Updated: 2023-09-12

Creative Production designer

Lemont, IL, USA

  • Publicerad 5 år sedan
  • English
  • Förväntat startdatum: Omgående

Assignment Details

You Will: 

  • Possess a unique combination of a keen design eye and high-end production standards
  • Be skilled at laying out the perfect annual report, brochure or booklet
  • Take designs during the final stages of development to ensure accuracy and prepare them for print and digital publication
  • Review and make edits to graphics, layout, and typography
  • Finalize design using image editing software
  • Ensure print and digital designs meet high-quality standards
  • Demonstrate a successful background in the production of annual reports, brochures, etc.
  • Maintain quality execution standards, heavy on production


You Have:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in design or related field
  • A portfolio of quality creative projects along with samples of your excellent typography skills
  • A minimum of 5+ years of proven work experience as a Production Artist
  • Excellent organizational and project management skills with the ability to prioritize and meet all deadlines
  • A strong design eye for the smallest of details
  • The ability to follow instructions and a willingness to offer suggestions for improvement
  • Proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite



Plats Lemont, IL, USA
Förväntad omsättning 40 Timmar/vecka , 100% onsite
Förväntat startdatum Omgående
Förväntat slutdatum Öppen
Nödvändiga språk English
Nödvändiga kompetenser Creative, Design, Management, graphics, production

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