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(Oppdatert %updatedDate %)Fullstack utvikler
Oslo, Norway
Innfødt Pashto, Pushto, Flytende Urdu, Norwegian, English
- 10+ års erfaring med Java, Spring og MySQL
- 10+ års erfaring med .NET, Azure og SQL
- 5+ års erfaring med ReactJS, Redux og TypeScript
Ferdigheter (55)
Technical Testing
.Net Core
Teknisk Dokumentasjon
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Medisinsk Laboratorium
2023-01 - Nåværende
Working with PnP templates for setting up SharePoint and React components written with Typescript when building the GUI. We use Fluent UI as a starting point for many of the components and use SASS for styling.
You will of course come across Powershell in many contexts. We also develop some code on an "addin server" and here you will come across building your own REST api's, creating Remote Event Receivers and Remote Timer Jobs. You will also come across database work and have the opportunity to create SSIS packages. We have a CI/CD approach where the code is built and distributed by machine as it is merged in Git on Azure DevOps.
Responsibilities included; - Full stack development (SharePoint Online and SharePoint OnPrem) - Maintain code structure, version control, tools and environments - Develop SPFX using ReactJS/TypeScript - Develop Dokumentation Poral using NextJS/TypeScript - Develop Research Portal (Forskningsportal) using NextJS/TypeScript - Code review and keep track of all self-developed code in our solutions - Participate in projects and upgrades, contribute to continuous improvement - Troubleshooting and correction of the solutions we have developed ReactJS Redux TypeScript SharePoint Online Windows PowerShell Azure Devops
2014-01 - Nåværende
C# Systems design Mobile Applications Requirement specification HTML PHP SQL .NET Framework Application architecture Micro services Altinn eFormidling as Fullstack Developer / Architect Responsible to build and test new eFormidling component that will be part of the Altinn 3 platform. Building a Microservice for handling documents from the Muncipalities and other stakeholders of the eFormidling platform and integration with Altinn3.
C# ASP.NET Core ReactJS Kubernetes Terraform Azure Devops Micro services Azure Node.js TypeScript TDS - TaxiPortalen as Fullstack Developer Responsible for development of TaxiPortal and maintenance of other applications built with Microsoft .NET and SQL Server. A complete solution using microservice architecture / SOLID Principles with the latest technologies, e.g.
Microsoft .NET Core and Blazor have been developed and delivered to replace the old TaxiPortal as well as maintain the old legacy applications and services.
The project also included the development of a complete car simulator solution to provide data integrity.
C# ASP.NET Core Azure Devops Micro services Azure Blazor Requirement specification Solution Architecture Node.js TypeScript Harmonia - Sparebank1 Østlandet as Fullstack utvikler Developed web service / microservice based on Java, ReactJS and Redux to handle banking resources on the Azure platform. Harmonia enables the bank to add and remove resources on Azure through the pipeline and Microsoft GraphAPI.
C# Github Actions ReactJS Redux Microsoft Graph API Micro services Azure Requirement specification Solution Architecture Melde.no (Norsk HelseNett) as Fullstack utvikler Developed platform melde.no for Norsk Helsenett. With melde.no, healthcare personnel and other employees in the health and care service can report unwanted incidents here at melde.no. The service can also be used by employees of pharmacies or other businesses that use medical equipment.
C# ASP.NET Core Azure Devops ReactJS Redux TypeScript GlobalConnect - CRM as Fullstack utvikler GlobalConnect's old CRM was based on PHP and MySQL. The main goal of the assignment was to create requirements analyses, strategy, planning, estimation and structure of a new corresponding application based on Java with VueJS in the front end. At the same time managed fixes in legacy applications for day-today operations.
2021-01 - 2022-10
Output; • Refactor legacy Survey Application (SIV) developed in Java / Grails and develop a application using ASP.NET / C# .NET Core WebAPI and React/ Redux with TypeScript on frontend.
• Refactor the backend Java version and fixing errors in the current system • Identify synchronization errors and fix problems as well as implement new requirements • Developed interface (ReactJS / Redux / TypeScript) of the application • Using JavaScript and jQuery, created custom functions for SharePoint 2013 • Developed custom web parts for SharePoint portal use.
• Write efficient Java (APIs) • Responsible for AWS architecture, managing resources and roles Java Groovy Spring Boot React HTML5 Micro services Solution Architecture SharePoint Online .NET Core C#
2022-01 - 2022-08
Django Python PostgreSQL TypeScript ReactJS RestAPI
2019-03 - 2020-12
Python Redux Terraform Microsoft SharePoint Django ReactJS Github Actions
2019-08 - 2020-03
2019-01 - 2019-07
Today, Fürst Forum has close to 3,000 daily users, over 80% of our samples are requested electronically and new users are constantly being added. With Fürst Forum Flex, doctors' offices can now choose to go paperless.
Fürst Forum is interactive with Fürst's databases and therefore we can offer functionality far beyond electronic requisitioning and response display.
C# .NET Core Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (SASS) HTML5 JavaScript Microsoft Azure SQL Database Continuous Deployment Agile Project Management React
2018-06 - 2019-04
In addition, they are expanding the IT services in the near future, and therefore both an extra pair of hands and versatile skills are needed to help them improve, develop and design the core IT systems.
Laravel 5 JavaScript PHP HTML5 MySQL Scrum Master Leadership Project management Agile Project Management VueJS
2018-07 - 2019-01
Output: • Create a test community for Norwegian to test functions - SuccessFactor integration; SharePoint integration.
• Innovation Recruitment / onboarding using chatbots: I have just had a meeting with Prepp (chatbots) and Terje Eid-Hviding in HR about how we could use Prepp to automate our onboarding.
• Development of SharePoint components on ReactJS, Redux, TypeScript Microsoft SharePoint C# Azure Active Directory .NET Core Facebook Workplaces
2016-06 - 2018-06
The team consisted of a total of eight people, five in India and three in Norway. The payment solution I was responsible for implementing has as of today's turnover for more than NOK 20 million and is the company's only source of income.
Responsibility: • Develop microservices in collaboration with the company's management and development team in India.
• Prepare requirements specification, estimation of tasks and technical architecture.
• Choice of technology and methods, as well as integration with payment solutions.
• Delivery, development of key functionality, user experience and quality assurance.
C# ASP.NET Core Microsoft SQL Server HTML5 ASP.NET WebApi Scrum Master
2012-07 - 2013-12
.NET Framework ASP.NET WebApi Microsoft ASP.NET PHP C# SQL Team development Requirement specification Business modelling
2010-10 - 2012-07
.NET Framework Microsoft ASP.NET C# HTML JavaScript PHP Objective-C (ObjC) Android development Mobile Applications
2008-09 - 2009-06
Responsibility for requirements analysis, mock-ups, follow-up of stakeholders, architecture, database and development, as well as preparation of requirements specification based on requirements analysis (Software Requirement Specification Document).
System analysis and design User interface development Microsoft Project Microsoft Visio Documentation Software prototyping .NET Framework Microsoft ASP.NET C# Team management
2004-01 - 2008-09
Responsibility for design, planning, requirements analysis and development of services for the protection of children in Afghanistan, including demobilization of child soldiers, trafficking, child labor and registration of births. The system for registering births is currently used as a personal register in Afghanistan.
Project management Systems design Application architecture Selection and implementation of software Microsoft Access Microsoft SQL Server Training documentation Coaching Application monitoring Requirement specification
Akademisk bakgrunn
2001-01 - 2003-01
1999-01 - 2001-01