Updated: 2023-09-12

Business System Analyst


  • Publisert 4 years ago
  • Engelsk
  • Forventet startdato: ASAP

Assignment Details

Necessary Qualifications / Skills

  • 3-5 years as a Business Analyst in the actuarial/accounting/finance industry
  • Experience in leading the requirement analysis for new systems, with integration to existing systems
  • Experience in detailed analysis techniques with the ability to translate into comprehensive documentation which can be understood by Business and IT alike
  • Communication of documentation, and getting business approval for same
  • Proficiency in database queries and data structures
  • Ability to contribute to QA test plans, test strategies, and assist in the execution of test efforts
  • Experience working with recognized IT delivery processes and methodology
  • Excellent team player
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Self-motivated with a positive and flexible attitude
  • Ability to set and work to strict project deadlines


Plassering Dublin
Arbeidsmengde 5 Dager/uke , 100% på stedet
Forventet startdato ASAP
Forventet sluttdato 2020-09-30
Nødvendige språk Engelsk
Nødvendige ferdigheter Analyst, Business, Experience, IT, data

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