Strategic Experience / UX Designer København, Denmark

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Strategic Experience / UX Designer

København, Denmark

Innfødt English, German, Mellomliggende Danish

  • Design Thinking
  • User Experience Design / UX Design
  • Workshop Design & Facilitation

Ferdigheter (18)


Customer Insight


User Testing

Design Thinking


Design sprints









User research

App Store




Nº4 Get in touch

Nº1 What I do

My mission is to change the way companies

create their digital products* to add more

meaning for their customers while creating

substantial new value for their business.

* e.g. websites, B2B/B2C platforms, online shops, apps

By applying creative strategic thinking,

methods and tools, I make sense of
complex challenges, create a deep

understanding of behaviours and solve
business problems

How I work

Human-centered Cross-functional Design-led
focus Co-Creation methods & processes

I listen intently to users and I bring together diverse teams I use tried-and-true
put them at the heart of and help unlock the power of methods and tools from
everything I create creativity within everyone design to support business
principles & processes

What my
clients say
with me

What my
clients say
with me

""With Chris and her Design thinking approach we could unlock

next level creativity through new ways of thinking and build an

actionable prototype in days. We will deçnitely keep Design

Thinking as one of the most efçcient Creation processes and are

super happy with how Chris managed the whole process and the


2022-12 - Nåværende

& User Experience Designer , Workshop Designer & Facilitator What I do Nº1 Nº2 eins digital, Co-Founder of several startups, Founder of dorris What makes me a valuable addition to a team? I love beginnings - I like to constantly try new things, learn quickly by getting feedback and try to understand where I have succeeded (e.g. my èrst startup) or failed (e.g. my fashion store PURE GLOW* which was the starting point for falling in love with Danish design, the Danish culture and Copenhagen) in the past. To me, curiously trying things out is the only way I can constantly strengthen and develop myself.
I seek projects in which my autonomy and creativity can be exercised. I am generally undaunted by new challenges, and approach problems with a clear mind. I am used to quickly moving on from failure and am always willing to begin from scratch. My ability to experiment and test something novel is a key strength that I bring to my work.
How did I get here? I speak many (team) languages - My natural ability to work well with a variety of people from other disciplines allows me to bring together different individual strengths. I am a mechanical engineer by training with a degree from an Ivy League university (RWTH Aachen), I started my career as a frontend developer, self-taught, I changed paths and discovered my passion for design which I have been following since then.
I have a natural drive to challenge myself and others in order to overcome anything in our way to achieve our goals. I am a forward-thinker and change-maker: I always take the opportunity to challenge others to join me in creating change. I have profound insights into current trends and market demand, which boosts my creativity and inspires new ideas.
More about my character My conèdence and determination provide support for the people I work with. I see change as a positive force and always ask myself if there is another way to look at things than we have done before.
I am not intimidated by red tape but constantly think outside the box. I feel fulèlled and accomplished when I am able to tackle the unknown and explore unfamiliar territory. I am motivated to change the way classic businesses think, strategize, ideate and operate.
I am attracted by the possibilities in high risk and high reward strategies rather than being hesitant or repelled by them. Challenges do not scare me. I èrmly believe there is a solution to every problem.
How co-workers and clients describe me Strategic thinker Drive & determination Empathy Team spirit Flexible and structured Creative Passion for learning Absolutely reliable Demand for quality Energizing, positively inspiring Contact / ֠45 26 36 62 69 Website / LinkedIn / Podcast


about their smoking behaviours, their attempts to switch to New Category products, their challenges, needs and pain points.
helped us create a high-level app concept, a high-fidelty prototype, the most important
able to align the cross-functional team and find out what everyone's expectations were.
With the feedback we got from our customers, we knew which parts of our idea would work
When we started, they offered their users a rather boring data dashboard which was not
Started a shift from classic number-driven KPIs to measuring customer-value and impact
After just 4 weeks we had found out how an app would cater for the needs of our users.
and engaging workshops together to brainstorm ideas and build the platform concept
Iteration workshops to process the user feedback & adapt our concept and prototype
Co-Created Workshop Concepts and a Vision Toolbox to use for everyone's daily work
prototype, tested it again, adapted the concept and handed it over to the digital
#4 Define how we can make the story tangible in the company (first artefact)
interpretations of the XING company strategy across the leadership team.
Legal), I created Insights from the research outcome & framed our main
products) users still smoke classic cigarettes (multi-users) or fall
products) users still smoke classic cigarettes
The app is now available on the app store, has been rated with *****
active users and encourage users to act on the insights we provide
these personas and important strategic topics, several cocreation
Better understanding & alignment within the cross-functional team
Building a website or app that supports these users during their
Stories along the (professional) life cycle of a XING customer.
Stories along the
Radical User-centered product development by creating a website
Increase the users' commitment to change their lives to become
struggles (user-perspective) and drives sales of NC products
To make the Experience Vision narrative tangible and usable
Create an engaging mobile and desktop app to increase daily
5 stars & as you can see, we implemented the ideas, the two
To make the Vision usable in everyday work, a "Vision Box"
Created tangible artefacts to explore and experience the
concept was co-created with XING employees to make sure
I talked to 10 different people within the target group
it would be beneficial for the work of different teams
Lead UX Strategist, interim Concept for a B2B Platform
with Future Trends Cards (describing the used trends)
wants to create for their users) and a whole workshop
themes and opportunities for future user experiences
concept with a Miro Board, was created. The workshop
Besides that I conducted interviews within BAT to be
Stakeholder Interviews to understand the individual
Co-Founder of Hamburg-based digital agency kontor
execution on the most critical business priorities
Stakeholder Interviews + "Design the Box"-Exercise
Initiated a cultural change towards more long-term
Creating an Experience Vision to educate and align
agency, supported by my lovely team of likeminded
employee on what experience they want to provide
agency who had been part of the whole cocreation
User Research: Initial interviews with customers
Our goal was to create a validated concept for a
App prototypes & user tests with real Focuswrx
#1: Consolidated common themes and opportunities
workshops were facilitatated where everyone who
managers with new tools and methods that enable
created ideas to solve our challenges using the
back to old habits and do not succeed switching
and improve people's productivity and wellbeing
A company-wide Hackathon to get the buy-in from
them to develop successfully in our VUCA world
new Digital Platform for B2B users for Henkell
everyone from the CEO down to every individual
Stakeholder Interviews & Workshop to align the
Prototyping, User Testing, Iteration Workshops
Design Studio Workshop: With the whole team we
Copenhagen provides German decision-makers and
solve our challenge. The team created a first
user journeys and a lot of valuable customer
their customers within 5-7 years in order to
prototype which was then shown to and tested
decided on the most valuable ones that would
Our new Learning Expedition NORSE STORIES to
Entrepreneur & Strategic Experience Designer
used regularly, overwhelmed users & did not
the whole company. Identification of common
User Research & User Interviews & Alignment
Ideation: Design and facilitate Co-Creation
well and which ones we needed to work on.
cross-functional and multi-national team.
Workshops with the two founders to create
In Copenhagen, we discussed all our ideas
Freixenet worldwide. How we achieved this
#3 Making our experience stories tangible
Talk more about user needs than features
Outcome: Business Map & User Empathy Map
Make using the FOCUSWRX product more fun
Embrace a more customer-centric language
that would REALLY support our customers
We then created a second version of our
Solve concrete product challenges using
Conduct user research / user interviews
Double-Diamond Model & Design Thinking
Together with a cross-functional team
Set up a Continuous Product Discovery
FOCUSWRX helps organisations to focus
Define a SaaS-product strategy while
Deep commitment of everyone involved
product concept and created a basic
entrepreneurs and boutique agencies
Workshop. Outcome: Concrete Problem
Then we ran a couple of interactive
thinking across the whole company
Plan & strategize decision better
Finding out why most New Category
British American Tobacco, Hamburg
marketing, sales, product etc.).
Create wireframes and concepts
healthier and more productive
Co-Founder & Journey Captain
process from the beginning.
motivate users to come back
Build prototypes in Figma
Experience Meaning cards
solution ideas together
Real Estate / Proptech
Entrepreneur & Founder
with real customers.
and development team
Focuswrx, Copenhagen
founders brought in
Statements to solve
#2: Paving the path
User & Stakeholder
Saved money & time
Nº2 My Recent Work
North Star for the
Experience Vision
people switch to
across all teams
What we achieved
FMCG / Beverages
website to help
methods & tools
engaging app to
Social Networks
Design Thinking
as a strategic
#3 Creating an
#1 Building an
of the client
XING, Hamburg
#2 Building a
Nº3 About me
What we did
user tests
Our goal
What we
My task

Kontakt konsulent
