Program/projectmanager Køge, Denmark

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(Uppdaterat 2024-03-02)


Køge, Denmark

Modersmål Danish, English, Mellan Svenska, Norwegian, Nybörjare German

  • Waterfall | Agile | IT-Security | application dev.
  • Transformations | System upgrades | ITIL
  • Senior Program/Project manager

Kompetenser (42)

IT Project Manager




IT Project Management







Change Management




Vendor Management








IT Infrastructure Library















Business Analysis

Risk Management




Lars is a senior IT project and program manager with +22 years of experience in implementing projects and programs within Nuuday, Ramboll, Danmarks Nation
albank, SOS Int., TDC, Mærsk, and IBM.
Lars works with all parts of business and requirements clarification within application development, managing transformations and complex system upgrades including securing ITIL operations of the delivery.
During the last 5-7 years, Lars has worked as both project and program manager on IT-cyber security projects and programs and has deep believe and understanding of the importance of enforcing cyber security on a broad level in organizations.

Lars' skills are that he:
* Thrives on having full responsibility for both projects and programs, managing people towards the agreed scope and quality fulfilling the program objectives.
* Has a strong ability to communicate and build trustworthy bonds between both technical teams - and the business teams and their needs as positive input to the overall solution.
* Possesses strong competencies regarding establishing robust program organizations by being aligning with stakeholder's requirements, securing constant focus on well-defined and understandable delivery scope agreed with project sponsors and the Steering Committee.
* Has an understanding of the political and bureaucratic organizations with complex system and decision structures, cultures and persons.
Customers, colleagues, and partners characterize Lars as having a great drive. He's always committed, very solution-oriented and straightforward. He is visible to all project participants and communicates with great ease to all stakeholder levels.
Delivers with success because of his pragmatic approach, his easy to work with, and used to getting things done. Lars is educated Cand. Merc., project manager trained in IBM, Prince2 Cert. and Leading SAFe Cert. and SAFe PM/PO Cert., Cert. Scrum master, ITIL certified. Program management certified (Managing Successful Programs).

Professionell bakgrund

Program manager
Nuuday AS

2022-03 - 2023-12

for establishing a comprehensive cyber security uplift initiative, to cover all Nuuday (market-leading connectivity products and digital services supplier) Program goal is to strengthen the organization against cyber-attacks, and be compliant to regulatory authorities, auditors, and enterprise customers/stakeholders. This is done by building a cyber resilient organization with centrally maintained IT security services that are to be applied to all business unit across all Nuuday. Reporting to director of Security & Operations Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Analysis of current posture carried out by an esteemed Cyber company - the current cyber security posture was identified.
* Building collaboration to start Alignment with 2. level security department on the setting an acceptable risk level within the company - based on internal risk register, CFCS, and other risk surveilling authorities in order to prioritize the risk mitigating initiatives.
* Established centralized cyber security strategy, based on identified posture and realization of the impact of a complex company structure and diverse cyber security organization with varied take on rectify cyber threats.
* The program will supply IT cyber security solutions by enhancing current governance, processes and controls ensuring a contemporary and resilient digital protection on all parts of the platforms.
* A comprehensive cyber security program was suggested to management - comprised of utilizing all CIS18 framework, safeguards as the formal guidance for enhancing the security Uplift of all Nuuday (among many security task, this included requirements concerning IAM, PAM and SIEM) * All CIS18 safeguards were described as (security services offerings), and their ownership was anchored in the operations organization.
* PMO reporting on program progress on organizational adaptivity /security work tasks, risks. Monthly steering group meetings to secure consensus on following the decided strategy. Maintenance of program financial structure.
Result: The program scope turned out to have a huge impact on the organization - hence the Program is being reorganized and down scaled into a project with a - for now - much less scope.
Workflow and Document Management

2023-01 - 2023-01

Experienced 2023 3 Working Processes Very experienced 2023 20
System Integration

2023-01 - 2023-01

Team Lead

2023-01 - 2023-01

Service Operation (ITIL)

2023-01 - 2023-01

Very experienced 2023 21
Project Execution

2023-01 - 2023-01

23 Project Initiation Document (PID) Very experienced
People Management

2023-01 - 2023-01


2023-01 - 2023-01

Hand-over Activities

2023-01 - 2023-01

Cyber Security

2023-01 - 2023-01

Very experienced 2022 10 Documentation Very experienced 2023 23
Cloud Security

2023-01 - 2023-01

Cloud Storage

2023-01 - 2023-01

Very experienced 2023 14 Contract Negotiation Very experienced 2023 22 Coordination Very experienced 2023 22

2023-01 - 2023-01

21 2023 20 Project Management Expert 2023 22

2023-01 - 2023-01


2021-01 - 2023-01

Reporting to Stakeholders Very experienced 2023 22 Requirement Specification Very experienced 2023 22 Risk Analysis Very experienced 2023 21 Risk Management Very experienced 2023 21

2021-01 - 2023-01

Infrastructure Experienced 2023 12 IT Processing Very experienced 2023 14 ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) Experienced 2023 7
Project manager for the acquisition of a new Helpdesk
Ramboll AS

2021-07 - 2022-02

tool that must provide effective service support for Rambolls 16500 employees delivered by only 45 helpdesk workers. To scope requirements for a contemporary SaaS tool (Contact Center Tool (CCT)), that would seamlessly integrate with ServiceNow and MS Team and the new Chatbot. The new system must support the strategy to reduce number of helpdesk personnel by automating all processes - into a self-service helpdesk.
Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Building requirements document - securing all types of business requirements are being presented combined with Telcom legislations not being violated including data moves between nations outside EU (GDPR).
* Facilitating all elements of the tender process - until final choice of vendor.
* Facilitating contractual legal review, GDPR and security compliance and Vendor Risk assessments and pricing negotiations.
* Running the Ramboll implementation in close collaboration with Vendor, securing all deliveries are being fulfilled by vendor.
* Securing implementation with Rambolls Service desk personal - so they are acquainted with the new system and effective from day 1.
Result: Management has acknowledged that gathering requirements was time well spent. The chosen CCT will fulfill the helpdesk strategy to reduce calls because of the seamless integrations to other self-service tools there amongst the new Chatbot. The project will be delivered on time and budget.

2022-01 - 2022-01

Project manager for the move of Ramboll Global Datawarehouse
Ramboll AS

2020-12 - 2022-01

(DWH) from On-Prem solution to Azure Cloud - PaaS. Based on a bid process, to choose a vendor that could handle a Proof of Concept (PoC) to verify whether a move to Azure was feasible.
Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Time constraints forced the project to facilitate a bid process based on a close to non-existing requirements list. Hence - it became an AS-IS move.
* Establishing Cloud infrastructure including rigid security requirements.
* Structured adequate governance to secure participation and progress in a very informal department * Creating the grounds for PoC with initially moving the most complex Ramboll report to AZURE and bringing this to work together with the vendor and Ramboll database team.
* Established all PoC evaluation criteria and ran the PoC analysis to harvest all outcome - pros and cons for Ramboll to move to Azure.
Result: The PoC was executed with success. Answers to all questions brought a huge amount of new knowledge that could be used in precise execution of the remaining part of the database functionality move to Azure. However, the project has been paused because it's biggest customer has realized that they cannot live with impact of moving all data - as it disrupts close to all employee's usage of reports, and this is too risky for the sake of business continuity.
Project manager for technical move
Ramboll AS

2021-05 - 2021-11

of MARVIN the Chatbot from an On prem and Vendor maintained solution -onto AZURE PaaS using Microsoft's new low code platform: Power Virtual Agents. Marvin supports Global IT in handling cases & requests from all 16500 employees. The main goal was to train & enable Rambolls internal team to understand how they work with the new PaaS solutions - enabling them to do all future maintenance and improvements.
Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Building a new Cloud subscription in Rambolls own domain including all infrastructure setup.
* Building enhancement to the solutions and securing that the new Ramboll maintenance team would be trained in handling this system in Low code.
* Stakeholder involvement secured the needed decisions, support, and progress of internal team.
* Dealing with all GDPR tasks - all aspects of IT security and Disaster Recovery, * Using ITIL guidance to ensure Marvin was well integrated in this new operations setup.
Result: The project was completed with success and on time and on budget. The Marvin Team had grown with confidence - enabling them to deal with incoming issues on Marvin.
Project manager
Ramboll AS

2020-10 - 2021-06

for securing that Ramboll Germany would get the needed approved TISAX audit report - to secure continuous delivery to their customer Volkswagen AG. The TISAX audit formally confirms that Ramboll is in control of their cyber security information management system and that it complies with defined security levels and allows sharing of assessment results across a designated platform with a certain degree of security.
Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Setting the scene for "start understanding" what is required of the security requirements - and how best to answer questions.
* Facilitating a row of auditor selections interview and workshops to find a relevant cultural match.
* Retrieve/build company evidence from Ramboll Global and document this in An acceptable way. Where evidence was not formalized - the project would describe, and document needed work procedures/routines that would satisfy the self-assessment.
Result: The audit was passed after a correction of one minor conformity. The procedure was written, and evidence was provided of it being enforced in all of Ramboll. Hereby Ramboll Germany received the full TISAX label, and this was acknowledged as a legitimate supplier by VW AG Germany.
Agile Methods

2021-01 - 2021-01

5 Business Analysis Very experienced 2023 18 Business Processing Very experienced 2023 22
Nationalbanken Via KMD, SIEM / Logpoint

2019-08 - 2020-08

Task / project description: Took over a distressed project that did not deliver the requirements of "Transaction security loggings" of all transactions made within the bank.
The requirement was to ensure full delivery in accordance with contract as well as re-anchoring in the operation.
Operation: Responsible for / performed the following: * Exhaustive analysis and fine-tuning process in collaboration with the supplier LogPoint to disclose the cause of a serious error that created severe performance issues in the logging itself (this constantly stalled with large data losses as well as errors in reports and alarms as a result).
* Review - testing and documentation of all usecases in the delivery to the Nationalbank.
* All usecases had to be re-established, reinstalled and rerun Result: The project was completed with success and Nationalbanken is quite satisfied with the solution, which now provides the expected assurance of fair GDPR alarms and reports securing total surveillance of all transactions.
Nationalbanken via KMD, PUM (PAM)

2019-08 - 2020-08

Task / project description: Took over the completion of Nationalbanken's PUM project (PAM) (Privileged User Management). The emergency procedures including disaster recovery needed to be established as part of the Business Continuity management.
The solutions should secure operations continuity if the PUM system was inaccessible and enable a total rebuild from scratch if needed.
Operation: Responsible for / performed the following: * Construction of complete emergency procedure with detailed process and event descriptions from the start to the complete procedure is re-established after use.
* Establishment of delivery agreements with departments / subcontractors who play a role in the procedure.
* Incorporated into the operating organization so everything is settled automatically if a major incident occurs.
Result: PUM emergency procedure as well as Disaster recovery was established and implemented in operations. The project took much longer than anticipated, as the processes were far more difficult to implement than expected due to the complexity of stakeholders taking responsibility.
Program manager for the establishment and implementation
Nationalbanken via KMD, IT- security program

2019-11 - 2020-08

Task / project description: Program manager for the establishment and implementation of a comprehensive security program for Nationalbanken.
The scoping requirement was to create a full functioning It security program within 3 weeks, and together with Nationalbank's product owner to establish a necessary number of projects that would handle requirements - for improved security, procedure and processes - based on the international CIS20 standard. An average of 15 projects in the program. 20 - 30 people in standup reporting plus all technical consultants.
Operation: Responsible for/performed the following: * Together with the customer's product owner, performed a classification of the approx. 500 safety requirements and issues prioritized according to CIS20 standards.
* Risk assessments and mitigations were made in order to prioritize requirements * Translation of grouping of requirements/audit statements into specific tasks that subsequently had to be solved in a project.
* Establishment of adequate governance structure for the program.
* Facilitation of 3 weekly Scrum management meetings and a weekly steering group meeting to secure that all risk and issues were out in in open and dealt with.
* Setup and maintenance of financial structure and follow-up distributed per. requirements (payable and not payable) incl. very close progress reporting.
Result: The program has a clear scope of delivery and governance structure as well as visible momentum. Many important security tasks have been solved effectively.
The program has in addition served as effective portfolio management of the many related security tasks.

2020-01 - 2020-01

Nationalbanken via KMD, IAM OMADA

2019-03 - 2019-10

Task / project description: Project manager responsible for upgrading Nationalbanken's existing IAM - Identity Access Management to manage access for Nationalbanken's own employees. The project used the OMADA IDM (IAM) platform. The goal was to make a credible baselining of all environments, as well as upgrading these.
Operation: Responsible for / performed the following: * Environmental analysis with regard to determining which environment had the fewest errors hence establishment of baseline infrastructure.
* Maintaining the progress of the project group / subcontractors due to the serious Std. software errors.
* Re-establishing the upgraded solution in operation according to ITIL standards, including it-operations.
Result: The project was completed with a delay of several months. There were serious flaws in the standard software, which required vendor involvement over a long period.
Project manager on a large program establishing a new business unit
SOS International København

2018-06 - 2018-12

Task / project description: Project manager on a large program establishing a new business unit in Sweden.
The goal was to create an independently functioning business unit for handling all services in a health insurance offered to customers in a major Swedish insurance company. The task was structured as a program - divided into 12 workstreams..
Operation: Responsible for / performed the following: * The consultant was responsible for the description of 8 workstream - ensuring they were described in such detail that the business would be ready to deliver healthcare from 2nd. January 2019.
* Build processes for evaluation of treatment networks, prices and quality as well as customer satisfaction, as a basis for an evaluation mechanism for future selection of operators.
* Process assurance was documented in accordance with GDPR requirements Result: The project was completed on time, with few compromises on scope.
Senior IT Project Manager

2016-12 - 2017-12

responsible for establishing a new Identity Management system (IDM system) (IAM) including all integrations to existing systems for the TDC Group Group's 12,000 users.
The project had a budget of 8.5 million DKK. The goal was to use as much standardized functionality as possible - and create one single system for all employees' access rights - and establishing the basis for being able to comply with EUGDPR requirements by securing integration possibilities to a backlog of systems.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Requirement Specification Analysis with users of current IDM handling in order to determine to what extent the standard product could be used.
* Establish connects to existing HR platform, master data, access systems etc. integrations in middleware and databases in a complete new infrastructure setup of 16 servers * With clearly communicated plans, progress is maintained in the project team/subcontractors including establishing the Operating System setup for the new system (ITIL) Result: Project was completed with success and on time.
Project Manager

2016-11 - 2017-04

for TDC Group Strategy Project, "Better Connections" Add-on to previous projects with yet another technology - Utilization of Mobile Broadband - Strengthening sales in the "outskirts" of Denmark where only old bad and top loaded copper cables were established. The project had a budget for DKK 4.5 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Thorough planning and top motivated team, worked faster than anticipated -allowing time for review of business and IT requirements, revealing the need for new data streams to be incorporated into solution.
* The goals of the TDC Strategy Project were adhered to through the whole project thanks to effective collaboration with stakeholders and the steering group.
* Responsible for deployment, which ensured use of the solution immediately - with full integration in Online Solutions, Internal Sales etc.
Result: The IT project was top-tuned, understanding how to support the business in this product combination * had huge commercially success and customer satisfaction.
Senior Project Manager for a project to support

2015-06 - 2016-10

TDC Erhverv's new strategy for securing more sales. Projects was a result of the business losing customers - several projects were initiated to stop this development. Web-based tool for business sellers - Extract all broadband technologies at one given address.
Budget of 4.5 million DKK.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Complex stakeholder management - Coordination of 5 suppliers - that did not share the same view for the overall solution.
* Rewriting requirement specification, technical solution was found after several re-scoping workshops to restore a viable solution.
* Huge communication task with close follow-up coordination with the steering group and stakeholder groups.
Result: The tool provided a powerful streamlining of TDC Erhvervs daily sales efforts - with a better opportunity to provide large, total offers for corporate customers. The corporate strategy was fulfilled and is contributing needed profits.
Project Manager

2016-02 - 2016-09

for TDC Group Strategy Project, "Better Connections". Further refinement of the Visiting Complex. The project had a budget of 5.5 million DKK.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Design of solution to extract all broadband technologies in a priority, regulated view on all sales platforms in all TDC business units.
* Worked with various stakeholders including subcontractors early in the project to agree on IT requirements and solutions - easing a final solution.
* The original plan was expanded with an additional month to coordinate different challenges - and allowing for further requirements to be added to the solution.
Result: The final solution delivered precisely what was expected of Corporate management. First time ever, there was an opportunity to control the availability of broadband opportunities through dynamic rules, managing sales towards a desired technology. Huge strategic milestone was reached.
Project Manager

2015-01 - 2016-07

for a project with a budget of DKK 11.5 million. dealing with the Digital Transformation Strategy of TDC Group, - Strengthening of data input to all digital self-service platforms for all business units.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * New requirement specification should ensure that manual processes were integrated and automated - allowing display of broadband products / technologies to be exposed without errors on all sales channels in TDC Group.
* Stakeholders across all TDC business areas demanded to have a say, which called for a great deal of planning of the project and involvement of many people form a many business lines * By constantly maintaining the pace for the project teams on these demanding and complex tasks, the project achieved major changes and corrections in many of the basic systems. This in itself was a major motivation factor.
Result: The project achieved more than its goal of preparing data for use in future automation projects. The number of error measurements decreased so significantly that "Error handling ream" could be reduced by 5 FTE. The steering committee stated - that this project alone - had managed to improve the quality of the visitation and it's reliability more - than the previous 10 years of efforts in this area.
Project Manager

2014-10 - 2015-09

for replacement of all Firewalls, Switches, Load Balancers throughout the TDC Group's production network - spread over 3 startups. The project had a budget of DKK 3.8 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Planning of replacement for devices that were impossible to restart - because all hardware was from before 2000 and all service and maintenance had expired.
* Impact and risk assessment of a crash was evaluated and emergency plans for all related production platforms were reviewed * Crew and equipment were driven in position, double checked and tested and the equipment was taken down section by section with reestablishment and sanity test Result: The project was successful and there has subsequently been no mistake due to these replacements.
Project Manager

2013-05 - 2014-12

for replacement / improvement of telecom operator tools for technical measurement of customers' best possible broadband products. The project had a budget of DKK. 7,1mio.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Due to time constraints - project drew up a complicated delivery plan with suppliers regarding analysis of requirements and delivery contract, to combine it for all 3 phases simultaneously * Responsible for finding a new external supplier, - the original supplier could not deliver the heart in the solution - the persistent database.
* Established ITIL operating anchorage in the organization.
Result: The tool had a large business effect, measurable from day one, with fast and accurate customer response. Monitoring tools contributed to maintaining the constant data improvement both at the analytical level - and in the daily support of 1200 mobile technicians.
Project Manager

2013-12 - 2014-11

for complete upgrade of technical platform and replacement of web interface for ordering mobile subscriptions. The solution handles all service providers in Denmark that use TDC mobile networks as a delivery platform.
The project's implementation was associated with major commercial risks. The project had a budget of DKK. 3.5 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * The steering group dictated that upgrading must not fail, in any event! -parallel infrastructure solution was decided.
* Responsible for ensuring all 21 service providers made the necessary changes to their own systems in order to access the new fully automated ordering platform.
* A further technical service group was established that would assist service providers with technical assistance throughout the trial phase.
Result: The project was successful - there was no loss of data or bad media coverage and no order was lost. The solution was rock stable from the first day.
Project Manager

2014-01 - 2014-08

took over a suffering project, where the purpose was to establish a new accounting engine for handling all time registrations for 3,500 technicians in TDC.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Started project with a new analysis of problem and rewriting of requirements specification for solution in cooperation with the supplier. * * Re-planning of project secured progress towards reaching the set deadline, involvement of internal stakeholders to match the supplier's desire to create a complete new solution without reversals.
* Management's reporting to the TDC CFO's.
Result: The project was deployed just in time to for the biannual financial report to be created automatically - and released. The solution proved to be flawless.
Project Manager on SOA service project

2011-03 - 2013-10

in order to deliver error management services to the wide palette of self-service channels directly to customers. The project had a budget of dkk. 8.7 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Developed and implemented implementation of a total of 9 different SOA services integrated to various media, Web, telephony and SMS.
* Established structured cooperation relations to secure progress on requirements while ensuring consensus between the 3 units.
* Demand for rapid acceleration necessitated tight management after a carefully planned course. Priority of functionality focused on delivery of generic services that could be used by other future error handling channels.
Result: Maintained both the customer and the supplier to the project and fulfilled the intention of raising customer satisfaction. The goal of call reduction was achieved by avoiding manual telephone service by customers.
Project Manager took on a "stuck" project

2012-06 - 2013-05

Business-critical project ensuring that already failed customer service - get top priority by ensuring them a guaranteed error-correction time. The project had a budget of DKK. 3.1 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Project haunted by grave errors in all fundamental functions.
* Est. program of 14 projects, rewriting of requirements specification, firm management of teams, and strong need for reporting to upper management team due to high focus on improvement in handling of customer.
Result: The project was placed in operation and business implemented the entire solution - however, about 4 months late due to the technical challenges.
Project Manager on a Business Critical IT Upgrade Project

2011-02 - 2012-10

The system handled all the Group's errors and customers and calendars for mobile technicians. In short, the heart and soul of TDC failure operation. The project had a budget of DKK 13.5 million.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Upgraded all applications in the CMS family as well as upgrading Hardware, Middelware and Databases * The upgraded solution should continue to integrate seamlessly into the 25 real-time sub-systems that constituted a single solution complex.
* Good planning made it possible to manage subcontractors: 25-30 people involved in the project, including communication to app. 4000 internal users, and more than 10,000 external users (service providers / operators).
Result: The project accomplished it's goals, resulting in an even more robust and fast system with very short response times. This ultra-business critical system can now again perform AMS on all parts of the system complex.
Project Manager and Coordinator on Large EU Project, Consumer Credit Direktive
Danske Bank

2010-02 - 2010-07

København Task / project description: Project Manager and Coordinator on Large EU Project, Consumer Credit Direktive (CCD), to ensure consumer rights in selecting and consuming the Bank's products.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Responsible for ensuring constant progress for subcontractor management of the CCD project's 12 internal suppliers.
* Establishment of a reporting structure for the entire project including subcontractors for effective management of the same.
Result: All 12 suppliers were ready for implementation 1 week before deadline, with only a few minor adjustments during the implementation of system changes.
Employed consultant
IBM Copenhagen

2007-06 - 2009-12

for ARLA Copenhagen & Århus Task / project description: Project manager for complete transformation of all ARLA Scandinavia network related equipment - to secure stable operations within IBM.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Responsible for securing overall progress on 8projects and securing that all content of the deliveries in the portfolio of all 3rd. Party supplier contracts were being completely transformed from Logica to IBM- securing continued operational integration and support.
Result: This group of projects was finalized with success.
Management team Public sector, Deputy Project Executive
IBM Copenhagen

2005-06 - 2007-05

Task / project description: Part of Management team for IBM Public sector, Deputy Project Executive. Part of the Mærsk Data/IBM Public management team.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Responsible for 30-40 consultants delivery on projects.
Result: Consultant exceled in this job, securing a safe transformation of contract/customer delivery from Mærsk Data over to the acquiring company IBM.
Management team Public sector, Deputy Project Executive
Mærsk Data / IBM Copenhagen

2003-03 - 2005-05

Task / project description: The Ministry of Environment and Food. Copenhagen & Århus. Was in charge of securing that all departments would be using the same Web platform across all departments under the ministry.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * First task was to secure and control 2 mismanaged projects - before any further engagement in new platforms.
Result: The consultant turned the delivery contract into the preferred solution for the customer and at the same time controlling the scope delivery making It possible to make a profit
Mærsk Data Copenhagen, Employed manager

2000-03 - 2003-02

Task / project description: Bid manager for the Mærsk Data Public Sector. Responsible for leading EU tenders to relevant Danish Public sector industry.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * Leading high-paced teams of 12-20 persons) for 40 workdays, producing economic sustainable tenders - including handover to the delivery units within Mærsk Data.
Result: The consultant enabled Mærsk Data to give public bids in at structured fashion. Huge reduction of risks - when better understanding of customer requirements, more precise scope description - giving correct estimates and pricing of bids.
Mærsk Data enjoyed multiple wins.
Employed SAP and management consultant (Mærsk Data subsidiary)
Mærsk M

1999-03 - 2000-02

Task / project description: To become a Mærsk Data SAP consultant - with a 2 months intensive SAP education - run-through of all main SAP modules. Specialized in SAP Materials Management (MM). In addition 2 months "IBM - the professional management consultant" educations enabling us to conduct ourselves as high profiled professional consultants.
Operation: The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: * This education was followed by an 8 months period as an SAP MM consultant with Novo Nordisk on their Novozymes project.
Result: A well run management project, with very little dissatisfaction among the Novozymes users, despite them having to reuse the functionality of others.
Industries: Industry Level Last used Years Banking Very experienced 2020 3 Financial Services Very experienced 2020 3 Insurance Experienced 2018 1 Telecommunications Very experienced 2023 9 Government Experienced 2020 1,5 Working areas: Working area Level Last used Years

Akademisk bakgrund

Cand Merc

1991-01 - 1996-01


1999 30 days SAP system in overview - 6 weeks course tailored to Mærsk Data. Complete review of SAP logistics and value chain. Course in all main modules in SAP, Certified in the SAP MM module.
20 days Enrolled in CISM2020 (Certified Information Security Manager® (CISM®)) - self-stud¨' - aim is certification during Q1 2024
1999 4 months 4 month intensive course was conducted as SAP consultant for Maersk Data. Consisted of 3 main parts.
2008 18 months IBM Project Management, IBM Project Manager initiates training as the Advisory Project Manager
3 days Certified Program Manager with Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) Foundation
2007 4 days Projects Under Control, IBM study progressed in improving project management.
2 days CIS20: How is it used, internal course in conjunction with Security Program
Certified Program Manager with Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) Foundation
Certified Program Manager with Managing Successful Programmes
2009 14 days IBM Management Professional Education. (PMP) Accreditation Package
Enrolled in CISM2020 (Certified Information Security Manager® (CISM®)
Enrolled in CISM2020 (Certified Information Security Manager®
2 days Project Compliance to CIS20 controls (internal course)
2 days SAFE Product Owner / Product manager certified
2 days Ramboll Comprehensive Project Management Tool
1 day MS SharePoint MS Sharepoint 2010,Configration
2 days New TDC project model Waterfall model
1 day HP's Project & Portfolio Management
3 days Prince 2 Foundation certificering
3 days PRINCE2 Agile (not certified)
Certified Information Security Manager
2 days ITIL Foundation Certified
aim is certification during Q1 2024
2 days SAFE Agilist Certified
2 days Certified Scrum Master
2 days OMADA IDM Foundation
and SAFe PM/PO Cert., Cert
1 day MS Project 2007
ITIL Foundation Certified
1 day MS SharePoint
1 day MS Teamshare
SAFE Agilist Certified
Certified Scrum Master
Foundation Certified
ITIL certified

Kontakta konsult
