Student Dublin, Ireland

Kan vara tillgänglig

(Uppdaterat 1+ år sedan)


Dublin, Ireland

Modersmål English

  • Demonstrator in University College Dublin
  • Student in University College Dublin
  • Knowledge in C, Java, Scheme, and Ruby

Kompetenser (6)








I am a stage 3 Computer Science student in University College Dublin, Ireland. I have a willingness to learn, as well as a passion to self improve with any opportunity that comes my way. I am able to see the bigger picture, while still focusing on the small details.

Professionell bakgrund

University College Dublin

2019-09 - Pågående

• To assist/give guidance, where required, to students who are carrying out practical exercises.
• Demonstrators must ensure they are familiar with the subject/class/session to be demonstrated and clarify anything where necessary with the course.
Freelance Transcriber

2019-06 - 2019-08

• I was responsible for the transcription of audio files for the use of voice recognition technology.
• I was subsequently promoted to work along side the quality assurance team.
Partner Portfolio Management Intern
Allied Irish Banks

2018-06 - 2018-08

• I was responsible for assisting the AIB team that manages business relationships with the IT partners.
• I provided strong support for the team in terms of assisting to streamline current activities, assume
tasks such as the training of staff in new technological skills, own administrative work alongside the administration of the technology partners

Akademisk bakgrund

BSc. Computer Science
University College dublin

2017-09 - 2021-09


TUSLA Introduction to Children First Certificate
European Computers Drivers License (ECDL)


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Ring Andreas

Mån-fre: 9:00 - 18:00