Senior .NET utvecklare Skövde, Sweden

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(Uppdaterat 2022-06-08)

Senior .NET utvecklare

Skövde, Sweden

Modersmål Svenska, Flytande English

  • .NET Core
  • Azure Cloud

Kompetenser (11)


Entity Framework




.NET Core







I'm a senior developer with 10 years of experience in .NET development, mainly within FinTech. Throughout the years I've been
working in various roles like developer, team lead, architect and engineering manager which has given me a lot of experience
in the field of IT, not just technical knowledge but also how to build cross functional and high performing teams. I'm always
eager to learn new stuff and I spend a lot of time reading and investigating new technologies and how they can be applied to
different real-world problems. I always strive to solve technical challenges in a simple and reliable way.

Professionell bakgrund

Consultant (Founder and Owner)
SIGU Solutions AB

2013-01 - Pågående

In 2013, I started SIGU Solutions with the aim of delivering consulting services in software development. I've deep technical knowledge and experience about developing modern applications in .NET and Azure.
Head of Engineering

2020-01 - 2022-01

As Head of Engineering at Bricknode, I focused on developing our IT strategy to be able to elevate Bricknode's current systems to more modern technologies and infrastructure. In this work, various proofs of concepts were made to validate whether certain solutions were feasible. Other tasks was to lead and support the Engineering department and report to the management group.
IT architect
Untie Group AB

2017-01 - 2020-01

At Untie Group I worked as an IT-architect with responsibilty to migrate Untie:s lending platform to run in a more modern cloud setup. We did a technical lift and shift and moved from an IaaS solution in AWS to a PaaS solution running in Azure with IaC and CI/CD in Azure DevOps. Parts of the lending platform were also split out to microservices running and scaling independently.
I was also a part of the management team where I represented our IT department from a technical perspective.
Backend Developer/Deputy CTO
Bricknode AB

2012-01 - 2017-01

When joining Bricknode I started as a .NET backend developer. I developed and implemented new features in Bricknode Financial Systems which is a SaaS-product used in different financial businesses.
After a couple of years at Bricknode I had the role as Deputy Chief Technology Officer, which means that I had overall responsibility for our development department. During these years, I developed my ability to, among other things, lead, solve problems and drive projects forward.
I also gained a lot of domain knowledge in finance and FinTech.

Akademisk bakgrund

Bachelor in Information Systems Development
University of Skövde

2009-01 - 2012-01

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