Software Ingeniør Aarhus, Danmark

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Software Ingeniør

Aarhus, Danmark

Innfødt Danish, Flytende English

  • Fullstack, web, mobil, cloud computing, arkitektur
  • Engineering og ikke-trivielle opgaver
  • 15+ års erfaring med Python

Ferdigheter (29)























Business Intelligence








I am 32 years old and have been working professionally with developing a wide range of
different applications for the last ca. 15 years, from web- and mobile applications, automation of
manual working processes, embedded systems, and much more. My primary strength and
interest is in Python, which I have been using for all 15 years of my career both professionally
and privately, however I always use the tools I see most fit for any project, among which is a
wide range of different languages and frameworks (not all mentioned below).

As a person I am a versatile and engaged developer which is used to the role of being a
consultant, and are good at getting started out with new projects and technologies in the
companies I work for. I am normally good at both understanding and conveying a complex
message. In addition to this I have a predilection for great software design and take pride in
delivering great, intuitive and easily readable software.

Primary technologies
● Languages: Python, C#, TypeScript/JavaScript, Dart (+ Java, C/C++, and more.).
● Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, as well as misc. NoSQL databases.
● Web: Flask/Django/Falcon, ASP.NET, Angular, Vue, Sass, and more.
● Mobile: Flutter, Android native.
● Cloud: Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, AWS (novice), microservices og cloud
● Misc: Free text search, Visualization/plotting, Machine Learning (novice but practical


Python developer / software tester

2018-11 - 2019-09


As a freelancer for LEGO I designed and implemented a setup to
perform testing of all of their embedded components. These are the
toys which contains electronics (Mindstorms etc.). I tailored the system to match LEGO's specific requirements and work processes. In
addition to this I also implemented hundreds of concrete test-cases, which runs before a firmware update is released. In this context I had
Nov. 2018 - Sep. 2019
two engineers associated to assist me in my work.

Area of focus and technologies: Software testing, Embedded
software, Python/MicroPython, C/C++, CI/CD.

Cloud architect and Python API development
VESTAS, Freelance

2018-04 - 2018-09

I designed and implemented a system to
distribute [hundreds of] thousands of calculations out on the company's supercomputer. Before I started, the calculations could
only be executed on a single CPU core, and took around 14 days to complete. With the system I tailored they were distributed out on
many CPU cores across a large number of physical nodes, and it took
less than 30 minutes to complete.

Employees accessed the system start jobs, fetch results etc. via a web
API written in Python.

Area of focus and technologies: Distributed systems and cloud
architecture, Big data, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Docker,

Fullstack developer and API integration
SEGES/Landbrug & Fødevarer, Freelance

2017-08 - 2018-02

I participated in the development of a project as subcontractor for ARLA with the purpose of collecting data
on farmers in seven european countries. My role was primarily to
automate the process of collecting data from different APIs and process it together with designated BI-specialists. Besides this my role
stretched wide, as I also wrote web backend in ASP.NET, frontend in Angular JS, and designed cloud architecture on Microsoft Azure.

Area of focus and technologies: Distributed systems and cloud
architecture, Big data, C#, ASP.NET, Angular JS, HTML/CSS, Typescript.
Meal planning app
Together with a friend I developed a meal planning app for Android and iPhone using Flutter, with a backend written in Python. The
purpose of the project was to automate meal planning from the user's
specific nutritional needs. The project never reached Google Play or
App Store

2016-01 - 2018-01

but was a very educational process to undergo.

At this time (back in 2017), almost no documentation were available for Flutter, so I had to read [tens of] thousands of lines of framework
source code to get an idea of how it worked and how to interface with
it. I did, however, fall in love with Flutter immediately after
encountering it, so I did not mind it much.

Area of focus and technologies: Python, Flutter, Distributed systems and cloud architecture, complex algorithms and mathematics for
solving optimization problems, and more.
Aarhus University

2017-02 - 2017-06

three different courses; datastructures and algoritms, embedded
software, and software design patterns.

Assistant teacher
School of Engineering, Aarhus University
Assistant teacher on a 3rd semester course, Embedded Software

2016-08 - 2016-12

Development, where I helped students learn concurrent programming
(parallelisation) in a C++/Unix environment, which includes execution
and synchronization of code across threads and processes, and techniques and design patterns for the purpose.
Minds ApS

2016-01 - 2016-07

I had half a year of mandatory internship as part of studying
engineering where I tried life as an IT consultant. During the six month
period I participated in seven different projects, each between 40 and
250 hours, and all implemented in the C#/Azure stack.

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, Azure.
Python programmer
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University

I was lead developer of a digital platform for testing students in the
2015 (may-dec)
areas of physics, astronomy, and nanotechnology, and I had the overall
responsibility for design and implementation. I also taught a group of students basic Python programming.

Technologies: Python, MySQL, SciPy, Matplotlib, Django,
Linux-environments, HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

Head of IT and Python web development ApS

2004-01 - 2010-01

I was with the company almost from the beginning and saw it grow
from 4 to 40 people during my time there. I developed an e-commerce
2004-2010 platform, automated manual work processes, integrated with a range
of different 3rd party systems and services, and much more.

Primary technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, environments,
Head of IT from the former director in parallel ApS

2008-01 - 2010-01

with my role as a web developer. Responsible for all development and
2008-2010 daily operations, I made sure the company (which were 100% dependent on it's IT) could continue to run.

Python web development

Akademisk bakgrunn

Holme skole, Samsøgades skole
Holme skole, Samsøgades skole

2025-01 - 2025-01

School of Engineering, Aarhus University

2014-01 - 2017-01

School of Engineering, Aarhus University
School of Engineering, Aarhus University

2012-01 - 2014-01

Elementary school incl
Elementary school incl

1993-01 - 2004-01

Kontakt konsulent
