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(Uppdaterat 1+ år sedan).Net utvecklare
Stockholms län, Sweden
Modersmål Svenska, English
- MsSQL, RabbitMQ, MSMQ
- AWS, Azure, Docker
- .Net Core/Framework, MsSQL, Javascript (React.js/Angular/Node/Vanilla)
Kompetenser (23)
.NET Core
Amazon Web Services
React Native
Professionell bakgrund
2019-03 - Pågående
Today Philip is a part of team Auto at Santander consumer bank Nordic. It is the team that develops and manages everything around car finances.
Everything from the application from the car dealership where they get to see
The main system is built in .Net Core with a REST endpoint. Accompanied with Philip inspires with curiosity, high the system comes a front-end GUI built with React.Js.
level of ambition and energy. He's The architecture is built by Domain-driven design and uses RabbitMQ as the an engineer with an extra passion event bus.
for backend development and system architecture where he Keywords: C#, .Net Core, Azure Devops, React.js, MsSQL, REST, Git, NuGet,
delivers sustainable solutions of the Visual Studio, SQL Server, Octopus Deploy, Jira, Powershell, Xunit, RabbitMQ,
highest quality. Domain-driven design, Entity Framework, Docker
Everything from the application from the car dealership where they get to see
The main system is built in .Net Core with a REST endpoint. Accompanied with Philip inspires with curiosity, high the system comes a front-end GUI built with React.Js.
level of ambition and energy. He's The architecture is built by Domain-driven design and uses RabbitMQ as the an engineer with an extra passion event bus.
for backend development and system architecture where he Keywords: C#, .Net Core, Azure Devops, React.js, MsSQL, REST, Git, NuGet,
delivers sustainable solutions of the Visual Studio, SQL Server, Octopus Deploy, Jira, Powershell, Xunit, RabbitMQ,
highest quality. Domain-driven design, Entity Framework, Docker
2017-11 - 2018-12
2016-06 - 2016-11
In 2016, Insplanet bought a company named Motormäklaren; a company that helps individuals sell their cars.
They were in need of a new admin system that helped them keep track of where in the process the different cars were, with information about the car, the owner and potential buyer.
Philip was the sole developer on this project and chose to develop the system using the MEAN-stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, Angular.js) because of the advantages of writing everything in the same language and because it's cost effective.
Keywords: MEAN-stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js)
They were in need of a new admin system that helped them keep track of where in the process the different cars were, with information about the car, the owner and potential buyer.
Philip was the sole developer on this project and chose to develop the system using the MEAN-stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, Angular.js) because of the advantages of writing everything in the same language and because it's cost effective.
Keywords: MEAN-stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js)
2015-03 - 2016-01
In 2015, Insplanet attempted to broaden its business with a service called where the user entered their
registration number and then was presented with how much the car costs to own monthly.
Philip was solely responsible for the website as a requirements analyst, architect and developer. The application was
developed with MVC.Net and jQuery together with an MsSQL database. The application received the registration number and passed it into an API, which returned data of the car and owner. This data was then processed to calculate the car's
deprecation based on a template. Using Google Maps API, coordinates were collected from the car owners address. This
way, the application could present a map containing the nearest gas and service stations. With help from the RSS feed of Pricerunner, we could get the price for the tires that fit the car and present it to the user with links to buy. The system did
scrape the four biggest gas stations in Sweden websites to get the daily rate for gas, to show the user how much it cost to drive the car (based on the cars fuel consumption).
Keywords: MVC.Net, jQuery, Google Maps API, REST, SOAP, TFS, MsSQL, NuGet, Scrum, Visual Studio, SQL Server
When Philip was in Vietnam, he found a book filled with inspirational quotes. That book inspired him so much that he
decided to build an app in ReactNative that presented the quotes in a nice way. The app retrieves a quote and an image from a MongoDB database, and displays them to the user. The user can then press a button with the text "More Quotes". Then the app will retrieve a new quote with a new image and present it to the user. The next step will be to let the user download
the quote / image combo or to share it directly through social media. Philip started building it as a webpage in React.js before deciding to make a similar app.
Keywords: ReactNative, MongoDB, React.js
Philip also creates music on his spare time and he always tries to find new creative ways to present it to the listeners. To
listen to his song named "Complicated", he created a website where the user is forced to solve a puzzle before the song is
played. The puzzle is written with jQuery and the website is build and styled in HTML and CSS.
The biggest problem was making the puzzle possible to solve on mobile, since the browsers on mobile only support touch and not drag. The problem was solved with a jQuery plug-in called UI Touch Punch.
Keywords: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, UI touch punch
registration number and then was presented with how much the car costs to own monthly.
Philip was solely responsible for the website as a requirements analyst, architect and developer. The application was
developed with MVC.Net and jQuery together with an MsSQL database. The application received the registration number and passed it into an API, which returned data of the car and owner. This data was then processed to calculate the car's
deprecation based on a template. Using Google Maps API, coordinates were collected from the car owners address. This
way, the application could present a map containing the nearest gas and service stations. With help from the RSS feed of Pricerunner, we could get the price for the tires that fit the car and present it to the user with links to buy. The system did
scrape the four biggest gas stations in Sweden websites to get the daily rate for gas, to show the user how much it cost to drive the car (based on the cars fuel consumption).
Keywords: MVC.Net, jQuery, Google Maps API, REST, SOAP, TFS, MsSQL, NuGet, Scrum, Visual Studio, SQL Server
When Philip was in Vietnam, he found a book filled with inspirational quotes. That book inspired him so much that he
decided to build an app in ReactNative that presented the quotes in a nice way. The app retrieves a quote and an image from a MongoDB database, and displays them to the user. The user can then press a button with the text "More Quotes". Then the app will retrieve a new quote with a new image and present it to the user. The next step will be to let the user download
the quote / image combo or to share it directly through social media. Philip started building it as a webpage in React.js before deciding to make a similar app.
Keywords: ReactNative, MongoDB, React.js
Philip also creates music on his spare time and he always tries to find new creative ways to present it to the listeners. To
listen to his song named "Complicated", he created a website where the user is forced to solve a puzzle before the song is
played. The puzzle is written with jQuery and the website is build and styled in HTML and CSS.
The biggest problem was making the puzzle possible to solve on mobile, since the browsers on mobile only support touch and not drag. The problem was solved with a jQuery plug-in called UI Touch Punch.
Keywords: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, UI touch punch
Akademisk bakgrund
Örebro university
Örebro university
2012-01 - 2015-01
Kontakta konsult
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