Updated: 2023-09-12

Register button clicks on iOS/Android smartphones on a CSV and then upload to a backend from another option in the main menu


  • Publisert 2 years ago
  • Engelsk
  • Forventet startdato: ASAP

Assignment Details

Register button clicks on iOS/Android smartphones on a DB and then upload to a backend from another option in the main menu


I want an app so that my daughters can keep track of how many times they ask questions in class or put them on the board.


I need to create an app for smartwatches, hybrid (iOS and Android) to record different button presses on the screen and save them in a DB, and then be able to load it on a page via GET / POST as a JSON by entering a code / key on the mobile so that it knows to which "class" to associate that JSON, the key is more of a kind of validator to confirm that the correct code has actually been entered and another class is not being crushed by mistake.


The idea is that in the future I can modify the code to modify those buttons if the need arises, that is why I am looking for a development with a hybrid programming environment preferably based on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript code, which then generates pseudo-native apps for watches with Android and iOS.


I have made the backend and the equivalent to this app but in WebApp (PWA) mode so that it works on iOS and Android mobiles, installing it as a native pseudo-app, but the idea is that instead of having to use a mobile it could be done directly from the watches, but I have not seen a way to install a PWA in a "weareable".


The front part is very simple, it is practically jumping through different menus until you reach the option of registering the clicks or uploading them to the backend, in PWA mode it has taken me about 30 hours, for reference.


It is likely that if this pilot works well with my daughters, I will consider adding options for detecting bullying in schools, then I could already think about monetizing the application.


Plassering Remote
Arbeidsmengde 20 Timer/uke , 100% fjernkontroll
Forventet startdato ASAP
Forventet sluttdato Åpen
Nødvendige språk Engelsk
Nødvendige ferdigheter xamarin.android, xamarin.ios

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