Kan være tilgjengelig
(Oppdatert %updatedDate %)Product Owner with UX design knowledge
Copenhagen, Denmark
Innfødt Lithuanian, Flytende Danish, English, Nybegynner German
- Certified Product Owner
- Over 10 years experience working with UX
- Multidisciplinary backgound
Ferdigheter (12)
product strategy
Project Management
I am passionate about user-friendly digital solutions, where focus is on developing products and services that meet user's expectations.
My skills and experience include setting product vision that stems from user needs and supports business goals, stakeholder and backlog management, user research, brainstorming and prototyping. I am routined when it comes to Scrum activities, including PI planning events.
Due to my multidisciplinary background I have confidence when discussing technical related issues with a developer as well as prioritizing potential features for a product with stakeholders. I am a people person that strives well in an environment, where professionalism, respect and transparency are key factors
My background in media technology, product backlog management, user experience design and my knowledge within the GDPR gives me solid understanding of how to approach and lead the development of user-friendly products, where technology serves humans to solve challenges in life.
My motto: do not ask what You can use the technology for. Ask how YOU can improve someone's life with help of the technology!
2020-09 - Nåværende
2020-09 - 2022-12
UX lead for two international apps.
Prioritization of features, backklog management and stepping in as proxy PO when needed.
2019-11 - 2020-06
UX lead for a web based project.
2014-09 - 2020-06
2018-01 - 2019-10
2016-08 - 2018-04
Employment Period Responsibilities and tasks
2018-01 - 2018-01
PrivacyTree P/S
2014-09 - 2015-04
Additionally, driving force on a company website project with hands-on in the development and design processes.
Employment Period Responsibilities and tasks
2008-09 - 2011-08
My main tasks regarding semester coordination were: presentation and introduction of various semester projects, organization and implementation of meetings and semester related study events, development of semester schedule.
I successfully introduced new ways of running semester presentations and I found new and more effective ways of gathering feedback from the students. It was fun to experience the educational mechanism from "behind the scenes". On the other hand it was great challenge and valuable experience to act as front figure for the two most difficult semesters at the university.
Furthermore, I was involved in international EU research project which delt with innovative interfaces for virtual environments.
(See education on next page)
Akademisk bakgrunn
2006-01 - 2008-01
2001-01 - 2003-01