IT Solution Builder Kauniainen, Finland

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(Uppdaterat 2022-08-03)

IT Solution Builder

Kauniainen, Finland

Modersmål Finnish, Svenska, Flytande English, Nybörjare German

  • Hands-on SW architect - Azure, .NET, C#
  • Fullstack experience in JavaScript, Node.js, React
  • 10+ experience solving customers problems

Kompetenser (24)

.NET Core



IoT Protocols









Project Management

Mongo DB












I have long experience in the SW development industry from various domain and roles. Last years I have been
working as an architect and SW developer specifying, designing, implementing, deploying, and testing IoT-solutions:
- Implemented backend services for both Azure and GCP in C#, JavaScript and Go using .NET/NET Core and Node.js.
- Implemented multiple frontend applications for both Azure and GCP in JavaScript using React and Redux.
- Using databases like Cosmos DB, MongoDB, MySQL and MSSQL.
- Created and deployed Docker images to Kubernetes clusters running in GCP.
- Developed IoT gateways in C#, Go, C and Python running in Linux.
- Implemented pipelines in Azure DevOps for automatic build and deployment of SW components to cloud.
- Designed, implemented and secured REST API interfaces and using OpenAPI for API specification.
- Developed one Android application using React Native.

I have also very strong experience in multiple areas like team leadership, project management, product management, program management and technology management from international top technology companies, Nokia, and Microsoft, hence I can provide additional strengths beyond technical skills and competencies.

I am looking for positions where my curiosity to solve customers' problems with a team can be leveraged when developing new innovations providing true business value and at the same time having fun.

Core Competencies and Skills

My most important skills are the abilities to understand and solve customer problems. This requires good communication skills, analytical thinking, good understanding how a solution can be built in a cost-efficient way and ability to implement, test, and deliver the solution. I am curious by nature and love learning new things. Working with challenging tasks with a good team are key motivators for me, being very persistent is helping to solve complex problems.

Professionell bakgrund

Penttinen Solutions Oy

2021-06 - Pågående

Finland Providing consulting services as SW architect or SW developer with focus on specifying, designing, and implementing end-to-end solutions for customer needs.

2020-08 - Pågående

Finland Being the architect and developer of the GameLayer gamification engine (see
Implemented GameLayer engine containing both a web service (implemented in JavaScript, Node.js and express) and microservices based on Azure Functions (implemented in C# and .NET Core) using MongoDB as the database.
Engine is running in Azure.
Implemented GameLayer admin dashboard web application managing the gamification experience using JavaScript and React. Web app is hosted in Azure.
Designed GameLayer REST APIs and specified those using OpenAPI and using OAuth to secure the REST API end points.
Deploying SW automatically to Azure using Azure DevOps.
Consulting, April 2019 - July 2020 (time to time) Migration of Azure functions from .NET Framework and runtime 1.x to .NET Core and runtime 3.1 of Taival services and needed components. Key technologies Azure functions, Cosmos DB, Table Storage DB, C#, .NET Core (June-July 2020).
Implementation of automatic installation measurement system for sea buoys using Taival devices and designing a REST API for controlling the process. Key technologies Azure functions, Cosmos DB, Table Storage DB, C#, .NET, and REST API (November-December 2019 Integration of Taival cloud service with Yepzon Pro where data from Taival devices are retrieved from Taival cloud and stored in PostgreSQL database. Key technologies JavaScript, Node.js, Express, REST API, SQL, PostgreSQL database (April - September 2019).
SW Architect

2021-06 - 2021-06

designing, and implementing an IoT system where data are collected from industrial automation controllers, processed locally in an IoT edge device, and transferred securely to cloud for analysis and integration with customer's IT systems. Used technologies: C#, .NET Core, Docker, MQTT, OPC UA, serverless computing, Azure IoT hub, Cosmos DB + various other Azure services.
Senior SW Developer
Millisecond Oy

2019-04 - 2021-06

Finland Designing, developing and deploying various frontend applications and backend services in Go and JavaScript using MySQL, MSSQL and MongoDB databases. SW components have been deployed as Docker images to Kubernetes clusters running in GCP.
Responsible of designing and developing SW for different IoT gateway products running on top of Linux. Data is collected from CAN bus, accelerometer, GPS, and various Bluetooth sensors, processed, and filtered and sent to backend for latter analysis. Key technologies: Go (primary programming language), C, IPC, Linux, CAN, JSON, SQLite, CAN, Bluetooth, GPS, Python, WebDAV, shell scripts.
Android application development using JavaScript and React Native.
Using Azure DevOps for CI/CD of SW for both cloud and IoT devices.
SW and Service Lead
Emergence Oy

2016-01 - 2019-03

Finland Responsible of SW development of the Elisa award winning Taival location service consisting of Taival Cloud and Taival Device. Specification of the end-to-end service, architecture, selection and specification of used IoT protocols, end-to-end security, and modelling of the IoT solution and data models including REST API specification.
Implemented main part of the Taival cloud front-end and back-end including integration with customers IT- systems, database queries, secure device provisioning, device management routines and automated device health monitoring. Also, contributed lot to development of production test tools implementing interfaces to external equipment and integration with Cosmos DB and other testing tools interfacing with our Taival device.
Used technologies and tools: Azure technologies: Serverless Architecture, Azure IoT hub, Cosmos DB, Table Storage, service bus, service fabric clusters. IoT protocols: LwM2M, CoAP, DTLS and HTTPS. REST API specification and development, ArcGIS, Google Maps APIs, .NET, C#, WPF, UWP, JavaScript, Java, C, Git, GitHub, JIRA, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Windows, Linux, Postman, ThingWorx. C#, Azure, and .NET have been the most used technologies.
Senior Program Manager, Connectivity Domain

2012-01 - 2016-01

Finland Specifying and leading development of new features making connected accessories smarter with focus on improving productivity scenarios and deeper integration with different Microsoft services like Skype for Business, Cortana, Windows Hello and Azure. Specifying smart telephony features for Lumia phones.
Taking Scrum practices into use in cross-functional team and facilitating the process.
Working as product owner for multiple experiences released to Lumia phones.
Multiple positions from SW developer, engineering manager, SW architect
Nokia and CE Johansson AB

1996-01 - 2012-01

project manager and program manager focusing on SW for measuring machines, telecom networks, development tools and mobile phone platforms and applications. Main achievement was leading a program delivering Qt to 150 million devices.
Highlighted the most relevant management position.
Program Manager, Qt integration

2008-03 - 2011-01

Program manager for Qt for Symbian integration leading multiple distributed teams. Qt was strategically very important for Symbian since all new planned applications had heavy dependencies to Qt.
Responsibilities: • Gathering business and technical requirements from both internal and external stakeholders, translating them into a prioritized backlog for development teams including creating roadmaps.
• Being the main contact for all business and development related activities.
• Leading and coordinating work between multiple development teams on weekly basis.
• Ramping up different functions; development, QA, integration, and release management.
• Milestone review preparations and presentations for stakeholders.
• Subcontractor management.
• Roll-out of Qt, information sessions and onsite training of Qt.
• Setting up internal developer communities.
Key deliveries: • Being the bridge between two very different company cultures - Nokia and former TrollTech (acquired by Nokia) ensuring as little disturbance as possible for new development teams.
• Qt release to ~150 million Symbian phones.
• First Qt shipment to Nokia N8 (first Symbian phone shipping with Qt) • Helping to create and foster a vibrant Qt developer community inside Nokia (with hundreds of developers) List of SW development projects during this period
kernel driver
Actionet Traffic Simulator

1998-01 - 1998-12

01/1998 - 12/1998 (Nokia) Developing Actionet Traffic Simulator on top of Windows NT. Developing core simulation engine in C++, including UI components, integration with Visual Basic engine for scripting language support and Windows NT kernel driver development using Visual C++.
Actionet Dispatcher SW

1996-11 - 1998-01

Architecting and developing applications and SW components for Actionet Dispatcher PCs using Delphi, Object Pascal, and Visual C++.
Operator SW for CMM
CE Johansson AB

1995-06 - 1996-11

Developing Operator SW for programming and running automated measurement sequences using coordinate measuring machines, including communication interfaces using Delphi and Object Pascal.
Controller SW for CMM
CE Johansson AB

1992-03 - 1995-06

Architected, designed, and developed in C the complete Controller SW controlling all aspects of a coordinate measuring machine robot. Designed and implemented algorithms for scanning unknow surfaces and integration with CAD/CAM solutions. Used tools Turbo C++, DOS, Solaris. Controller SW contained ~30000 lines of C-code.

Akademisk bakgrund

M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Linköping Institute of Technology

1986-08 - 1990-10

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