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(Uppdaterat 2022-10-05)Expert Developer
Bagsværd, Danmark
Modersmål Danish, English
- 5+ year c# .net
- 4 year as an solution architect
- 10+ years of experience in Java, Spring, and MySQL
Kompetenser (33)
Java 8
Java 9
.NET Core
Google Web Toolkit
Java 11
Tk is a Senior developer and Solution Architect with over 17 years of professional experience and over 25 years of programming experience in general. Thomas has been programming since his first commodore 64. and has not stop loving it.
TK has focus on development of enterprise applications and C#, Java EE in banking, defense, retail and public sector. TK has strong competences in the entire development cycle from system design, development, unit test, documentation and handover.
TK has been working with integration to external systems using REST and SOAP protocols for the last 10 years, most of the integrations has been done in the financial sector
TK has Courses in C# and has in the last 3 years worked for a customer that has an old VB system that TK is rewritten to C# .NET CORE and WPF,
TK has Courses in PHP and has used PHP so create prototypes for various startup project that has been on the idea phase.
TK has been working in Nordea in a Senior Backend Developer on a project called (IAP and IRS) using Java 8, Spring-boot, Junit, Cucumber, AngularJS, Spring-reactor and TDD. TK converted the old spring project into a Spring-boot project and introduced also Cucumber BDD testing in the project.
Further on this project TK gained experience in frontend development in AngularJS and JavaScript.
TK has strong experience in using Scrum agile and SAFe agile methods. And has acted as Scrum Master in projects
The consultant has proven ability to work under pressure and works well both in teams as well as independently. Personality
I'm an easy outgoing person with a professional mindset who easily can fit in a scrum team. I love to create and make clean and beautiful code I set an honor in develop and deliver code that is tested function and can be understood by others. I'm very disciplined in the things that I love to do and that is building great software. When I'm not coding Java, I love to code in other languages such as Swift and C# JavaScript TypeScript, and Swift and PHP
I can work very well under pressure. I have 5 years in the Royal Danish Guards with 2 tours to ex-Yugoslavia, so I have never experience feeling stressed at work.
I love clean and beautiful code I set an honor in develop and deliver code that is tested function and can be understood by others. I'm very disciplined in the things that I love to do and that is building great software. When I'm not coding and looking into new technologies and I love to do a lot a sport's and spent time with my family
Professionell bakgrund
2021-05 - 2022-10
Besides that, I was assisting the lead architect with project as FDC (Flere Distribution Center) and MTK. (Mealbox Tool) I also worked together with the Data Architect to create a Common Data Model. That could match into the new target architecture.
The new target architecture is made with an agile mindset and is event driven.
I also looked into Solr performance and how to setup memory and garbage collection, Tools: Lucid.app, Confluence, C4 diagrams Technologies. SiteCore, C#, Kafka, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes ,Solr, MSQL, Consulting as an Architect and Scrum Master at ATP (BG Beriget Grundata) From July until 1 April 2021 Working as an Architect in a project that had the task to delete data from ATP main database so it can be GPRD compliant. My task was to make documentation like Business Process Diagrams in QLMx so the developers knew what do develop and testers what to test. Besides from being the team's architect I was the Scrum Master. We used Safe Agile. During the second lockdown of our society there where a lot of challenges too make sure that the team where on track.
Tools: QLMx, DBVisualizer, Azure, PowerPoint
2006-01 - 2022-10
Technologies used: Java 8, Hiberante, GWT
2018-05 - 2019-06
The data from the Kafka topics (database tables) are joined up into larger business objects, and forwarded onto other Kafka topics. From these topics the larger business objects can be consumed for various use cases.
Along the way we have had to adjust the design / architecture of the data streams as we learned more about what the different use cases required.
I delivered 2 application to production the time I was there I also learned DevOps such as azure tools and docker and setup build pipelines for my team.
Technologies used: Java8 Kafka, Kafka Streams, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes
2017-05 - 2018-05
The new UI is done in Angular4 TypeScript, for testing I use Karma for unit testing and protractor for Integration testing. I. I'm the only Frontend developer in the team.
I have also taken the task sitting up CI so that we can have automatic build and deploy to server, I Technologies used: Angular2, UXPIN, Protactor and Cucumber
2016-06 - 2017-10
The consultant's responsibilities/actions were: ● Java development, implementation and documentation of Hysteris to make the Micro services more fault tolerance.
● Aid with rewriting synchronized http request into a synchronized.
● Aid with a pilot immigration to move IBF user to ND.
● Take part in code review.
● Design new Micro Services using spring boot.
Other responsibilities as a Senior Developer has to write User Stories for future sprints. I wrote User Stories together with the business. I used the User Stories for creating BDD tests.
Consulting as a developer at Wunderman February 2016 - May 17, 2016 I'm helping Wunderman develop a new "Fordels program" for Matas, My responsibilities in the project has been. Creating the new Stripe component for assigning stripes to card when customer make purchase.
Creating schedulers for adding stripes to new cards and Schedulers to activate default advantages.
Creating new BDD test setup and Integration test setup and held lessons in writing test able code.
Setup Load test with JMeter and maven so Load test could be run on build server. Refactored code to use annotation auto-wiring instead of xml Write Documentation about Integration test and best practices around test and Spring Technologies used: Java 7 Spring 3 .2 MySQL, Agillic, Unit test, Maven, Jenkins, Jira. JMeter, Cucumber
2017-02 - 2017-05
technologies: Java8, Spring, Camel, Spring-batch, Spring, clamAV
2016-10 - 2017-02
2014-07 - 2016-02
2013-04 - 2014-07
For Norwegian Railway I created a web app in BackboneJS that was a shopping basket so the workers on the factory floor at Norwegian Rail could order parts for their repairs.
For Danish Defense I created a web application with GWT and Oracle that call a .NET application that read metadata for AUTOCAD drawings. and synchronize the data with predefined data from a excel sheet I also did code review and guides on 4 developers in China. I also did small tasks on Lufthansa, CACSO so the can integrate with S1000D We were using, JavaEE, Spring GWT, Jenkins, Oracle WebLogic ,Oracle Database, REST, Backbone, Apache ANT
2013-01 - 2013-04
I also assisted in writing user stories which was normal procedure in Systematic when working in a CMMI5 company development, using technologies as JavaEE, REST, EJB TDD SAP, Apache ANT System engineer at Systematic
2011-10 - 2012-04
I also assisted in writing user stories for future sprints which was normal procedure in Systematic when working in a CMMI5 company Technologies used: Java, GWT, Spring MVC,Maven 2, Apache 2
2010-10 - 2011-04
2008-06 - 2010-09
2008-06 - 2009-06
Developer at Unwire
2007-01 - 2008-01
we used Java MySQL and Jasper Reports.
The other system I was working on was a portal server. The portal server could render mobil content do different kind of phones. it was before the smart phone that could render normal html. So the portal server could see what kind of phone brand name and model it was and only return the content it could show, we used Java MySQL XML and PML. PML stands Portal Marked Up Language. and it was designed by Unwire.
System developer at Brunata A/S December 2006 - June 2007 (7 months) APPLICATION: MSC MEASU MESUREMENT CONTROL SYSTEM MCS is a web application that users of Brunatas product can log in on a site and see how much heat that they have used EMCS Energy Measurement Configuration System I a small application done in C++ and C# to configure up to 10 energy measurement devices with xml input. I worked on this application solo
Akademisk bakgrund
2025-03 - 2025-03
2006-01 - 2010-01
Kontakta konsult
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