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(Uppdaterat 2020-03-05)Online sales, E-commerce & marketing
Stockholm, Sverige
Modersmål Svenska, Flytande Norwegian, English
- Projektledare webb
- Konverteringsoptimering
- E-handel, analys och digital marknadsföring
Kompetenser (25)
• I have 10+ years of experience in E-commerce, Conversion optimization and Business development.
• Entrepreneurial/Business development background with a great track record.
• I have a business drive with an analytical mindset. Specialties: E-commerce, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Magento, Conversion optimization, Digital Marketing, Digital Strategy, Online sales, Lead generation, Project Management, SEO, SEM.
Things that motivate me
• Work with like-minded people.
• Turn opportunities into tangible results.
• Mentoring and coaching others
Professionell bakgrund
2014-01 - 2020-02
Customer Relations
I started Aubrey AB 2013 and have been working as an Online specialist for my clients. Working areas below.
• Digital Marketing
• Sales
• B2B Sales
• E-commerce
• Lead generation Leadership Skills
• Digital Marketing
• Digital Strategy Events Management
• Wordpress, WooCommerce, Magento 1 & 2
• Project Management webb, IT
2019-09 - 2020-01
Working as an online marketing & sales consultant. Focus on the digital strategy and increase leads online.
• Working with online marketing activities.
• Lead generation and conversion optimization.
• Email marketing and marketing optimization
• Working with Wordpress
2019-03 - 2019-12
Has been responsible for Marketing and sales including all online activity for this new dental clinic startup. I have generated over 700 new patients in 4 months time using Facebook lead ads, Google Ads etc.
Worked on both strategy and implementation with focus on getting new patients.
• Implemented new website with focus on sales, conversion and SEO.
• Maximize sales and analyze where conversions can be improved.
• Implemented the digital strategy and budget
• Worked with Wordpress, Facebook ads, Google ads, GTM, Offline advertising, radio advertising, events etc.
2012-08 - 2018-12
Started up a new e-commerce website where I implemented Magento together with designers, developers and writers. My responsibility was Budget, Sales, Marketing, customer journey.
• Managed to get sales to 18 million SEK in year 3.
• Maximize sales and analyze where conversions can be improved.
• Maximize campaigns and always make sure the right products are available
• Analyze and manage purchases and inventory based on estimated sales.
• Started the company in Spain and set up warehouse in Germany.
• Integrated Sharespine, Wordpress, Fortnox, Unifaun, Klarna, Svea, dibs, Swish, Payson etc.
Success factors was: Customer Journey, great website, Facebook Ads, Email marketing.
2017-08 - 2019-02
Implemented a new web, digital strategy and built an Android app for the Company. I was responsible project manager and requirements creator for the Android app that handles assignments between clients and performers.
2016-08 - 2017-05
Plejmo was founded in 2002 in Stockholm, Sweden and is the largest movie library in the Nordics market. The TVOD service delivers great movie content to viewers anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
I Worked as a digital project manager with the goal of attracting more customers to the platform.
• Increased registrations by 300% + after completed split tests on the registration process.
• Also implemented and worked with event-based marketing through Intercom.
• Advertising via Facebook ads, Google ads, Instagram etc.
2012-05 - 2013-08
Worked as an ecommercee manager at Parelle who had 16 physical stores in beauty. My first mission was to implement a brand new e-commerce together with Panagora. The tasks consisted of project management, integration of Extenda Express (ERP), leading the online team, SEO, Digital strategy, analysis etc. My second mission was to create sales.
• Manageing the online team up to 17 persons.
• Developing the product roadmap and leading all aspects of the company‘s technology development.
• Implemented the new e-commerce Panagora platform for Parelle Cosmetics.
• Project management and integration with Extenda Express (ERP)
• Manage the team for online activities.
• Maximize sales and analyze where conversions can be improved.
• Web maintenance and troubleshooting.
• Execute advertising decisions.
• Maximize campaigns and always make sure the right products are available
• Analyze and manage purchases and inventory based on estimated sales.
• Search Engine Optimization.
• Website Analysis
2008-07 - 2012-05
Capgemini is a French multinational corporation that provides consulting, technology, professional, and outsourcing services.
I worked with a group of 8 people who work with bids from SEK 5 million to large and complex outsourcing businesses in the billion class. The large outsourcing business can consist of up to 30 people from all over the world with different skills.
I participated in 3 major outsourcing deals worth over SEK 1 billion. The first 2008 where it was about taking over 300 people and a large part of the responsibility for application management and development at Posten AB.
My role was then to assistant bid manager and I was involved in setting up bid work and keeping deadlines. I also have participated in 5 bids in the 100 million class and about 30 framework agreements in the 5-15 million class.
Within the role I carried out various parts of a bid such as project management, price calculations, negotiations with partners, strategies, contract management etc.
Hit rate on the framework agreements in 2011 has been about 68% and on AM business 5-15M about 20-30%. I was is responsible for a normal large bid for between 2-8 people. In addition, I have a shared customer responsibility at the Swedish Transport Administration, where we currently have about 15 consultants.
2007-02 - 2008-11
I worked at the head office of all the country's casinos as project manager and club manager in the marketing department. I have carried out ongoing projects such as the introduction of information terminals at all casinos, developed the website www.casinocosmopol.se, analyzed and mapped the membership club, produced membership cards, brochures and some profile products.
The work was largely about creating customer loyalty and developing the membership club and is both strategic overall and operational execution. Casino Cosmopol's membership club has 60,000 members across the country. I had marketing managers at every casino that performs the main operating portion of these four casinos in the country.
Akademisk bakgrund
2007-01 - 2008-01
2005-01 - 2006-01
2002-01 - 2005-01
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