Updated: 2023-09-12

GIS Software Developer


  • Publicerad 4 år sedan
  • English
  • Förväntat startdatum: Omgående

Assignment Details

Seeking an experienced GIS developer to work under the guidance of subject matter experts for the implementation phase of this project.

As the two projects are very similar in nature, have similar implementation schedules, and will be configured on the same platform and apps, we propose to engage a developer to work on both projects concurrently.

  • Both projects will take an AGILE approach to the delivery of the following:
  • creation and publishing of hosted feature layers on ArcGIS online
  • configuration of field data collection forms using Survey123 and/or QuickCapture
  • configuration of web apps using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS


Plats Brisbane
Förväntad omsättning 40 Timmar/vecka , 100% onsite
Förväntat startdatum Omgående
Förväntat slutdatum Öppen
Nödvändiga språk English
Nödvändiga kompetenser ARCGIS, Agile, Developer, GIS, SOFTWARE

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