CTO, Technical Product Owner Stockholms län, Sweden

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CTO, Technical Product Owner

Stockholms län, Sweden

Modersmål Svenska, Flytande English

  • Cloud native, multi-tenant SaaS at scale
  • Growing multi-cultural product teams using agile/lean principles
  • Extensive international product engineering management experience

Kompetenser (30)











Change Management


Product Management














Risk Management





Personal Summary

Name: Nils Undén Date of birth: 1962-10-27

Most recent title: CTO Nationality: Swedish

Email: nils_unden@hotmail.com Mobile: +46 708 837 747

Professional Summary

I began my career 1988 as a developer, since 1993 I have held engineering leadership
positions in consultancies, large international product organisations and start-ups across
CRM-, Logistics-, FinTech- and Telecom-domains. My leadership style is characterised by
trust, delegation and empathy. I have a positive outlook, lots of energy, an analytical/data
driven approach and love working with my Team as we deliver on the challenges defined by
the Business.

Professionell bakgrund

eBuilder Effortless Device Care

2015-02 - 2019-05

Feb 2015 - May 2019
eBuilder is a start-up selling effortless device care service to mobile operators with the
operator's subscribers as the main end users, see https://ebuilder.com/ First customer and investor is Telia Group. After pivot, see https://www.marakanda.com/

CTO responsible for technology R&D organisation in Stockholm - Sweden, Minsk - Belarus,
Dalian - China and Colombo - Sri Lanka.

Initial business focus was on providing personalised customer support via a self-service
mobile-app to a mobile operator's customer with intent of reducing support costs while
increasing customer satisfaction. Subsequently, a pivot was made to instead focus on a data
product, making predictions for two key business use cases for a mobile operator: 1) which
device users are likely to consider a new mobile operator and 2) which device users are likely to purchase a new mobile device combined with various analytics. The predictions were
based on time-series data collected from the mobile device and machine learning.

Grew initial seed team of six persons in Stockholm via recruitment and complemented it
using sourcing partners in Minsk and Dalian as well as leveraging resources from existing
eBuilder daughter company in Colombo into multiple feature teams and one continuous
delivery component team.

Established release model and program management function combining elements from SCRUM- and Kanban-models into stable five-week cycles. After the pivot the release model
was changed into a pure Kanban-model to better fit with the business' needs.

Designed a multi-tenant solution architecture with react native clients for Android, iOS and Web and a backend built on AWS complemented by a commercial, third-party content
management system. Solution is architected as a set of micro-services and leverages API
Gateway, Lambdas, Kinesis, Firehose, S3, Dynamo, Redshift, QuickSight, Mobile Analytics
and Machine Learning. Machine Learning make use of Glue for data pipelines and SageMaker for model design, training- and predictions. Solution is based on AWS' server-less
concept and is thus highly cost-effective. It is serving 6 million active users (MAU) per
month and is deployed in EU/Ireland and AP/Japan.
VP Architecture and Technology November
SunGard Front Arena

2003-11 - 2014-10

November 2003 - October 2014
Front Arena helps your business to integrate sales, trading, risk management, operations and distribution across multiple asset classes. http://www.sungard.com/frontarena Note - SunGard
was acquired by Fidelity National Information Services in November 2015.

Employed as VP Architecture and Technology November 2003, reporting to the CTO.

Responsible for driving strategic product architectural investments (unified cross-asset calculation engine, performance and scalability) together with technical architecture team.

Transitioned into CTO January 2006, reporting into CEO, member of senior management
team. Interacted with pre-sales, product management and services to manage prospects and
+100 customers across Europe Middle East and Africa, North America and Asia Pacific.

Lead and developed a 190 person development organisation - initially single-site/single-
culture organisation based in Stockholm - Sweden which transitioned into a multi-site and multi-culture (Stockholm - Sweden, Pune - India, Paris - France, Tunis - Tunisia, Philadelphia - USA, Oxford, Cambridge - England) due to multiple acquisitions.

Designed and implemented a major change in way of working from a non-deterministic,
multi-year release model based on a waterfall development process and manual testing to a
fixed schedule, bi-annual, release model enabled by a SCRUM-based development process,
stable teams over time, continuous integration and test-automation.

Transitioned into Chief Product Owner Platform, Head of Labs and Chief Architect
Capital Markets August 2010. Delivered solution for Front Arena low-latency electronic
trading (tick to trade < 20 us at 99th percentile) working closely with industry partners (e.g. MICROSOFT, INTEL, CORVIL, HP).

As SunGard consolidated its organisational units and product lines, focus shifted to work as an internal technology consultant on strategic product initiatives such as acquisition due
diligence, product architecture reviews and way of working cross-pollination workshops within the Capital Market group comprised of 4 000 employees.
VP Application
The Frameworx company

2000-08 - 2003-11

founded in 2000 with aid of venture capitalist firms, developed and sold a J2EE development platform that enabled enterprise class, component-based
applications with a consistent architecture to be developed and delivered faster and with less
J2EE- technical skill than otherwise possible. (www.frameworx.com Note: URL no longer valid as company has gone out of business.)

VP Application, reporting to the CEO. Responsible for application architecture, development
processes plus scaling and developing the organisation from the initial core team of five to 40 across Stockholm and New York sites. Deeply involved involved in business development,
meeting prospect customers and venture capitalists.
Director of Business Architecture

1998-05 - 2000-07

May 1998 - July 2000
IMI develops and sells packaged applications in the area of supply chain

Director of Business Architecture, reporting to the VP Development. Responsible for
establishing and enforcing a consistent product architecture across the suite of products in
IMI's portfolio. Line manager for a seven person architecture department, member of the management team that jointly lead and co-ordinated the 180 person development department.
Consultant and Architect in IBM Consulting Group

1996-01 - 1998-04

January 1996 - April 1998
IBM Svenska AB is the Swedish branch of IBM Corporation. www.ibm.se

Employed as Consultant and Architect in IBM Consulting Group. As consultant involved in business process transformation work along with designing framework-based and object-
oriented IT solutions within the Nordic finance community. Appointed Principal of the Nordic Object Technology Practice November 1997. As principal responsible for sales
pipeline and client engagement follow-up as well as overall line management for the unit - 23
persons across Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Team-lead and Consultant. The team-lead role meant planning and managing

1993-04 - 1995-12

April 1993 - December 1995
ENEA Data is a Swedish consultancy specialising in object-oriented technologies and real-
time operating system kernels. www.enea.se

Employed as Team-lead and Consultant. The team-lead role meant planning and managing
the work of a group of five persons specialising in object-oriented methodology, reuse and change management projects for customers - from traditional to object-oriented systems
development. Quality assurance auditor, responsible for developing and deploying the internal ISO 9001-compliant quality system.
Objective Systems and its founder

1990-11 - 1993-04

Ivar Jacobsson developed the Objectory development
process which later became RUP - Rational Unified Process. www.rational.com

Employed as Method Consultant, most time spent leading the customers' work of customising and rolling out the new development process based on the Objectory
development process framework. Used the customer engagement experiences to influence and improve the Objectory process and CASE tool. Work entailed intensive skill-transfer via
class-room training, workshops, reviews and participation and mentoring in development
project as architect and/or technical project manager.

1988-08 - 1990-11

August 1988 - November 1990
Logica Svenska AB is the Swedish branch of the international consultancy Logica.

Consultant in various system analysis, design and implementation projects in Sweden.

Akademisk bakgrund

Högskolan of Växjö

2024-09 - 2024-09

Bachelor of Science
Högskolan of Växjö

1985-08 - 1988-06

Saint Peter's College
Saint Peter's College

2019-10 - 1987-01

Kontakta konsult
