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Kan være tilgjengelig
(Oppdatert %updatedDate %)Junior Web Developer
Innfødt Vietnamese, Flytende English, Mellomliggende Svenska
- React
- Node JS , moongDB
- 1,5 years of in JavaScript
Ferdigheter (9)
Node JS
As a Junior Full-Stack Developer with experience in MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, React, JavaScript, NodeJS, CSS, GitHub, and git-bash, I am aiming to use React, Node, MySQL and git-flow fluently.
I recently graduated from FooCoding after doing 3 months internship in Global Footprint Level Company in Malmo, Sweden.
During the internship, I have experienced making project with teams, debugging application, life-circle, explaining, coding in front of groups and doing mock-up for a web-page by using InVisionStudio.
I am looking forward to having an opportunity to cooperate with.
Best regard
Chau Pham
2020-01 - 2020-03
of senior UX/designer
+ Using Wix platform
+ Prepare for kick-off workshop event for company's product
+ Coding as a requirement and following given tasks.
2019-05 - 2020-01
on Heroku platform
+ Working with PostgreSQL, mySQL and Mongodb
+ Practicing workflow on Github by using Gitbash, Sourcetree.
+ Coding along with team by using Gitpod
+ Deploying React to Netlify
+ Familiarizing with Codepen and CodeSandBox
+ Using Trello to divide tasks for members of the team.
+ Making a presentation about working progress.
+ Building and debugging full-stack application with a team
+ Discussing and communicating the approach as a group under
mentor's instruction
2015-06 - 2016-08
+ Meeting different groups of local people and realizing that
life is simple from their lessons.
+ Exploring Mother Nature and challenging myself in wild
+ Being a tour guide for foreign tourists.
Award: Understanding my strengths and my weakness.
2013-10 - 2015-01
+ Dealing with customers' queries and solving complaints.
+ Getting customer's needs and finding the suits meet their
+ Keeping in touch with customers, getting feedback from customers about quality's products.
+ Ensuring guests are taken care in a timely and checking
with guests if they encountered any problem with the service.
+ Managing and supporting the delivery team.
Award: The largest branch's sale of the month.
Akademisk bakgrunn
2025-03 - 2025-03