Tech Lead Trondheim, Norge

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Tech Lead

Trondheim, Norge

Innfødt Norwegian, English, Mellomliggende German

  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Good Experience as Project Lead
  • Great C#/.NET Experience

Ferdigheter (40)


















.NET Core













Game Development





3D Game






Anders has about 5 years of regular programming experience

and stands out with a deep knowledge of the technologies he uses.

In Anders past projects, there has been a great focus on C#, .NET CORE, ReactJS,
Vue, and PowerBI. He also has experience with Operations within Azure Cloud
Services from the Highered project.


Project & Tech Lead - Senior Consultant
Plattform @Highered

2021-03 - Nåværende

Main technologies: C# ∙ Vue ∙ Azure TypeScript ∙ Kubernetes GCP ∙ GoLang Team Size: 8+ Highered is a global recruting platform with a focus on connecting employers and canidates. Highered connect employers and early talent with career opportunities across the world, and make it simple to discover the right career and candidates.
Anders is the current Tech Lead for Architecture and Project Leader for the Highered Plattform. He has the responsibility of managing the development team and archiving development goals.
Project lead & Fullstack developer - Consultant
Falcko @Favn Software

2021-03 - 2021-03

Main technologies: ReactJS ∙ Firebase Team Size: 1 Falcko is a tool that helps finding available parking slots in Norway.
Anders made a prototype of this tool and stood for the entire design, development process and client communications.c
Project lead & Fullstack-developer - Consultant
Kvapp @Favn Software

2021-01 - 2021-01

Main technologies: ReactJS ∙ Firebase ∙ AES/RSA Encryption Team Size: 1 Kvapp is a platform for creating and administrating digital receipts/contracts between two parties. The platform is meant to easily create a digital contract between a buyer and a seller with a few simple clicks.
Anders was the main engineer for the entire platform, the main consultant and project lead.
Project lead & Fullstack-developer - Consultant
Kvist @Favn Software

2020-06 - 2020-09

Main technologies: ReactJS ∙ Firebase Tailwind CSS ∙ NodeJS Team Size: 4 Kvist Solutions AS develops a platform for easing the process of environmental certification and facilitates the implementation of environmentally ambitious construction projects.
Favn Software developed their first prototype of the platform in form of a web application.
Anders was the project lead and involved in the development process from the beginning.
He did a lot of development on this project himself, as well as managing three other developers.
Web Developer
Visual Data Library @Equinor

2020-06 - 2020-07

Main technologies: TypeScript ∙ ReactJS ∙ Python Dash Plotly ∙ WebGL ∙ Leaflet Team Size: 3 Equinor develops and maintains a large collection of data visualization libraries for creating subsurface dashboards for data around their oil platforms, called WebViz.
Anders contributed by developing new web components for visualizing under subsurface data using different interactive map technologies and WebGL. His work is still in use today.
Software Development Engineer
Plattform @Highered

2019-06 - 2020-06

Main technologies: C# ∙ Vue ∙ Postgresql TypeScript ∙ Kubernetes GCP ∙ GoLang Team Size: 4+ Anders is one of the main engineers that founded the current technical plattform for Highered. Because of his great impact on the plattform he was later requested to continue on the project.
Furthermore, the tasks have been to build functionality in REST APIs, especially in Golang and the C#/.NET environment, and at the same time implemented corresponding functionality in Vue on the frontend side.
Favn Favn Software AS Kjøpmannsgata 59 NO-7011 Trondheim Project History
Fullstack-developer - Consultant
Eazystocks @Favn Software

2020-03 - 2020-04

Main technologies: ReactJS ∙ Firebase Team Size: 1 Eazystocks is a platform for providing simple and beginner friendly evaluation of stocks.
The goal is to help beginners in the stock market to easily understand the risks and market evaluation of specific stocks.
Anders was hired as a consultant to make a simple prototype where he did all of the development and client communications.
Favn Software AS Favn Kjøpmannsgata 59 NO-7011 Trondheim Project History
Game Developer
Settlers of Catlan @Personal

2019-10 - 2019-11

Main technologies: Unity ∙ Photon ∙ Maya 3D Team Size: 4 Settlers of Catlan is a multiplayer 3D game of the board game "Settlers of Catan" written in Unity. The goal of this project was to recreate the board game digitally and make it playable online with friends.
Anders contributed on this project by making the core game logic and did all of the network-multiplayer implementation.
ZeroGo @Personal

2019-10 - 2019-11

Main technologies: Python ∙ Tensorflow ∙ Keras ∙ ResNet Team Size: 4 ZeroGo is a reimpementation of DeepMind's AlphaGo, a machinelearning model for playing the board game Go, just restricted to a smaller board size.
Anders contributed on this project by co-developing the machine-learning model, the tree- search algorithm and process of training the model.
Favn Software AS Favn Kjøpmannsgata 59 NO-7011 Trondheim
Fullstack Engineer - Consultant
Web Platform @Recrut

2018-05 - 2019-06

Main technologies: Python ∙ Django ReactJS ∙ Redux Team Size: 4 Recrut was a startup that built a platform for connecting business recruiters and students. It was a communication platform where students and companies could connect and students could find and apply for job positions. Recrut was aquired by Highered AS in 2019.
Main maintainer
HTTP2 Go Library @Personal

2019-04 - 2019-05

Main technologies: Golang ∙ HTTP/2 Team Size: 2 Opal is a minimalisitic web framework written in Golang, implementing the HTTP/2 protocol (RFC7540) and HPACK (RFC7541) from scratch.
Anders was one of the main developers and maintainers of this project, and was the one who did all of the HPACK implementation.
Game Developer
Mobile Game @Personal

2016-08 - 2016-12

Main technologies: Unity ∙ C# Team Size: 4 Swipe & Swap is a puzzle game for mobile, developed as a student project along with other co-students. The game was published to the App Store and Google Play in 2016.
Anders was one of the lead programmers on this project, and was part of implementing the core game logic.
Favn Favn Software AS Kjøpmannsgata 59 NO-7011 Trondheim Project History

Akademisk bakgrunn

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

2020-08 - 2022-06

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

2017-08 - 2020-06

Nord University
Nord University

2016-08 - 2017-06

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