Updated: 2023-09-12

Need an easy consulting for Angular proyect.


  • Publicerad 2 years ago
  • Spanish
  • Förväntat startdatum: Omgående

Assignment Details

Hi. I hope you're well. I would need a consultancy on a project with Angular and Node. Specifically I'm stuck on displaying a list from my back-end in Node. I was able to pull up the list in the front-end service, and from the service I was also able to send it to the component. So far good. What I am not achieving is displaying the list in the html. It's something basic that I'm missing. I don't think it's a problem for you to give me the solution. I would be grateful if you help me.


Plats Remote
Förväntad omsättning 2 Timmar/vecka , 100% distans
Förväntat startdatum Omgående
Förväntat slutdatum 2022-04-11
Nödvändiga språk Spanish
Nödvändiga kompetenser AngularJS

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