Fullstack Developer & Tech Lead Göteborg, Sverige

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(Uppdaterat 2023-09-14)

Fullstack Developer & Tech Lead

Göteborg, Sverige

Modersmål Svenska, English, Mellan Persian (Farsi)

  • 8+ erfarenhet .NET, .NET Core, C#, ASP.NET, SQL
  • 8+ erfarenhet av Javascript,React, jQuery, CSS, Git, EntityFramework, Agile
  • 5+ års erfarenhet av Azure, Azure DevOps, CI/CD, Docker, Microservices

Kompetenser (29)

Entity Framework





.NET Core


Agile Methodologies





Azure DevOps


Continous Integration



Solution Architect








Asp.net core




Professionell bakgrund

Architect and Tech Lead
Åhus Beach

2022-12 - Pågående

Tasks: Working closely to the customer and the team on all levels - strategic, architectural and as a technical coordinator. Coaching the team, responsible for the solution and responsible the different parts in the process. Initiating the sprint planning, estimations, sprint demos, retrospectives and standups. Overall responsibility of the project and team.
Tech: Litium 8, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, C#, MVC, HTML, Javascript, React, CSS, MS SQL, Agile Methodology, Jira, Git, CI/CD
Architect and Tech Lead
Fyrklövern AB

2021-08 - Pågående

Tasks: Worked as an architect and had tight communication with the customer, both Product Owner and stakeholders, from a technical-strategic perspective. Main objectives were to discuss initiatives and the requirements connected to every initiative, break-down business requirements into technical requirements and being part of the implementation of the initiatives. Overall responsibility of the e-commerce solution.
Tech: Litium 7, .NET, C#, MVC, HTML, Javascript, JQuery, CSS, MS SQL, Agile Methodology (Kanban), Jira, Git
Tech Lead, Senior Fullstack Developer
Helsingborg stad

2022-03 - 2022-12

Tasks: Worked as a senior developer and tech lead with a system called Tychometern, that was built from scratch. Tychometern is a system where teachers and other staff could give students feedback on different courses in order to push them to work for even better results.
My role was to integrate against several complex systems within the Helsingborg municipital IT department, developing both frontend and backend and leading the development team, which consisted of two junior developers. Created high-level architectural design regarding the integration and data flows needed in order to build the system.
Tech: .NET Core 6, C#, HTML, Javascript, ReactJS, CSS, MS SQL, Agile Methodology, Jira, Git, Entity Framework Core
Senior Developer

2021-02 - 2022-05

Tasks: CTEK aqcuired another company and had a project where the main objective was to merge the acquired company's e-commerce with CTEK's existing e-commerce. It was very complex in terms of that the websites had different platforms (Litium and Wordpress), UX/UI and general approach to their customers.
Worked in both frontend and backend in the project, and coached other developers in the team.
After the merge, Seph worked continously in several initiatives for the customer.
Tech: Litium 7, .NET, C#, MVC, HTML, Javascript, React, CSS, MS SQL, Agile Methodology (Kanban), Git, Bitbucket
Consultant, Solution Developer

2018-12 - 2020-12

Tasks: Developed event driven IoT cloud-native solutions with Microsoft Azure, IoT Hub while exercising agile DevOps workflow for a major hygiene and health organization.
Developed Azure DevOps automated pipelines and service applications such as Logic Apps with ARM templates for a market leading manufacturer in construction.
Certified Avanade Scrum Developer Software Engineering Tech: DevOps, Microservices, ASP.NET, Software Development, ASP.NET Core, C#, .NET, Docker, Git, Entity Framework, Agile Methodologies, .NET Framework,
Consultant, Software Developer

2018-01 - 2018-12

Tasks: Developing web applications with Azure Cloud Services Developing and prototyping with IoT hardware. The devices collected telemetry data such as temperature and humidity while communicating with a local Raspberry Pi over Bluetooth and channeling the data through a console application written in python to a service bus on Azure for further computing.
Lead the development for a prototype to production ready application while coaching agile principles in an intuitive automobile organization.
Had other responsibilities within the organization such as reviewing technical skills in some recruitments; being a technical representative, involved in projects to assure quality for offshore development teams.
Digital Consulting Solutions Tech: Microservices, ASP.NET, Software Development, ASP.NET Core, C#, .NET, Entity Framework, Agile Methodologies, Git, .NET Framework
Consultant, Software Developer

2017-04 - 2017-12

Tasks: Development of web applications customized for CRM integrations.
Consulting CRM implementations and integrations at a major vehicle (car) reseller.
Tech: Microservices, ASP.NET, Software Development, ASP.NET Core, C#, .NET, Agile Methodologies, Git, .NET Framework
Web Developer

2016-08 - 2017-03

Tasks: Close communication with clients to solve technical requirements and demands in various applications. Mainly developing CMS solutions.
Developing solutions in Episerver, i.e. https://www.sernekebostad.se/, https://www.serneke.se/ and https://ifkgoteborg.se/ * Liaising with colleagues such as designers * Testing and modifying systems to ensure reliable operation.
* Providing support * Fault finding, diagnosing, and fixing Tech: Episerver, Microservices, ASP.NET, Software Development. C#, .NET, .NET Framework, Git
Regional Manager
Telenor Sverige AB

2013-03 - 2013-10

(acting) Tasks: Accomplishes regional sales and human resource objectives by: * Recruiting * Orienting * Assigning * Scheduling * Counseling * Disciplining employees in assigned districts.
* Communicating job expectations * Planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions.
* Planning and reviewing compensation actions * Enforcing policies and procedures * Sales forecasting for monthly resource

Akademisk bakgrund

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Illinois Institute of Art

2010-01 - 2011-01

High School Diploma
NTI High School

2005-01 - 2008-01


Certified Avanade Scrum Developer
Certified Litium Developer


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Mån-fre: 9:00 - 18:00