Senior Frontend Engineer Lombardia, Italia

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Senior Frontend Engineer

Lombardia, Italia

Innfødt Italian, Mellomliggende English

  • angular, react, BackBase
  • jquery, php
  • html5, css, less, sass, scss

Ferdigheter (37)













LAMP Stack


























Sr Frontend Developer CSS Architect
Facilitylive OpCo Srl

2017-05 - 2020-03

Senior Frontend Developer in "Facilitylive Team" in Pavia.
Working as a FE Developers for building and fixing the portal "" and others
projects related.
Built with: React, Redux, Node, Gulp, Scss, Jsx, typescript

CEO & Founder
E-Devel di Taffi Renato

2012-01 - Nåværende

• Senior Frontend developer Freelance.
• I built the web professionally for around 15 years.
In that time I've learned up a few programming languages (HTML5, CSS3, XHTML, CSS, jQuery/Javascript, PHP, Asp, MySQL), even more software applications
(Photoshop, InDesign, Fireworks, Illustrator, AfterEffects etc.).
• I Opened my new company for work (with collaboration contracts) for some
Company, Italian and foreign because I'm a Freelance.
Sr Frontend Developer Team Leader CSS Architect
Prodigys Group

2016-12 - 2017-03

Senior Frontend Developer and Frontend Team Leader in "Prodigys Team" in Milan.
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi

• I organize the activities of the FE Developers Team(2 guys) and work in the same
time, for building and fixing the new "Allianz K-Pax CMS platform".
• Developed AngularJs WebApps for Agency and Bank
• Worked for build and perform the "Admin CMS Manager" using AngularJS.
Using also requireJs for the correct load of Js libraries and modules.
Team Leader of FE Team & Sr Frontend Developer
Altran Italia Spa

2015-07 - 2016-12

• Senior Frontend Developer and Frontend Team Leader in "CheBanca! Team" in Milan.
• I organize the activities of the FE Developers Team(4 guys) and work in the same
time, for building the new "CheBanca! Home Banking platform".
• Built and configured Backbase container schema templates(Soy language).
• Developed AngularJs widgets, configured and integrated for use in the BackBase
Portal Bank.
• Worked on the "Admin portal manager" in Dev and UAT environment, for builing
and configuring all the view/pages of webSite.
• Using also requireJs for the correct load of Js libraries and modules.
Sr Frontend Developer CSS Architect
The Secret Lab

2016-06 - 2016-07

short contract)

• Senior Frontend Developer for "" Website.
Developed the new "How We are" section for Desktop AngularJs WebSite.
• Senior Frontend Developer for "TMG Group" Corporate Portal.
Developed internal parts of WebSite Group, using ReactJs and Native-React.
Sr Frontend Developer
Deseeo Ltd

2016-02 - 2016-05

• Senior Frontend Developer for "" Website.
• Remote work, four hours(minimum) a day for developing the new frontend of this
• I write all the code(HTML, CSS, JS), using "proprietary framework", projected and built by the Owner of Company based on jQuery, jQuery-ui.
• The first Beta version, is planned in the middle days of April 2016.
Team Leader of FE Team & Sr Frontend Developer
BE-Solutions Spa

2015-04 - 2015-07

Senior Frontend Developer and Frontend Team Leader in "UBIS (Unicredit Business Information System) Team" in Bucharest.
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi

• I organize the activities of the FE Developers Team(9 guys) and work in the same
time, for building the new "Home Banking platform" for all the Banks of the Unicredit Group in the East Europe.
• Webapp developed using AngularJS (without jQuery, for Bank rules), and integrated
in a customized third part framework(Java - Thymeleaf), and bootstrapped after
completed backend process.
Senior Frontend WebApp Dev
Unicredit Bank UBIS

2014-04 - 2015-03

CSS Arch. (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)

• Senior Frontend Developer and Frontend Team Leader in "UGIS (Unicredit Global Information System) Team".
• Working to build of a new Single Page Application called "Babel".
• I Manage and plan the activities for others members of the team, to create a new
series of internal Bank "Services" for all his employees.
• The new webApp is Optimised for the desktop and mobile(iPad), using HTML5, CSS3
(LESS languages), built with AngularJs, Bootstrap and some others Js commons
• A section of the webapp show graphs of different nature. The realization was made
possible using a javascript library "D3.js" and JSON data received by ajax calls to API
services. I've written some Js customized functions for reach the goal and show the graphs, in some cases animated.
• Another section of the webapp, show a lot of tabular data, I've managed this part
implementing and using the "ng-table" Angular component, modified for the search
• This new webApp is online only in the "Unicredit Private Business European Intranet".
• For security reason, I can't explain more details of this project.
Senior Frontend Dev
The Talent Channels Company Ltd

2013-05 - 2013-12

CSS Arch. (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)

• Worked with some guys (that have changed Company in the time) in that period, to rebuild both desktop and mobile sites for "The Talent Channels".
• Optimised for the desktop, tablet and mobile (iOS and Android) using AngularJs
HTML5, CSS3 and LESS integrated on a NodeJS and Redis framework.
• Using RequireJs for the correct load of Js libraries and modules.
• Artists include Chris Brown, Peter Andre, Arsenio All, Jamal Edwards & Josh Devine
• The site itself allows celebrities to share their photos, messages and videos with the public on their own dedicated website.
• This site interact with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, VK(bigger Russian Social Network -
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi
Senior Frontend Dev
Buongiorno Spa

2009-01 - 2013-12

CSS Arch. (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)
Buongiorno, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT DOCOMO, is known in the worldwide mobile
commerce ecosystem for developing and managing paid apps and services that help consumers
get greater enjoyment from mobile devices

• Developed many Frontend for the B! Web/Mobile Platforms, primarily in XHTML,
HTML5 and JavaScript. Large use of jQuery library.
• All the frontend, was developed starting from PSD or PNG graphic projects, which
were converted in real HTML(with relative Css) pages.
• Frontend managed by a handmade template,
• I written some Javascript functions(with or without support of the most common Js
libraries, such as jQuery, Backbone etc ), for implementing new particular effects or
reactions inside the web pages.
• Provided ongoing support for existing platforms.

Social Media, A major achievement, 2 years.

I've worked on, a Buongiorno project and aggregator of Social Network with more than 50 Social channels around the world, all aggregated in one unique Dashboard inside
HelloTxt allows you to update a large number of online profiles and publishing platforms through a single entry field. Services such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn,
MySpace, Flickr. HelloTxt is accessible through the web, and can also be updated via
email, SMS, and Google Talk.


Role in the project:
I've developed and managed all the Frontend code, html css and Js.
Substantially, the aggregator was developed with the API of various social network,
some managed from the backend and, some managed from the frontend. In the first
time, all the aggregations are was made by the Frontend and Js code, and sometimes with Php language.
Lately we switched all the API process, to the Java backend. (50+ Social Network were really too many, for the html pages.) We migrated all the calls in the Backend, and the
frontend communicated with backend to send and receive Json data using Ajax calls.
The support the Web, Mobile Web, iOS App, Android App and Chrome App.
(The service is sold to Sony Japan and thus not in operation by Buongiorno anymore.)

Worked on: - - and other more minor
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi
5 Frontend Developer
B! in the Florence HQ

2012-11 - 2013-12

in a large/system application for Mobile.

• 40 Team People in Total(only for this Mobile Service):
• 5 Frontend Developer
• 15 Backend Developer
• 1 Project Manager
• 15 Country Manager
• And some others figures in "Top of Product and Tech Management"

I Developed new splash and landing page, changed some parts for the existing
subscription pages every days, for all the VAS services for all Mobile products of B! in all the world.
I worked in direct contact with the BE developers and the PM, for manage and resolve all the new problems presented every days by the Country Laws where services was launched

Besides this, I've developed and mounted new pages in the same time, going to arrange
every time the new solutions found in all the old material present.

The B! Service Platform, is developed in Php, perl with MySQL and front end code was run
by a custom templates, with some parts in common for all Country/Service/Products and included inside a pages, with a system similar as a widget.
and finally, all the pages was cached by Akamay services, and for this reason, all the files/images/scripts had to have a "versioning".
The common parts, were for manage and include for ex:
All the Header, Metatags, Css, Common Js Library, Scripts etc
The Footer, with others Js custom scripts, Google Analitycs and more
Senior Frontend Dev./PHP Developer
Zero9 Spa

2007-10 - 2008-12

• The only Developer (BE/FE) present for all the mobile platform.
• is a text-mess platform developed in Php by Zend engineers using Zend
Framework , and managed after by me using the same framework.
• For one year and half, I've developed and changed the Php code(with MySQL Db connections and queries) and the Frontend code for the Admin CMS panel
according to the requests coming from the marketing guys.
• Managed also, a specific software for the exchange of messages from the Clubm8
platform to the USA Aggregator Verisign(and from these sent/receive to/from Carriers) and vice versa.
• Office Network Support, trouble-shooting network problems and configuring new
machines for inclusion on the Local Area Network.
Senior Frontend Dev
Dada Spa

2005-09 - 2007-10

CSS Arch. (HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript)
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi

• Developed many Frontend for the Dada Web Platforms, primarily in HTML, XHTML
and JavaScript. Large use of Javascript handwritten.
• All the frontend, was developed starting from PSD or PNG graphic projects, which
were converted in real HTML(with relative Css) pages.
• Frontend managed by a handmade template,
• I handwritten many Javascript functions, for implementing new particular effects or
reactions inside the web pages.
• Provided ongoing support for existing platforms,
Webmaster, Web Developer
Web&Co di Taffi Renato ISP

2001-01 - 2005-07

• Built and managed a ISP point for hosting some web and wap sites.
• Projected and Built some web sites for private italian companies.
• Projected and developed the website of municipality of Cecina
Integrated some of public documents inside, with a customized batch procedures on
their server, for convert all the doc format in pdf.Double different view, from their
private intranet or from a web.
• The ISP was equipped with Microsoft IIS server, Daemon mail & news server, two
DNS server (with the Italian Domain Registry Contract signed).
• All switched off in 2005 because of the running costs too high
Web Developer
Techne Srl

1998-01 - 2000-12

Projected and developed some parts of web pages(interactive pages or simple static html pages) for a private Intranet of Solvay S.A. a Chemical multinational Company
present in so many country of the world.
• I have developed an interactive kiosk in HTML allowing the consultation of all the internal numbers of employees and allowed to call the relevant workstations.
• I held computer literacy courses for the correct use of "IPDTS International Post de Travail Solvay", for all their employees in Italy (1500 people).
Techincian & Jr. Web Developer
Multinet Srl

1996-10 - 1997-12

Period of experience in one of the first ISPs in Tuscany. I've started here my
professional activity of HTML Developer
Scuba diver (PADI), restaurant waiter etc
Vobis Microcomputer

1994-01 - 1996-09

Cecina-Livorno IT
Hardware Techincian & Repair
• Assembled and repaired the computers sold in the two stores

Before the 1994, some minor work, such as consultant for 5 years for the Camel Trophy
(Italian Team), after Scuba diver (PADI), restaurant waiter etc..
Mobile Phone: +39 393 2624788
Instant Msg: Skype: rtaffi
Web consultant
Ministero Innovazione Tecnologica

2020-04 - Nåværende

Gestione sito e altri progetti governativi

Akademisk bakgrunn

Compulsory Italian School
Compulsory Italian School

1973-09 - 1980-06


Certificate of Professional Qualification Tech Designer

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