Experienced IT and People Manager  Langesund, Norway

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Experienced IT and People Manager

Langesund, Norway

Innfødt Norwegian, Flytende English

  • Organisational Development
  • People Management
  • IT Management

Ferdigheter (16)


















Veeery long experience in working and interacting with people in the area between IT and Business.

My "IT career" actually started over 40 years ago when I served my military service in the Navy as a COBOL programmer. After graduating from University I worked a a few years in a small consulting company in Bergen and Trondheim and then as Support Manager in the Trondheim office of Scanvest Olivetti.

In 1990 I moved to Telemark and spent 17,5 years in Statoil/Borealis. The first years I worked with selecting and implementing ERP systems (SAP). From the mid-nineties I had different Group Leader and Manager positions in the corporate IT organisation of Borealis. I was heavily involved in implementing IT&S as a true process organisation across geographies. For 5 years I was responsible for Competence and Resource Management of 130 IT employees from 7 different countries and by that part of the IT Management Team of Borealis. This role ment a lot of travelling, a lot of cultural challenges and dealing with local management in many countries. An experience I would not have been without!

After the sellout of Borealis' plant in Norway to Ineos in 2007, all the Norwegian IT employees were transferred to IS Partner, which soon became part of EDB Business partner (which again merged with Ergogroup into EVRY, which now again is merged with Tieto into TietoEVRY).

From 2008 until 2013 I was Key Account Manager in EDB Business Partner/EVRY, working with ao Statoil. From January 2012 until end of 2018 I headed a team of highly skilled Project & Change Managers in Porsgrunn - as well as leading the total Consulting unit in Porsgrunn. I was also the location manager for EVRYs office in Porsgrunn from 2015 up until Febrary 2020.

From January 2019 until eof February 2020 I had a role as special advisor for a newly established Transformation Office in EVRYs Nordic Consulting Organisation, with the aim to form the future
Consulting Organisation in the Nordics. A lot of fun and quite some transformation delivered!

From 2015 I have chaired a Cluster of regional IT Companies, IKT Telemark. This is has been a very inspiring area to partcipate in, and I want to work more in the area of regional, organisational and professional development. So from March 2020 I have taken an early retirement from TietoEVRY, and I am now starting up a, in a small scale, as an independant consultant using my experience to work within areas I find  interesting. I have now an office desk at Klosterøya in Skien and I am working closely together with Ibsenbusiness AS to explore new possibilities and to use my vast experience to the best of others. Exciting!


Independent Advisor

2020-03 - Nåværende

EVRY Norge

2012-01 - 2020-02

Transformation Office

2019-01 - 2020-02

EVRY Norge

2012-01 - 2018-12

Leading EVRY Consultings regional office in Porsgrunn. 40 employees.
Key Account Manager

2012-03 - 2014-01

Key Account Manager
EDB ErgoGroup

2008-01 - 2011-03

IS Partner was taken over by EDB Business Partner in 2008.

Responsible for the total engagement (incl. establishment of new delivery agreements) towards Ineos ChlorVinyls (ex. Hydro Polymers). From 2009 also
responsible for the total engagement towards the Trading and Retail part of StatoilHydro.

1 year
Deputy Process Owner

2007-01 - 2007-12

Special Adviser

2007-06 - 2007-12

IT Manager
Borealis Group

1990-01 - 2007-01

included appraisals and salary setting, union contacts, link to local HR, HSE
(i.e. work¬place studies) etc..
Process Owner
Borealis Corporate

2003-01 - 2007-01

Corporate manager and overall responsible for all Borealis IT personnel
(staffing, recruitments, deployments, competence development, resource allocation). Handling people in 7 countries (Finland, Sweden; Portugal and Austria). Extensive contact with all HR departments in Borealis, both local and corporate. Member of the corporate IT Mgmt team.
Deputy Process Owner

2000-01 - 2002-12

Development of long term IT strategies and concepts for long and medium
term planning. Focus increased value for Business of IT investments.
Business Coordinator / Competence Network Coach
Borealis Corporate

1998-01 - 2000-01

Various roles in the IT&S process organization, mainly working in the strategy process focusing on increasing business alignment. Also working as Competence Network Coach for personnel working in the SAP area.
Participated in the design and implementation of a new process oriented IT
organisation in Borealis.
Group Leader IT Development
Borealis Bamble

1994-01 - 1998-01

Borealis was established early 2004 as result of a merger of the petrochemical
activities of Statoil and the Finnish company Neste.
Responsible for local Development group (6 persons). Participated in the corporate implementation project of SAP R/3 in Borealis ("Birdie") - running in Brussels. Responsible for coordinating all in-house development.
Senior System Consultant
Statoil Bamble Bamble

1990-01 - 1993-01

Various roles in the IT organization, mainly working with selection of new
finance systems for Statoil Bamble.
Support Manager
Scanvest Ring A/S Trondheim

1988-01 - 1990-01

Responsible for after sales and support of all customers in the Mid-Norway
region (infrastructure and applications). Manager of appr. 10 persons.
Senior Consultant
Mikro Konsult AS

1982-01 - 1988-01

Senior IT Consultant / Manager
Mikrokonsult/Delfi Data A/S Bergen/Trondheim

1984-01 - 1988-01

Various assignments, ao. 1 year of System Development for Norsk Hydro in Bergen. Responsible for start-up and daily management of branch office in Trondheim.

Akademisk bakgrunn

IMD (International Institute for Management Development)
IMD (International Institute for Management Development)

2005-01 - 2005-01

Cand. Polit
University of Bergen

1977-01 - 1984-01

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