Client: Laeseplan Corporation Industry: Car Leasing/Transport Project: Implementation SAP: SAP CRM Business Partner, FS-CD, FS-PM Role: SAP ABAP & Data Consultant Location: Kolkata Project Details: * Developed one Table Function with Client as input Parameter to accommodate to fetch Service Order Transactional information along with Sold-to-Party information from BUT000 and CRMD_PARTNER tables. For this one AMDP has been implemented in Custom Class with Static Method to implement the select logic and return Client, Partner Number, Partner Guid, Title, Full Name. Consume this Table function into CDS View. Display the Report as ALV.
* Analysis of existing Web UI based Migration Tool called MPF (Mass Processing Framework) as per the requirement to understand the execution sequence of Load Tool CRM Business Partner. Prepare DOU based on existing code functionality.
* Propose alternative solutions to upload all CRM Business Partners for different Roles. Split existing upload files into different segments based on different roles and Views of Business Partners.
* Develop custom program to upload CRM Counter and Reading.
* Prepare initial Load tool in LSMW using IDOC method for all types of CRM Business Partners for different Roles for CREATE. Gradually extend the Tool to UPDATE existing Business Partners to ADD different Identification and Roles. Implemented logic in LSMW to avoid duplicate Entry such as Roles/Identification/Tax No/Tax Class/Address/Bank details etc.
* Implemented logic of Bespoke fields of Business Partners in AET and Custom Tables using AET Class CL_AXT_TABLES_API.
* Develop New Data Transfer tool for FS-CD module to CREATE Contract Account and Insurance Object with Single and Multiple Business Partners. Prepare File format and set data records in file for both CREATE/CHANGE.
* Develop custom program for FS-PM Sample Application.
* Troubleshoot and resolved Defects during Trial Conversions and Trial and Cut Over and FDR.
Client: Pratt & Whitney Canada Industry: Airlines Project: Implementation SAP: SAP ABAP/OData Role: SAP ABAP Development Location: Kolkata Project Details: * Develop some RFC(s) for OData service. One RFC is to search Work Authorization Number (PM Work Order) based on certain input criterion and this RFC is used to create Entity in OData for Work Authorization search and this OData service binds with Fiori.
* Another RFC to search Material and Vendor based on Material/Vendor number or Description and map these RFC's with OData services.
* Adjust an inbound proxy to collect relevant Work Order records and create Work Order using BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN.
* Created a Module pool application to search Claims (Historical/Warranty/P2P). For this created three separate Function Module(s) for each search using Object Oriented approach. For Historical search created one custom table to upload Historical claim record(s) from Excel file with error handling. There are several input parameter(s) in Module pool screen and user can input only one at a time based on radio button.
Client: Friesland Campina and Peroxychem LLC Industry: Dairy, Chemicals Project: Implementation SAP: SAP SD/MM Role: SAP ABAP Consultant Location: Kolkata Project Details: * Develop Requirement VOFM Routine to trigger Outbound Delivery IDOC for custom output type created in NACE with Access Sequence during Delivery Create, Change and Delete.
* Configure IDOC XML Port to send Outbound Delivery IDOC to specified path in Application server as .XML file to send those IDOC's to third party.
* Configure Partner Profile to configure Outbound IDOC Message type along with Process Code, Output Type and Application Code.
* Configure Distribution Model as a Receiver Partner with proper Filter Group.
* Develop IDOC extension for Outbound Delivery IDOC to fill custom fields. Use User Exit in Outbound Function Module to populate Custom field's value for Delivery Extension.
* Develop an Update Function module that will update Partner Numbers, Bill of Lading, Certain Header Text in Delivery. This FM also check whether those values were already being changed in Delivery and whether Delivery already been PGI'd. This FM also PGI the Delivery if PGI was not done.
* Developed custom logic in Delivery User Exit to restrict whole Delivery Deletion and message user to delete line items instead of Delete Whole Delivery.
* Developed Email sending code to External user as PDF attachment in Driver Program for Sap script.
* Developed Report to show User Release strategy, Role, Characteristic Value, Cost Higher value.
* Enhancement in Delivery Header to make Incoterm1 and Freight Term Mandatory along with shipping term. Determine Freight Term based on the Incoterm1 values and vice versa by searching Custom Table. Use BADI LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC to make this two fields Mandatory.
* Update Pricing structure when Delivery is being created using SO/PO using BADI LE_SHP_PRICING.
* Enhancement of Outbound Delivery header and item screen with additional Header and Item custom Tab using custom BADI implementation for Delivery Header and Item screen to be created. Use user exit for delivery to update custom delivery header and item screen data in respective delivery header and item table along with in one custom table concurrently to maintain the delivery change history using IN UPDATE TASK custom function module.
* Develop Inbound IDOC interface custom function module with custom Segments, Basic Type, Message type, Process code to process the IDOC coming from PI/XI. This custom function module is responsible for creating STO/PO, Sales Order, Outbound Delivery, and Update delivery for three different STO/PO order type and two Sales Order type using BAPI function modules. Use user exit to update Delivery additional Header data Z-fields.
* Use IDOC/BDC/BAPI to build the Data objects in different areas. Handle and support critical developments like WBS Elements, Inspection Plan, Master Recipe, and PM Work Order etc.
* Develop one Copy Routine Enhancement for Delivery to overwrite Delivery Block via Delivery header VOFM Routine.
* Working on ECC/CRM Proxy (using SPROXY) to adjust the service interface and small adjustment in Proxy call methods and function modules.
* Working on Sap script changes like Logo placed in Main window, Standard text print in Main window (e.g. Print Material standard text after displaying all Material related information). Adjust contact person address using subroutine pool program.
* Print logo against each item in sap script in each page.
* Developed Upload Conversion Tool program in LSMW/BDC for all Master Data Objects.
* Developed one IDOC analysis report for Material, Customer, Vendor that lists all error IDOCs with details error description, IDOC status, Date, Time including Material, Vendor, Customer number in it, so that business can find the proper error.
* Visited on-site in client location (Netherlands) for two times in short term work permit for on-site coordinator role for Data Migration Consultant in PM, EWM, APO areas and to run Final conversion in production system.
* Co-ordinated with client about Roll out strategies and respective Legacy systems related to every roll outs.
* Attended daily status meeting with client and align with each day activities.
* Distribute Data Objects to Team members and co-ordinated with Global Delivery team.
* First workshop was for template specific roll out development and second visit was for Data Transformation tool development and gather required business mapping from specific template team.
* Visited client plant location for final Stock Conversion. This includes Data Transformation and upload.
Client: Marks and Spencer Business Foundation Industry: Retail Project: Implementation SAP: SAP SD/MM Role: SAP ABAP Consultant Location: Kolkata Project Details: * Develop one report based on Mass Sales Condition Upload depending on selection of key combination of sales condition record. Sales condition records will be generated against dynamically selected condition table header information and will be written in application server.
* Develop report based on POSDM (Point of Sales Data Management) part of IS Retail based on Batch Reconciliation and End of Day Reconciliation against different Task and Department and send the report to desired user in excel as an e-mail attachment.
* Develop customized report same as WE02 which shows the Error IDoc numbers, Current Status, Sub-Status etc and shows the Error segments header records and item records.
* Develop report based on Article Pricing & Promotions (IS Retail) and output will displays depending on header (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Price List, and Site group) grouping.
Client: Verizon US Industry: Telecom Project: Implementation/Support SAP: SAP SD/MM Role: SAP ABAP Consultant Location: Hyderabad Project Details: * Develop one report for MRP Areas where the MRP Master tables will be updated through flat text file. Users can Add/Update/Delete the existing records by selecting the Radio buttons and giving the particular MRP Area code in selection screen.
* Develop one report based on PO Pricing. Report contains PO No., Creation date, Description, Price. Through this report user can update the existing price by entering the new one and it got reflected to corresponding database table through report. This change can be viewed by ME22N or ME23N.
* Develop report on Material Reservation with Work Order no, Description, Person responsible, Stock.
* BDC with Table Control for creating Customer Master Record using Call Transaction and Session Method.
Client: Transafe Services Limited Industry: Logistics Project: Implementation SAP: SAP SD/MM Role: SAP ABAP Consultant Location: Kolkata Project Details: * Developed and modified several reports based on SD, FICO, and MM.
* Developed smart forms for Excise Invoice, Invoice for Scrap sale, Service PO Order.
* Create report based on Vehicle Trip Wise Production Order, PO and Trip Number wise Freight charges, Advance paid and outstanding amount.
* Created Report for Customer A/C details and Vendor A/C details.
* Create customized reports and Smart forms for SAP standard Tcode ME9F, Bill Register Smart forms.
* Create one customized smart form for Outbound Delivery with Delivery details, sales order number, and Bill number, header item with corresponding detail items, detail items total and subtotal. It also includes various types of Taxes (HEcess, Ecess, LST, VAT, Service Tax etc.).
* Developed one User Exit as per requirement for Tcode ME22N ME23N, where user can Material Description, Quantity, and Price for a particular line item of a particular PO, in display mode (ME23N) user can view the information.
Client: Bhilai Steel Plant (Bhilai) Industry: Manufacturing Project: Implementation SAP: SAP SD/MM/PM Role: SAP ABAP Consultant Location: Bhilai (MP) * Developed an ALV report Based on Refurbishment of Plant Maintenance basis. Data was extracted from (QMEL, VIQMEL, QMIH, T325R, VIAFKOS, RESB, CRHD, MARA and VIAUF_AFVC). Link with Notification number and call transaction IW22 for that particular Notification no to see the other details.
* SAP Smart forms are used to create & maintain forms for Accidental data report, PM Chain Pully report, Maintenance in SAP Smart forms support a printer, a Fax, e-mail. SAP smart forms for PDF file as well as Hindi fonts.
* Developed data migration programs to transfer Measurement Document related details (IK11) from legacy to SAP system using call Transaction and Batch Input Session method.
* Created a Report for PM Electrical Accidental Registered that will give the description of accident in smart forms.
* Developed and modified several Reports based on PM, SD, MM, FI module.
* Develop a PM "ERP Logbook" in Module Pool, which is central application of all kinds of reports. This Logbook contains Text edit, Dropdown list, Text control, Radio buttons and 20 Push Buttons for different application reports. Each button describes other application area in a pop-up screen. OO concept used to develop this Logbook application for Text Edit control. Role is to develop whole application using screen painter, design the screen and write flow logic for application. Run this application in Plants for raising Notification for particular equipment and write shift instructions.
* Develop one custom DMS (Document Management System) screen in Module Pool using Tree control, Picture control, Pushbuttons. Role is to develop this custom screen for several types of Documents create, Edit, Change and Display. Develop Tree control using OO and Class concept that contains document types and subtypes. Buttons are for Create, Change, and Display several types of document.
* Develop module pool ERP Logbook as a central application of all kinds of reports.
* Prepare also TS & FS for existing programs.
* Developed an ALV report Based on Daily invoice basis. Data was extracted from (BKPF, BSEG, KNA1, and SKAT).
* Developed data migration programs to transfer all material related details (mm01) from legacy to SAP system using call Transaction method.
* Created a Report for SD that will give comparative statement pre purchase order. Data was extracted from EKKO, EKPO, EKET, and EKKF.
* Developed and modified several Reports Internal to Wipro 1 | Page

Academic Background

Master in Computer Application
West Bengal University of Technology

2023-01 - 2005-01

Bachelor of Science
Calcutta University

2023-01 - 2002-01

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