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(Uppdaterat 2020-09-18)Erfaren IT projektleder + change manager
Jyllinge, Danmark
Modersmål English, Mellan German, Nybörjare French
- 15+ års erfaring med Change Management
- 8+ års erfaring med Agil Projektledelse
- 15+ års erfaring med IT projektledelse
Kompetenser (31)
Stakeholder Management
Change Management
Agil Projektledelse
Professionell bakgrund
2015-07 - 2020-01
critical- and other IT systems and products. Roadmap planning and *Portfolio mgmt
execution, planning and executing of system enhancements and *Agile Program
maintenance. Value maps creation. Projects escalation point. Recruiting mgmt.
and personnel maintenance. Closely involved in key strategic projects and *Agile Project
programs, e.g.: mgmt.
*RCM (Remote Container Management) - Track&Trace and monitoring + *People mgmt.
remote controlling temperatures in refrigerated containers. *Change mgmt
*Cpt Peter - Intelligent front end to RCM. *Beacon - RCM for dry *Change planning
containers. *BoxView - One-stop shop for all container related analysis, *Change
data and info. execution
*New Inland Transport Management Systems, Track&Trace, and *Stakeholder
optimizers (SAP, FreightGate, Spotlanes, Paris, Avantida, Matchback, mgmt Draywatch, REZ1, Quintic). *Budget planning
*Dynamic Asset mgmt. - Used container online sales.
*Equipment Maintenance & Repair (EMR) mobile apps - Mobile apps
supporting inspectors in the field.
*Also: continuous improvements on old legacy systems.
Key results: First ever Track&Trace product towards customers for both
refrigerated and dry containers. First time ever possibility for customers to track, monitor and control temperature in own cargo in refrigerated *Test planning
containers; setting new industry standards and bringing A.P.Møller-Mærsk
A/S ahead in product offerings versus competitors. Increased customer
satisfaction, increased sales volumes, smoother operations execution.
Digital mobile app used in the field by equipment inspectors; easier
reporting and automated registration, based on algorithms predicting
equipment malfunctions.
Handle a development budget of approx. 17 mill USD per year.
2015-07 - 2018-11
set-up was Agile, with colleagues in 3 locations. 5 direct reportees.
Key results: First time ever world-wide optimization of empty container
flow. Developed in an Agile set-up. First Agile program in A.P.Møller-
Mærsk A/S. Recruited and set up Agile development team in Algeciras/Spain. Steering committee (top management) expectation
alignment. Financial results after implementation in 2018: Cost savings
>150 mill USD Y/Y on moving empty containers world-wide. Accumulated
project costs: Approx. 6 mill USD.
2018-06 - 2018-09
was shut down, I was asked to spearhead the recovery efforts for all IT,
coordinating sequence and testing, out of Copenhagen, working close
together with colleagues in Maidenhead/UK and India. We managed to get
Fjordager 29
4040 Jyllinge
Tlf. +45 20 26 71 39
Maersk IT infrastructure up and running again in record time, and I am
honored to have been part of that endeavor.
Key results: We managed to get all A.P.Møller-Mærsk A/S's IT world-wide
up and running again in record time.
2014-09 - 2015-06
mapping, strategy and implementation. 45+ direct reportees.
Key results: Managed to map competences for all employees in own
department, easing the project allocations significantly. Negotiated
consultants hiring fees down approx. 20% in total across departments.
Participated in company strategy analysis, re-focus and implementation.
Improved employee satisfaction (5-8% average)
2010-02 - 2014-08
Cross nations (8 countries) project management of larger strategic
business projects within retail banking, e.g. "New Customer Acquisition",
giving front-line personnel the ability to quickly onboard new customers.
*Project mgmt.
"Automated loans", giving loans up to a maximum of DKK 100.000,- on an
*5 People mgmt.
automated algorithm based calculation. 5 direct reportees.
Key results: Implemented the first ever "customer onboarding" system in Nordea, which was rolled out to approx., 11.000 customer agents across
Nordic countries, significantly easing the work procedures, time spent in different systems etc. Improved customer satisfaction, improved employee
satisfaction. Implemented first ever automated credit assessment and loan
giving system in Nordea, taking a huge burden off customer agents,
automating certain loans under the limit of dkk. 100.000,-
2006-10 - 2010-01
reportees, project and program managers, IT-developers and analysts.
*Project mgmt.
Project management, strategy- and process optimization, management
*Change mgmt..
and competence development, coaching project managers, recruiting and
*40 People mgmt.
dismissals, management of cross organizational projects.
*HR IT-system
Key results: Key player in implementing brand new company-wide HR
*HR procedures
system, and supporting processes. Became an often-used sparring partner
/coach for project managers and other IT colleagues, also from other
departments. Managed successfully the SEPA (Single European Payment Area)-project; streamlining payment processes towards banks and financial sector). Also: Played a key role in setting up off-shore
development center in Mumbai.
2002-03 - 2006-09
Fjordager 29
4040 Jyllinge
Tlf. +45 20 26 71 39
Project responsible for all e-marketing projects in Strategic Marketing *Agile project
worldwide, most run agile, including finding or developing and mgmt.
implementing IT- solutions for HQ and subsidiaries, and marketing of these *Change mgmt..
internally and externally. 5 direct reportees. *5 People mgmt.
Key results: Development and maintenance of product websites:
Ebixa.com, Cipralex.com, Cipramil.com, Serdolect.com. Development and maintenance of patient-, healthcare professional-, and family/relative
communities: CNSforum.com, Ican.com. Development and roll-out of localized versions of all of these sites in 30+ countries, giving H.Lundbeck
A/S a very contemporary and, at the time, modern footprint on the internet, leading to increased sales of pharma products, increased
healthcare professional involvement, increased patient- and relatives
involvement and support, leading to better adherence to using the pharmaceuticals, increased sales and better customer satisfaction.
1998-12 - 2002-02
patented the idea and decided to give it a chance.
Key results: Managed to set-up production in DK, and negotiated
production unit costs. Got an international patent of the idea. Managed to
implement the concept and sell boxes to stores all over DK (Fredgaard,
FONA, Kvickly, Merlin, Electronic World, Electric City ). Negotiated sales
prices with all customers. Had an exclusive appearance in TV3-News,
explaining and demonstrating the idea.
*Patent writing
1997-12 - 1998-11
Key results: Managed to onboard big customers like: Microsoft, IBM,
*Change mgmt
General Motors, Stora Fina Paper, Tele2, TDC. Project managed
successfully Direct Marketing/Dialogue Marketing campaigns for my
customers, increasing their revenues through increased sales.
1995-01 - 1997-11
manager. Responsible for planning, developing and implementing the:
*Project mgmt.
"Software Lead Management"-system in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
*Change mgmt..
New and automated way of qualifying software customers, saving millions
on sales representatives' customer meetings.
Key results: Successfully implemented the Software Lead Management
*Mgmt Reporting
system in EMEA, leading to significant improvement in sorting "good customers" from "bad customers". Before implementation IBM A/S would
send a sales representative to all business leads stating "interest" in a
software product. After implementation, before sending a salesrep., the customer would be screened with respect to e.g. "Budget responsible?",
"Geographical location", "Customer sw competencies", "customer company size" etc. and the right customer lead would be sent to the right
IBM business partner via fax or email.
Fjordager 29
4040 Jyllinge
Tlf. +45 20 26 71 39
1995-01 - 1995-12
time reduction project. Projects was staffed with Nordic nationalities.
Key results: Made monthly and ad hoc reports to top management. By
playing around a bit with the queries and the numbers, I discovered some
problems e.g. with installation times, which I then later was offered to do
something about, as Nordic Project Manager. We managed to decrease
equipment at customer site - not installed, from average of 49 days to 8
Akademisk bakgrund
2020-09 - 1995-01
2020-09 - 1993-01
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